Crazy week so I’m just dumping some new house pics that are on my camera! Building this house has been quite a marathon and we are in the sprint to the finish line. Almost there! Thank goodness because I am OUT of gas. I’d ask Kenny to carry me across the finish line but he is even more weary than I am. Guess we will limp together. :)
Quick lunch break to help me get the orb in its proper place.
They started putting the glass in the front door today!
I put these fun Hundi Lanterns from Pottery Barn in my hallway. They were the lights that I had for my upstairs hallway too but the ceiling isn’t as high and they were too long. Still looking for their replacement.
Here is a look at how my office/scrapbook/homework/craft room is coming along! We started putting on the hardware. Ignore all of the blue tape. And the rest of the mess. Definitely still a work in progress!
A lot of my lights are clear glass fixtures. Love that look!
Hardware and light fixtures were probably my favorite things to pick out.
This dutch door hardware makes me smile every time I see it.
I put white porcelain knobs with black plates on all of my craftsman style doors. Throw back to a different era. I adore them.
I wanted to put fun fixtures in the kids’ rooms, but my kids love their ceiling fans so I searched and searched to find some cool fans for them and finally landed on these…
They are so fun! The whole thing spins and then each smaller fan on the side spins (together or separate). Now the kids get their fans and I still get to have a fun light in their rooms. Win win. :)
Here is a peek of my powder bathroom.
We wallpapered it today!
So happy with how it turned out!
And a quick peek of our family room fixture. It’s galvanized and has a cool silvery gold look to it. The couches I ordered for this room have a linen fabric that is similar in color.
I have this room all decorated in my head. :) Hope it all comes together!
Now that I’ve showed you some pretty pics, want to see some not so pretty ones?
This is what my garage at the new house currently looks like…
Yikes! Scary stuff.
Two weeks and we are moving in!
Hopefully things will be just a tad cleaner by then.
xoxo, Erin
I love every detail in all the rooms and the light fixtures are ~Beautiful.~ I am seeing the orbs everywhere. I saw pictures of The Showcase Of Homes in Utah and they displayed a lot of Orbs. I think the fans are so cool.
2 weeks! Now you can start making your beautiful new house into a home.
I am so happy and excited for you guys Erin.
So excited for you Erin. The house looks gorgeous, can’t wait to see it all come together.
I am so excited for you- it seemed like it would be ages til you moved in but now it’s so close! Those fans are MAD! They must give really good airflow too. What do the kids think of them?
Looking good Erin! You’re on the home straight now! Your powder room walls look great and I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of your family room. Best wishes xx
Erin – everything is coming along so nicely! I can’t wait to see it in a few weeks! I know it will all be beautiful!!
Love it! I’m wondering what color gray paint you used?
Love it all! Love how light and airy the craft room is! Love the fans in the kids rooms! Love love the wallpaper ! Stopped and said a prayer for the final touches and for move in day to go smoothly! Keep sharing!
Love all the details! Can’t wait to see it all come together. I will be “pinning” your house. :)
I’m in love with the white door knobs and black plates! LOVE, LOVE!
Yes, where did you get the doorknobs?!?
Door knobs are all from Emtek! :)
Hi Erin! Your new home looks beautiful! I’m in the midst of doing up my powder room and am loving what you have done to yours. Is there any way you could post some more powder room pics…love the wallpaper!
beautiful – cant wait to see your family room complete. what didyou end up getting for your couch in there? maybe 2. also looking forward to seeing your kitchen… gorgeous home!! best of luck with the move in 2 weeks…
I’ve looked at these photos at least 10 times already today and nope still not tired of it! It’s all looking lovely.
I hope you’re able to enjoy the excitement of 2 weeks to go till you get to move in to your beautiful new home and it’s not overwhelmed by the no-doubt stress of a million details to be finalised.
Can’t wait for all the decorating and organising photos/posts – no pressure lol.
PS LOVE all your light fittings, but the family room one? – WOW, just WOW!
Everything is coming together so nicely! –Hanna Marie
Thank you so much everyone! We are so happy to be close to move in day!
