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Family room update (pops of coral)

Ok.  Finally sharing the current state of our family room!  It still feels unfinished to me, but progress has been made.  I’m warning you all that I took way too many pictures of this space.  Then the indecisive side of me came out to play and couldn’t decide which to post/not post so apologies in advance for the picture overload!
 Added a few pops of coral which instantly livened things up.
And I’m in LOVE with this new lamp and my “happy when skies are grey” sign I happened upon in Utah over the summer.
I have a few seasonal ideas for the right side of this console.  I love color but something about this room calls out for more neutral pieces to me.  Blues, greys, whites, woods, tans…

I’m still looking for a better couch throw.  The coral blanket on the right side of the couch in this picture is one we’ve had for a while and it’s too thick.  My kids love to snuggle in it though so it will always be close by.
 Wait basket on the right hiding all of my buddy’s toys.  :)
 Ellie decided to photo bomb this picture.  :)
I haven’t styled the coffee table yet.
Just a start with this white tray, mercury vase and coral flower.  I’ll put some pretty flowers/plant in the mercury vase at some point.  (Tray and flower are both from Target!)
K.  I have to say that these bookshelves are kind of driving me crazy!  I’ve had them styled so many different ways and I still don’t love the way they look.
I think I just need larger/less items than I’m using.  From far back in the kitchen they look too cluttered to me.  But they are an improvement from previous attempts so they are good for now.  “Now” meaning  for the rest of this week of course.  :)
 I did add a few Fall touches with my all time favorite picture of my little pumpkin at the patch.
And these mercury pumpkins from Pottery Barn.  SO in love with the white/silver striped pumpkin!
Remember when I shared my all time favorite Fall quote?  I wanted to frame it so I was thinking about how to write it myself and then decided to hunt a little on-line first.  Lo and behold I found this chalkboard print on Etsy!  Too perfect!

Still loving the new floor lamp we scored for such a great deal over Labor Day.  I’d love to add a small end table next to this chair too at some point.  This is a great chair for reading (one of my girls is always in it with a book!) so it would be nice to have a place next to it to set things.

And we finally found a mirror for over our fireplace!
I love its clean lines and it’s the perfect size, but what a pain to hang!

Quick blurry phone pic of my husband and our carpenter attempting to get this perfectly straight.  Took almost two hours!  Let’s just say this baby isn’t going anywhere for a while.  :)

Excited to add more accessories to my mantel at some point.

A quick view from the kitchen.  The ski lift sign above the TV is a new/old addition.  I’ve had it for a couple of years and always planned to use it with my Christmas decor in the new house.  A few weeks ago I remembered it and decided to try it above the TV and I really like it there!  I grew up snow skiing so it feels like a piece of home to me.  Plus we don’t get snow in San Diego so I figured it brings a little “cold” into our lives around here.  :)

I haven’t added anything new to the kitchen.  I’m too busy just trying to keep it clean!  But I plan on styling it better and maybe trying to bring some of the coral accents in this space as well.

I’m also planning to add more greenery and just haven’t had time to do it.  Thinking a fiddle leaf fig plant might look good in that left corner?

Like I said, progress since I last shared pics!  Sorry if I just took up all of your free time that you didn’t really have with that post.  :)  If you have a question about a certain item let me know and I’ll answer in the comments.

Enjoy your day everyone!
xoxo, Erin
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69 thoughts on “Family room update (pops of coral)

  1. Wow — love the updates — your bookshelves look fabulous — sweet how you put your pumpkins up! I know I saw it before, but where did you find that great striped chair?

  2. Erin, it all looks fabulous! Your home should be featured in a magazine! You can’t possibly post “too many pictures” in my opinion. I go over them again and again and always see something I hadn’t noticed before. I get such great ideas from you! I didn’t notice until today that you had a kitchen sink in your first island! That is an excellent idea. I love your ceilings – I can’t think of the name of it – but it is beautiful!! Your color scheme with the grays and whites, with accents of colors is just perfect!! Oh, and I love love love the Pottery Barn pumpkins!!

