Another “first day of school” has come and gone. Â So hard for me to wrap my brain around my girls being in 3rd and 5th grade! Â I taught 5th grade when we first moved to San Diego. Â I had Ellie in the middle of my last year teaching and remember taking her to my classroom to meet my students. Â Such a tiny newborn with all of those big 5th graders. Â And now she is one of those big 5th graders. Â I cried doing her hair the first day. Â She was making me laugh – saying something funny – and it just struck me how grown up she looked and sounded. Â I always think I’m going to be fine on the first day of school (especially since by the end of summer I am ready for them to go back!) but then the first day comes and I’m not fine. Â I come home to a quiet house and tear up every year.

This little one was SO excited for preschool to start. Â He was racing out the door so fast that I only had time to snap two pictures of him and this was the best of the two. Â He’s at that fun age where you say “smile” and never know what you’re going to get. Â :) Â So glad he has one more year of preschool. Â I’m going to be a hot mess next year when he starts Kindergarten!
I’m excited to share our new system for organizing outfits for school! Â It’s pretty much the old system with a minor tweak.
The girls lay out their outfits for the week.
Just like they’ve done every Sunday for the past two years.
We now use these fun pink canvas closet organizers from Land of Nod. Â So excited about these! Â We didn’t have room for something like this in our previous house because we were so tight on closet space. Â But now that we have more room to breathe I love having a set place for the girls to organize their clothes for the week. Â This is a peek inside Ad’s closet.
 I waited for a sale and got each of these organizers for only 12 bucks!
They are sturdy and nicely made. Â I couldn’t believe how inexpensive they were.
I got out my trusty label maker and labeled each opening with a day of the week.
There are six slots so there was room for Saturday. Â I love this because my girls take gymnastics on Saturday mornings and now we have a place for their gymnastic clothes to call home.
Here is the same set up in El’s closet. Â Can you tell this child of mine loves purple? Â I had to really force her to look for clothes that weren’t purple this year. Â Last year she was in purple every other day!
She did well this week with only a purple belt and one purple top. Â A new record for her. Â :)
Regardless of how you choose to organize the clothes, picking out outfits for the week ahead of time always makes the morning ‘get ready for school’ rush much smoother!
Want to hear my crazy organized complicated system for organizing Kole’s outfits each day?
You’ll love it.
Ready for this?
He sleeps in the clothes he’s going to wear the next day.
I kid you not. Â He hates pajamas (what!? Â does he even belong in this family!?) so he BEGS me each night to let him sleep in his clothes. Â Over the summer I gave in because it was so hot at night and he was living in mesh shorts anyway. Â So I bathe him and put him in clean shorts and a top and he’s all set for school the second he wakes up. Â How’s that for streamlining the mornings. Â Ha! Â I’ll have to get him back in pj’s when it cools off at night because he won’t sleep with covers either. Â That kid. Â Talk about a major difference from his sisters who are pre-selecting coordinating socks and jewelry and headbands each day.
The joys of raising daughters and a son.
xoxo, Erin
LOL! I laughed so hard when you got to Kole!!! I did that when we were leaving really early to go on vacation. Now Elle does it. It is amazing how big the kids are!!
Love the organizers. Great price too.
Anne Romney used to have her boys sleep in church clothes on SAturday night because most of the time she was getting them ready on her own. So funny!
First of all, love your blog–I don’t think I’ve ever commented before, but you are one of my favorites! :-)
And secondly, I had to laugh because my oldest son is asleep right now in the clothes that he wore to school today. He is up and dressed every morning before anyone else is awake, but boy oh boy he does not like changing into his jammies at night! (He is way more particular about his clothes than his older sisters or younger brothers–this is my child who insisted on wearing khaki pants and a tucked-in buttondown to preschool every day. Now he’s loosened up a bit and wears the occasional Spiderman or Star Wars shirt.) :-)
Oh to be so organized!! What a great idea, Kole!!
Ha! Rachael I am laughing!! So happy to hear I’m not alone! I feel like Kole is robbing me! I love little kids in pj’s and he just really does not like them! Too funny about your son. The things we deal with, right!? :) So happy you enjoy my blog! Thanks for making me laugh. :)
Anonymous – hadn’t thought of doing it Sat. night in church clothes.. hmmm… ;)
Oh I love love love Kole’s organization process. Great minds think alike, Erin, because I just posted about school clothes on my blog too (go have a quick look) ��
My 2 sons sleep in their clothes each night. Gym shorts and t shirts. No wonder they are ready so much faster than my daughter :)
Love this post – your kids are so cute! wish wish we loved closer XO
I love this “updated” version to the school outfits!! This year we started picking out outfits sunday night and it’s made our mornings soo much easier!! Thanks again for the awesome ideas!
I thought I was the only one whose son slept in his clothes for the next day! He will only wear basketball shorts and a t-shirt, easy peasy! Now my older boys (13 and 12) get themselves dressed while my 11 year old daughter changes her clothes 3 times every morning before she is ready, lol.
My 4 year old son sleeps in his underwear. What is it with boys and hating pajamas? I too will have to transition him back because the winter in MN is too cold!
My 4 year old sleeps in his “next day clothes” as well! He hates PJ’s too… He is currently addicted to his Batman rain boots (even in this heat!) but I draw the line at letting him wear those to bed. ;) Oh, and he has to wear tank tops – NO shirts – because tank tops make him look awesome (his words). He’s my 3rd boy and they have all had some kind of phase like this. I love it! :)
Thanks for the great idea! I just purchased two of these for my boys. I can’t wait until they arrive!
Love your blog!
My little boy also sleeps in his clothes for the next day. Makes life easier for sure!
Love it! My boys have definitely taught me to pick and choose my battles. And every child is sooo different. Glad you found a system that works for everyone.
Hey Erin! I too, have three kiddos -two girls and a boy- in that order as well. I love to read your blog because I can relate!!
In the picture of your sweet daughter’s closet, I see a cute suitcase! My girls have requested new suitcases for Christmas this year, as we travel a lot. Where did you find that particular suitcase? And has it been a good, durable choice?
Thanks for all your hard work and sharing your mom friendly organizing advice!
Kelli :)
Thank you so much everyone! Oh my word – love hearing that so many of your boys aren’t sleeping in pj’s either! HA! Little boys. Too funny!
Sarah! Yea! You will love them! Thank you so much! xx
Hi Kelli! Those suitcases are from Pottery Barn Kids! They are about four years old so I don’t know if PB Kids has that same exact style, but they come out with darling kid luggage every year! Very durable – they’ve held up great! My girls always carry them on the plane – they are a great travel size. I need to get one for Kole! Good Christmas present idea. :)
Once again I am incredibly glad that we live in a country where school uniforms are the norm. Truly, it’s just way way easier.
That is too funny about Kole! That’s a boy for you…always making you laugh. He’s a cutie for sure.
I worked at a kids store one season and I was amazed at how many boys didn’t like any tags on their clothes…often times, that was why they didn’t like something. Does that have anything to do with him not wanting to wear pajamas? I used to buy my son the all cotton pajamas at Nordstrom. He was such a skinny kid that the pajamas looked the same on him as they did when you held them up. That always made me laugh. Love kids in pjs…so sweet!
LOL about Kole! Geez they are getting big. And I love that you have the room you need now – yay! :)
Erin you made my day with this post as it was like a light bulb moment for me haha I am now excited for my next organising task! Such a simple but clever idea, I love it! I especially love the labelled hanging shelves :)