Laura – kids loved their fans. We have to turn them on and watch them every time we visit the house. :)
Anonymous – I’m posting a Q & A post (hopefully tomorrow!) with paint colors in it.
Anonymous – I will show more powder room pics for you soon! It’s hard because everything is covered (floors, counters, etc). As soon as we move in I’ll be able to share better pics of what things are really looking like. Exciting you are re-doing yours! That sounds so appealing to me – to work on ONE room at a time! :)
Absolutely gorgeous. I too have looked several times. I love the glass for the lighting. Am updating a house we bought and chose a lot of glass as well. Love the one in your craft room – haven’t seen that shape very often. All your hard work is paying off – so great!
I am so happy for you and your family to be moving in in 2 weeks!!! OH YEAH! The hard work is really going to pay off. the house looks so beautiful Erin. You are almost there kiddo. Keep on chuggin!
Everything is so beautiful! Wish I had an eye for decorating like you- if I were building I would just be super stressed and frozen with indecision!
Everything is looking brill:) I especially like the light/fans in the children’s rooms. I’d love something like that in
my house, especially the lounge & my bedroom.
What’s a powder room? I’ve never heard of those.
Just curious, have you made a list from start to finish of what everything has cost in the building of your house or would that be a bit too scarey?!
It would be interesting for you look at & remember in the next few years:)
I bet you can’t wait till 2 weeks time:) I bet it’ll be strange to leave your neighbourhood but exciting to live in your new house as last:). I bet the 1st night you won’t be able to sleep with exhaustion & excitement:)
Thank you for sharing your house journey with us.
By the way, a couple of months after my Dad died my home teacher blessed/dedicated my house & I’ve always felt safe & secure since then:)
Whoops, didn’t mean to write I bet so many times!
It looks like you have made some EXCELLENT choices! Everything is so beautiful and fun and just GORGEOUS! I love those lights from Pottery Barn that you have in your hall. I’ve been planning on putting a couple of those over my dinning room table as soon as we get to working on that room. I LOVE the light you chose for your office too! Your house is really a masterpiece. I wish I lived close by and could bring you some pumpkin bread and see it! But pictures are good too. :) Good luck crossing the finish line. My parents have built homes a couple times and I will tell you that yours is a lot more complete than any of theirs ever were when we moved in. Have fun!
Love it! Especially the scrapbook room! Love the colors as well. Cant’ wait for the Q & A
Looks amazing Erin!!! Love everything you have picked out.
Gorgeous! So happy for you :)
Gorgeous! I check your blog daily for new house updates and can’t wait to see the finished thing!
Love the door handles!
Love, love, love it! Especially the doorknobs!!
It is soooooooo beautiful! I think I passed out from excitement looking at your craft room and all of those CABINETS!!! are you ever going to come out of that room?! You are one lucky lady :)
AMAZING!!!! Ok I am wondering where your family room light is from and also your craft room light?? LOVE!!!
Hi Erin! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the powder room wallpaper! It is just beautiful.
The big orb light fixture that you got from Restoration Hardware is AMAZING!!! You couldn’t have chosen a more perfect fixture!
The white porcelain doorknobs with black backplates are another favorite! I never would have thought to do that! You think of things that the rest of us can’t even imagine! You really are an incredible designer/decorator/architect with your talents!!
The ceiling fans are so FUN!! I know your girls will love them! Does Kole have one in his room, too?
I love your Dutch door, and I think I would have to live in your scrapbook room/office!! Having that many cabinets is a dream of mine!
I’m so looking forward to seeing your kitchen with your double islands!!
Thank you so very much for letting us get a glimpse of your wonderful new home – it makes my day to see a new post!!
it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see it with all the furniture.
Wow, the new house looks so gorgeous! Such a dream home! And I love all of your light fixtures! :)
I’ts official – you have made me want to bulldoze my house and start over! or just move in with you :) That dutch door, I just can’t even – In LOVE! Like big pink puffy heart in love – can’t wait to see it all decorated!!! – Kelly (thelilypadcottage)
I love your style! We are in the middle of building our dream home too. I was wondering what light fixture u used in your dining room?
