Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a nice weekend. We spent ours attempting to sort through a fraction of the massive amounts of boxes living in our new garage. We’re so not settled right now! Getting my family of five ready to go is almost comical. We are all running in circles trying to find what we need to get out the door. Everyone is looking to me – “Mom – where is my other pink shoe?” “Mom – where are my notebooks?” “Mom – where is the hair spray?” I of course have no idea. I bought a pork tenderloin to throw in the crockpot for an easy dinner and I can’t find my crockpot. I’ve been in the same pair of jeans for six days now because my box of jeans is also MIA. It’s all in the garage somewhere. I just have to find and unpack everything. One box at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. A phrase I hear myself mumbling over and over lately. :)
In the meantime I’ll show you some pics of our family room that I took the day before we moved in.
I shared this picture of my family room light fixture and several of you asked me where I got it. It’s from Jeremiah Lighting by Craftmade and you can find it on-line here.
I fell in love with this fixture the second I saw it. In the catalog it looks totally grey/silver. I thought that would be perfect with all of my grey paint and chrome hardware in the kitchen. But when it came it was actually more of a goldish/silver. At first I was bummed, but then my electricians hung it and I decided I love it like this even more. It’s hard to tell in my pictures, but it has grey tones in it so it works really well in the space. I was debating going with more of a light tan couch so the unexpected goldish color of the fixture made my couch decision for me. Meant to be I guess. :)
I was a little worried about the fireplace jutting out from the wall, but I’m going to put some benches or console tables or something along the sides of it to make it work. Fun future decisions!
It’s a fun space. We just got the new couch (I’ll share pics of it soon) and that’s it for now! A nice blank slate to play with as soon as I’m done unpacking boxes.
Love the pictures Erin, and I hope you find those jeans soon!!! :)
Oh I can’t wait to see the rest !! We have been debating on building for about two years now I’m soo picky I really want to build a custom home but the hubs wants to take the easy way and buy a new cuntruction .. So I’m not sure :(.. Any advise ??
Bee u tee ful!
I actually love looking at the empty room bc u can see all the lovely details! And I can’t wait to see it at Christmas! You can do it!!! Go Erin go!
Thanks for sharing your home :)
Love the details in that room. I think you made a wise choice with the fireplace. As far as the TV goes, it looks really good. The way it is set in and the built ins around it really looks great.
I know the boxes seem endless but I bet you will have them empty in no time.
Have fun Erin. This is such a exciting time. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your beautiful family room. My favorite one though is of your sweet little witch and her curls :)
Love it and love the floors!
Although it’s so tempting to just speed through the unpacking process, it’s better to take some time and plan out where you want things and what would make the most sense, especially in the kitchen. I moved things around and rearranged for a good year after we moved in because I hadn’t thought it all through and just wanted the boxes gone! Good luck and enjoy making your house a home!!
I love the color! : )
“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” It’s so silly, but that keeps me going whenever I’ve got an overwhelming job to do.
Your family room is stunning, and the photo of your little witch is adorable! I would frame that and put it up every Halloween! Thanks so much for sharing!
So pretty! Thank you for sharing with us. These pictures of your empty space are motivating me to clean my own, ha!
And on the unpacking…just tell yourself that by Christmas everything will be in it’s place and you get to have fun decorating your new space! I always like to focus on something months away when I have a big job to do. ;)
I love the pictures.Did you manage to get those jeans?
Erin, I really love the light fixture and the contrast that it brings to the room. I think that it helps add some warmth. How are you going to arrange your furniture? Are you going to make the fireplace the focal point or the T.V.? Or are you going to arrange on the diagonal so that they are equally focal?
Halloween did creep up fast, I knew it would, but I’m right there with ya on getting it over with so that we can move on with the other holidays!!! No doubt, I’ll have Christmas music playing soon. ;-)
What an absolutely amazing space! I think you found the perfect combination of cozy and grand. So many congratulations on finally making the move. I’m sure the unpacking will be a distant memory in no time and you’ll be able to move on to all the fun stuff. I see big things for that mantle.
It’s so beautiful! You will be making such sweet memories in that room.
Hi Erin,
Really really nice! love the pictures!! Good luck with all the unpacking!!!
Gorge!!!!! Sounds like you need an emergency trip to the mall for some necessities! :)
It’s beautiful Erin! I’m dying to see your kitchen. I’m sure you’re a little overwhelmed right now….but also enjoying the organizing, just a little bit :)
Gorgeous! Absolutely beautiful.
Thank you so much everyone!
Jennie – you’re right! I keep rushing just trying to get things in a place, but I know I’m going to be moving things around ten times this way!
love it… can’t wait to see more and if you don’t mind pls remind us wat the color is again in your fmaily room.. the color pops beautifully against the white trim fireplace and built ins.
Congrats on the new home. It is gorgeous. If I’m ever crazy enough to build a home I’m coping 80-90% of your ideas!
