The girls started Jr. Lifeguard camp at the beach. This was Addie’s first year (you have to be 7 to start) and she has loved it. Comes home every afternoon covered in sand with a huge grin on her face. It makes me laugh to think about three years ago when El started this camp. I would come home immediately after picking her up and vacuum out the car. My car is currently covered in sand and has resembled the beach for a month now and I’ve hardly noticed. Three kids. It has definitely mellowed me.
You guys. I have been going CRAZY cleaning out my house. Went through all of our paper and files…
and the girls’ school work I’m saving. It had really piled up and I was so behind on filing it. Luckily it didn’t take long because of
my system for saving everything. Getting it all into albums will be another story. For another day.
I am getting rid of things right and left. It feels so good! Kenny was like “you’re getting rid of all of the videos?” “Yes dear. When was the last time you sat down and watched Sound of Music on the VCR?” My kids and husband get so stressed when I get in these clean out moods. They know nothing is safe! My motto is that unless I am 100% sure we should keep something when I immediately pick it up, it goes. No “um.. hmm… maybe… should I keep it?” When in doubt, throw it out. Less stuff. It’s the best way to keep your home organized.
I have been living at our Goodwill drop off. They know me by name. :)

These are bags of some of the girls’ clothes they have grown out of. I went through all of my kids’ closets with a vengeance! The I divided everything up for wonderful people I know with little girls.
Anything we won’t need in the next two months in the kids’ rooms I’ve packed up! Empty closets!
And empty drawers. It’s strange. And so so nice.
Fabric samples for the girls’ rooms! Aren’t they fun!? I’m sure their new rooms (along with the rest of the house) will take a lot of time to decorate, but I at least want to have their bedding picked out and a plan made so that I know what color to paint their walls. Not an easy task! There are too many cute options!
We’ve been passing summer afternoons in the old back yard. Picnic on a towel anyone?

And in the new back yard. The trampoline set up is no where near done but I can’t keep my kids off of it and I’ve given up trying.
Pretty palm trees – a few pics I took with my phone running errands.
Ellie asked me last week why I never wear any of the jewelry she made me last summer. Well. Good question! So this week I have worked my beautiful assortment of beaded necklaces into my wardrobe. And I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the smile on her face when she sees me in them. New summer trend around our house.
I walked past this quote on some steps the other day – “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple.” Love that. It makes you want to smile and do something kind for someone, doesn’t it?
And just in case you weren’t frightened enough from my last post, here’s my scary little monster one more time. In his mom’s sunglasses. :)
xoxo, Erin
I’m given such a hard time from my family when I try to throw out unnecessary things! But I keep hearing your words in my head as I organize and it keeps me on track! Your unpacking will be so much easier since you’ve sorted and purged ahead of time. So happy and excited for you and thanks for sharing this crazy time with us!
Wow, your house looks awesome!!! I was wondering what size is your trampoline? It looks huge. Thanks for sharing. So happy you guys are having a fantastic summer. Willow
I clean the same way! and those lifeguard classes seem really cool. Hanna Marie
It’s so great you have these posts to document this crazy time in your life – it’s a great “diary” to show how things were for your family this summer! Fun!
I am laughing at the bag of VHS tapes – I did the same thing after we moved. I mean really – we haven’t watched a VHS tape since 2001! Maybe before?! I don’t tell my family about my donations – I just do it when they are gone! Ha! So mean.
Love this blog. And I love seeing your beautiful children, and that beautiful house you are building!
You are doing good girl! I have boxes of papers from when the girls were in school. Hmm…the baby graduated a year ago?!!! Now that I have my craft room set up, I am hoping to tackle that and the pictures next fall. Katie has currently taken the room over painting things for her gallery wall ;-) Why move all that stuff if you know you will never open the boxes, nor miss it?!!
Love it all! One note, be sure than any Disney movies the kids love be sure to buy them on DVD before they go into the vault! That’s one reason why my mom has held on the to VCR tapes (we can always transfer them to DVD’s later).
Love it all and it looks like such fun! I will be spending next week organizing everything in the apartment once I get this last teaching exam out of the way. I can’t wait to be completely organized before school starts and I’m hopefully teaching full time.
One note: be sure to buy any Disney movies the kids love or you want to have on DVD before they get locked away in the Disney vault (one reason we kept some on VHS, they can always be transferred to DVD’s later).
Every time I read one of your clean-out posts, I find it so inspiring and motivating! Now if only I could translate that into action…
And I love your backyard picnic. My little 2-yr-old girl would have a picnic every day if she could (we’re trying to fit in as many as time and other plans permit).
Hi Erin!
Thanks so much Jennie! What a sweet comment. I do think the move will go easier if I keep plugging away… one closet at a time. :)
Burse Blessings – Thank you! The trampoline is 16 feet – yes – it’s big! We knew it would be covered with friends non stop! :)
Thank you for the fun comments everyone! Anonymous – so kind. Thank you!
Whoa…it’s getting close now, huh? I’m so excited for you! Was down at SDSU the other day and thought of you. I kept looking around as we were driving thinking, “I know Erin is around here somewhere….”
How cute Erin! I’m sure you have your hands full! Btw I see Addison has some curly hair. I don’t know if she cries like mine does when I try to brush her hair. But, try the Wet Brush! They sell it on Amazon and it works WONDERS! Best of luck with the move. God Bless you and your beautiful family. Carly in Florida :)
You should have called me Katrina! We could have met at the beach!
Thanks Carly! We LOVE the wet brush! I just bought one a few months ago and you are so right – works like a dream with Ad’s hair. :)
Hi Erin – I am with you on the decluttering! Just think, you will have placed your hands on everything you own by the time you’re done! I couldn’t help but notice your copy of The Money Pit in that trash bag!
Question about the trampoline – I love this idea – seems so much more safe. Do they have to just dig a hole and time it with pretty pavers or is there something in the hole?
Enjoy your organizing and de-cluttering!
Lori in Va Beach
Hi Erin, love the pictures! We’re currently in winter over here in Australia and seeing all your pictures make me long for some warmer weather and Beach days! Not sure if you’ve done a post like this before but would love to know how you organise your beach bag? It’s such a juggle as you don’t want to bring to much and be lugging it down the beach, every year I’m getting better and only taking the essentials but would love to see what you do. Thanks Courtney :)
Erin!!! You’re almost there! So exciting. :) Love that picture of Addie at the top, full of sand. :)
My kids would DIE if they got hold of that trampoline. There is no way on earth I’d be able to make them wait to use it! Super awesome!
Hugs to you,
Hi Erin, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
Thanks everyone!
Lori – nothing special in the hole. :) Yes – they just line it with pavers or something to create a retaining wall to hold the dirt back.
Hi Courtney! Thanks – that’s a good post idea!
Thank you so much Tamie and Chris! Such sweet comments.
I just saw that quote for the first time last week too. There is a lengthier version, that is the one I saw. It was on the faculty bathroom door at my son’s middle school. Such a great quote! Vey motivating.