Honestly this whole process blows my mind. It takes a certain kind of person to want to make every single last decision like you’ve been done.
I mean, take the powder room – you all picked the floor plan I’m sure, but then there are surely things you can change like how big of a vanity to put in, how high to position the vanity, what the vanity to should look like, mirror placement and type, light fixture, paint/wallpaper, baseboards and paneling, window height, window look, type of faucet, bowl, toilet bowl, flooring, etc. etc. and that’s just the powder room.
I’m exhausted and could NOT do what you’re doing. Especially the whole pulling the house together making it all fit like a puzzle.
And I know this is completely inappropriate but I’d kill to know the final amount of this home. I mean that house could probably be built from basic plans and spec’ed out with all the modern but typical fixtures and handles, etc. All the special stuff you guys have added has no doubt changed the price, NOT that I’m trying to make you feel self-conscious, obviously you have the $$ to spend so good for you on taking the pride in creating what you want. But it would seem the budget was skies the limit – was there anything you skimped on?
The house is Beautiful and your homey touch hasn’t even been applied yet. I can’t wait to see it decorated and furnished!!! :)
WOW! 2 weeks!!!? exciting!!
looks amazingly beautiful! :)
It is looking sooooo great! I love living vicariously through you! It is so fun to see this house taking shape. I hear Better Homes and Gardens calling. You might need to do a story for them or something. Your house is MAGAZINE worthy!
Oh my word – you all are spoiling me with these kind comments. Thank you so much! I loved hearing from you all today.
Julie – a powder bathroom is a half bath (a sink and toilet – no tub/shower). :) Such a neat idea to have a blessing on your house! Love that.
Courtney – you are too cute! I’d love some pumpkin bread! I’d have you over in a heartbeat if you lived near by. :)
Ashley – q & a is coming! Sorry it’s taking me forever!
Meg – no! I plan to stay in that room FOREVER! :)
Jess – I’ll answer your question in a post soon! Thank you! I’m so glad you like them.
Jane – Can you come and live with me? If I’m ever having a bad day I’m calling you!! :)
Thank you Kelly! Means so much coming from you!
Kira – congrats on building! I’ll share more info. on lights soon!
Anonymous – your description of picking things out for my powder bath made me tired just reading it! Ha ha.. :) All the decisions really are exhausting. We are excited to almost be done with them! We’ve worked and saved for a long time for this so it’s exciting to finally see it happen.
Thank you so much everyone!
Thanks for explaining that. That’s what we call a loo here:)
Just curious, do most master bedrooms have an en suite bathroom with them? Many do here.
I don’t know about that Stephanie, but thank you! :)
Erin, your new house is amazing! i have been reading your blog for a couple of years now, and I love it! I have a weird question, but I think as a mom who probably packs for your family on vacation, you will understand. I will be taking my children to Legoland, SeaWorld, and Disneyland at the end of the month and I was wondering if you had any tips on what type of clothing I should pack for my kids. I am from Fresno, so it is still warm here, but I don’t think it is as warm as San Diego. Would layers be best?
You’re going to post pictures of every room once it’s complete, right? :) Also, this is so nosey, but I am wondering how much this is all costing? Having a dream home in CA always feels like such a dream. I hope someday I can too! :)
Julie – yes! Most masters have one here too. :)
jhatwig – definitely layers! It is cool in the morning, warm/hot in the afternoon, and then it cools off a lot in the evening – especially along the coast. We dress in layers year round here! Sounds like such a fun trip! Enjoy! :)
I love your house so far, you have the exact same taste as me, and if I able to build my dream home, this would be it. Thank you so much for sharing this experience with your blog friends.
Hi Erin!your house is beautiful!Im anxiously waiting for your paint colors!We start getting the house painted on Monday n I still haven’t decided the colors…could you please post colors ASAP!please please��love your house
Oh Erin, it looks so awesome!!! So crazy it’s just a few weeks away :) I love the wall paper in your powder room and your scrapbook/office/homework room is absolutely amazing! I would never leave :) ~gina
Thank you so much friends!