It’s perfection! And I think unpacking and finding a home for everything is actually WAY more fun and exciting than packing is. Especially when you are working with THIS as your canvas! So happy for you guys.
omg, just gorgeous Erin!!!! I cannot wait to see more as well as how you decorate. hope you find your jeans ; )
Don’t you love a clean blank slate? There’s so much to look forward to! I don’t like to live amongst boxes, at. all. I would be a rusher for sure… and I like rearranging things, so this wouldn’t bother me. Do what you can without going crazy. :) I LOVE the floors.
I can’t wait to c pictures of your kitchen. U have good taste! Love everything about your new house. Focus on putting all the boxes away in the kitchen first once the beds are all together. Getting those tasks done will make u feel better! Amy
Love it Erin! I can’t wait to see more. It’ll all get unpacked eventually. Are the kids sleeping ok?
Thanks everyone! So fun hearing from you all today!
Anonymous – thank you! The color of that room is Seattle by Frazee.
Hi Traci! Yes – a bit of an adjustment for sure but we are settling into a routine. The girls love their new rooms. :) Kole keeps asking when are we going “home” so it might take a bit longer for him to adjust. But everyone is sleeping so thank goodness for that! :)
Hi Erin! It is so good to hear from you again – and I agree with your statement that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your orb lighting fixtures – the one in your entranceway and the one in your family room! Your wood floors are just beautiful, and I love the white woodwork with gorgeous gray walls. And I love how your vaulted ceilings are lined with the white woodwork also! I wondered if you had planned a specific spot for your Christmas tree, or if you are going to end up with more than one! :-) Take your time unpacking, and we will all be anxiously awaiting more pictures!! Thank you for letting us have a view of your new home built with love!!
I love the ceiling! So pretty. –Hanna Lei
gorgeous!!!! you made awesome choices. :-) i wanted to ask you about the floors- can you give me an idea of what you went with? we are in escrow on a house (closing on thursday!!!)- and we have hired a contractor to redo a lot of the house- so I am in the midst of picking out everything. your floors are just what I had in mind!
Oh, it is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the rest of the house:)
Thank you for sharing some pictures already! It is gorgeous, love it! When we remodeled our kitchen, my husband wanted a big TV on the wall. And, he got it- compromise for sure!
It’s so perfect! I love everything about the room, the wood floor, the colors, the molding, the ceiling. Everything has the WOW factor! I can just imagine how excited and happy your family feels to be in your new home now. Thanks for sharing what your new home looks like, so happy for you guys!
Amelia says, “Next year when we go to San Diego, can we visit them in their mansion and go swimming?” It’s a date, no?
Erin! Love this room, I’m sure your whole house is amazing. Just have to say good decision on the fireplace. We have a corner fireplace and I was so excited about it to begin with, but now I really wish we hadn’t done that. It makes the space really hard to decorate. Didn’t you mention symmetry in your post? Ya, there is no symmetry with a corner fireplace and I am a very symmetrical person, kinda seems like we might a little alike in that way ;) So excited for you, have fun getting settled!
I love your new house!! So beautiful! Could you share with me the beautiful color on the walls in your family room?
Thank you so much everyone!
Hillarie – that paint is “Seattle” by Frazee. I think it’s the perfect grey!
Hi again Erin,
I love everything about your family room!
The high but not too high ceilings, built-ins, both in size, color and shape, the paint color on the walls, the fireplace with its great size and location, the gleaming wood floors, the delicate perfectly sized chandelier that ties it all together.
This is a room that anyone would love and admire.
Great planning on your part for it! Seriously great. I’ve rarely seen a room as good!
Hi Constance!
Oh my word. You are spoiling me with all of these sweet words about my house! Thank you so much! You really are too kind.
what paint color is that? and the floors? I love it all!!! we are having a home built in spring/summer. I think that chandelier would be stunning in the entryway!
Hi Priscilla! The paint in that room is called “Seattle” by Frazee. The floors are custom and I wrote a post all about them here:
Hope that helps! Good luck with your build! So exciting. :)
I looked for this light fixture immediately online and looks like they carry it locally for me! Do you think it would make a good entry/foyer light? I would have it hung down enough that it would be viewable from a transom window above the front door.
Yes! I think it would be beautiful as an entry/foyer light! I love it. :) So fun!
Erin, I love your home it’s gorgeous! We are finishing our basement and are wanting to do a built in entertainment center. I love how you did yours. What Was used to cover up the speaker? Is it metal or like a mesh. I can’t quite tell from the pictures and I’m trying to find a good solution. Thanks!
Thank you Kayla! It’s a type of metal actually! My cabinet guy had a catalog with different types of speaker covers in it that I chose it from! Check with whoever builds your entertainment center! :)
Your home is absolutely stunning! May i ask what the demensions are for this space? My husband and i are in the process of designing our build layout and your living space looks perfectly open :)