If you’ve been reading this blog for long you know I love to decorate with lemons.

We had several fruit trees in our previous house but none of them did as well as our lemon tree.
It produced lemons at an insane rate and simply picking the lemons became a regular job at our house.
Lucky for us we always had lots of help with this chore.
(my girls were so little in this picture!)
So when we chose trees for the new house, lemon trees were at the top of my list for two reasons. Number one – I clearly can’t kill them. Which is huge because I’m about as good at landscaping as I am cooking. And number two – I still love to decorate with them!
I found this cool wooden bowl (would you call this a bowl?) at Home Goods and knew it would be perfect to hold lemons on my counter.
I’ve been trying to drink lemon water more often (so many health benefits!) so it’s handy to have them out on the counter like this.
I also love the way the wood warms up my kitchen a bit. I’m planning to add a lot more wood throughout my house. I haven’t really started decorating my kitchen yet. A few things on the open shelves, but I’m taking my time waiting to find things I really love and find useful.
My new wooden lemon holder is fun decor and so practical for me with my overflowing supply of lemons. A keeper for sure.
I guess I do have one more kitchen counter accessory I didn’t mention.
Soothing color palate don’t you think? :)
Also at Home Goods I found these fun Ikat organizers. I loved the pattern and color so much I picked up six of them! Such a steal at 4 bucks each. I’m not sure what drawers they are going in yet, but I’m sure they’ll find a happy home in no time.
Oh! And I decided to bring some navy into
my formal dining room! I’m adding pillows in the two fabrics on the right so this picture shows the final bench/chair/pillow combination. Can’t wait to see them in the room with
the new yellow rug. :)
Anyone else a fan of Home Goods? I find so many random cool, inexpensive things for my home in that store!
xoxo, Erin
I am so, so happy that you decided to choose navy to go with your color pallet. You will love it. Those colors will make you smile and they are so beautiful together. I love the combo in my house and I know you will too. I can’t wait to see it all done..””hurry” ;))
I also love Homegoods!! I love Marshals home decor too. I always find random things in both stores.
My favorite decor so far that you have shared is that sweet lil guy on your counter!!! :0 )
Love the wooden tray for the lemons. Too cute. May I ask what do you have son the wall above your stove? Looks like a tap?
I love the bowl you picked up. And, you are so smart to go slow in decorating your lovely new home. I think so many of us want it fully decorated right away and end up making many mistakes we regret later on. Love the old pic of the girls.
Thanks everyone!
Anonymous – it’s a pot filler. :)
HomeGoods is amazing. It’s #2 right behind Target on my favorite stores list. Love the fabrics you chose! :)
Almost 60% of our home is decorated by HomeGoods! We have a very large store (I think it might be the largest one in the state) about 5 minutes from our house —-so many stops are made there!!
I have incorporated navy throughout my main level – I’m a big fan. I painted the foyer navy as well and I love it. It’s not much wall space because it opens up into 3 rooms, but it makes such a big difference. I started using it 2 years ago and was feeling so ahead of the curve when PB put out their “indigo” catalog in January announcing it as the “in color”. :)
Erin, My BD is in March and I asked for a lemon tree. But hubs thinks it wont stay alive in NC. :(
Yes, LOVE Home Goods! Always finding fun things there! Your wooden bowl is great-I will have to keep my eyes open for one ;)
I was just at Home Goods today and found the perfect rug and oh so many other perfect things. It’s a dangerous store for the budget!
I LOVE Home Goods! In fact, I may need to run over and see if they have any of those aqua organizers left! I’ve been reorganizing some office drawers and could use some of those.
Love Home Goods especially in St. George! Love your lemon tree and decor – how fun!
I love Home Goods! The lemons look great as decorations –Hanna Lei
Hi Erin,
I don’t post often but i love all your posts! Especially new house ones :)
My sister and I are the biggest fans of Home Goods. In fact when she got married she went to tons of Home goods to put together her set of dishes :)
I just posted but forgot to sign off…
Sara from NJ.
I was just introduced to Home Goods. It is a great store!
Thanks everyone! Wish we could all meet up at Home Goods and have a party together. :)
I haven’t been to a Home Goods store yet, but clearly I need too. LOVE that “basket” you got there for lemons. So neat and unique for your kitchen.
Don’t you just love Grey? I really enjoy reading your blog to see your decorating ideas with that color. Very nice!
Okay, lemon water? I’ve never heard, but its supposed to be good for you? Do tell more!
Thanks, Ali
I haven’t been to Homegoods for so long. Probably over a year. I’ve been wanting to go & TJ Maxx too, but I just never make it there.
Have you had any issue with your coffee table. Any staining at all?