Desi – Q & A post will be up Monday and will include some paint colors! Any room in particular you were wondering about?
Yes the family room.Ours has a two storey cathedral ceiling as well so I knew who to run to for ideas��have been following your blog on the sly:)Thankyou for all the tips you share!Enjoy reading your blog n congrats on your awesome house.We got ours builder made so just trying to make it “custom”by adding bits of our own��
Oh my gosh Erin!!! I am absolutely in love with this house already!!! It is coming along so beautifully! I love the fans and the Gray with hat orb light…oh my word…Perfection. Love seeing the progress!! Can’t wait for you to tell us all the paint colors and such ;)
You can ALWAYS do a new house photo dump! I love them! Your house looks so great and so fun already! Hang in there – it will all be over before you know it and you’ll wonder what to do with all your extra time =)
I never have time to check blogs anymore… My crazy life, seems to get crazier with each passing day! I stopped for a sec today and checked out your blog. WOW! Can I please come visit?? The house is amazing! Can’t wait to see pics with you all moved in. I’ve missed our little cyber friendship. Your kids are darling as usual and growing up so fast. So happy you are still blogging. You’re amazing!! XOXO
You’re getting so close to moving in. I’m so excited for you guys & can’t wait to see it when you are all moved in.
Erin, thanks so much for sharing your journey! Love following along, especially since we started building our dream home a year ago near Vancouver Canada. There have been so many similarities between what you’ve done & what I have done or have planned for our home-style, colors, doors, built ins etc. I’m even using the Orb chandelier-in black on our back covered deck. When I showed my husband your blog he said “that could be your house”. All the best as you finish up & move in. Can’t wait to see it all done.
So very exciting!
Carolyn S
Loved the pictures! Soooo beautiful!
I love your house! Thank you for sharing all your pictures too!
Hi Erin – I just found you within this last month and so happy about it! I love your blog. You have carefully planned every inch of your new home and it shows….it is stunning! My first question….as I am sure I will have more : ) where did you get the light/fan fixtures for your girls’ rooms? I need one for my boys and love what you picked out. Thank you!
Hi Erin – Just wondering where you found those ceiling fans? I love them!!
Hi Shelley and Amy! So glad you like the fans! My girls have LOVED them. They are Craftmade fans. Here is the link!
Where did you get your file cabinet label hardware? Love it. Thanks, Megan
Hi Megan!
I ordered that hardware on-line at Lee Valley Hardware! :)
Hello! I love the doorknobs! What brand are they?
Thank you Elsy!
The door knobs are all from Emtek! :)
This is exactly what I am looking to do in my house! I found the door knobs on the Emtek website. Did you get the back plates from them too? Do you recall what model they were? I can’t seem to find the long ones like that!
Hi Tara! I don’t remember the specific information for those! So sorry. Good luck finding them! I’m sure if Emtek doesn’t have them anymore someone does!
Hi! I was curious if you could share your ceiling height in your first floor hallway? I’m looking to get the Pottery Barn Hundi lanterns for my hall but nervous they will hang too long. I have 9’4″ ceilings. Thanks!
Hi Meg! They are 11 feet high! I don’t know if those will work for you. In my upstairs hallway the ceilings are 9 feet and we ordered them for upstairs too and had to send them back. :( They just hung too low. Such a bummer, right? I still haven’t found replacement lights for my upstairs hallway! You might want to order just one to try and see, but I have a feeling they will hang too low. xo
Hi I was wondering where you purchased those door backplate? I am looking for those exact ones to redo the interior doors on our 1900 craftsman home. Thanks!! Looks awesome!!
I put white porcelain knobs with black plates on all of my craftsman style doors…
Emtek. :)
Erin. What color is on your walls? Specifically the entry way? and the white color of you’r trim? Looks beautiful!
Hi Jill! Thank you! You can find all of my house paint colors by signing up for my blog e-mails below! :)