  3. Thanks Jboo! The striped chair is from Pottery Barn

    Danielle – The mirror is also from Pottery Barn but I don’t think they are selling it anymore! We had to wait months for it and then soon after I saw it was discontinued. :( Probably because it was such a pain to hang! ;)

    Jane you are the sweetest! Thank you so much! I’m so happy you like it! xx

  4. Everything looks beautiful Erin. I love the lamp and the sign you got in Utah so much. The mirror really is stunning too. I also love the lanterns on the mantel.

    I think your bookshelves are perfect. What a happy place to sit as a family.


  5. You have a great start-go check out Emily Henderson’s bookcase styling in the new Domino mag/online.

    Also, here’s a link to her couch with blanket-I love it.

    Fiddle-leafs are all the rage in blogville, ( rightly so, I love them too)but you should pick a tree based on the amount of light that comes in to that corner.

    Thanks for sharing your updates! We are new to San Diego, and I love looking at houses here :)

  6. Thank you Courtney and Cathy!

    Valerie – I never did a full post on paint colors but I should! You are so right about greys. It’s a tricky shade to work with!

    Thanks Susan! I’ll check out that link for sure. I was actually considering the fiddle leaf fig for that very reason – we get a lot of filtered light in that corner so I think it would do well there. But I’m terrible with plants so nothing is safe in my house! Might not last long. :) Welcome to San Diego!

  7. It’s gorgeous! Love all the neutral with pops of color. The picture frames with linen mats in the bookcases are beautiful.

    Would you please share where the coffee table and console are from? They look like some I’ve seen at RH but I wasn’t sure… Thanks!

  8. Thank you Melissa! Yes! Coffee and console table are from Restoration Hardware. They are the Dutch Industrial set. Love that store! :)

    Good luck Amanda! It’s a wild ride. Awful and wonderful all at the same time. :)

    Thanks Cindee! Those are from Target!

  9. Hi Erin, I am enjoying your blog so much–thanks for all the effort and time you put into sharing! I am often smiling as I read, discovering that we own many of the same items. I think your family room is wonderful! I was just thinking that all it needed was a taller plant in the left corner when I read your words asking if that would be good there. I don’t have experience with the fiddle leaf figs but have loved using large palms indoors. Good luck!

  10. Hi, never commented before but felt the need to tell how much I enjoy your blog and pictures! It’s refreshing even among other home blogs I read and I always know it will be light and happy. Your home is beautiful and I always feel inspired by your decor. Have a nice day!

  11. As an impartial observer from afar, you have an amazing, wonderful, totally perfect family room in every way!!!
    Love the colors, the materials, the layout, the ceilings, windows, all of it!

  12. Oh Erin! Everything is so fresh and inviting! You have done such a beautiful job. IT is amazing to me how you are patient and are able to really take your time and enjoy the process! I am such a “now” girl and I hate that about myself! It’s more fun getting to see your house slowly transform into your “home”.

    and btw….NEVER apologize for “picture overload…there is NO SUCH THING. duh.

    Love it ALL (and I still give YOU credit for my AWESOME doorstop when people think I am so brilliant to have one… I am getting a drying rack in MY laundry room-you can call me copy-cat!)

  13. It looks gorgeous Erin. Still waiting patiently for your Master Bathroom post.. :-) I know it’s a coming… Lol. Thanks for sharing, Diana

  14. Hi Erin, been following your blog for awhile…just love it! Your new home is breath-taking and you can clearly see all the hard work that you have put into it.
    Just had a minute to write, as I thought of your comment about needing a side table for your chair (next to the new lamp) in the family room. I’ve had my eye on these ceramic tea stands—Colour.aspx?p7482c6 (there are many other names for them (garden stool, Chinese Grand drum, ceramic side table, etc). I live in Australia so that is where I’ve seen them so I’m not sure where in the US you would find, but you can Google it or I even found some images on Houzz (the IMax Tobias Cutwork Garden stool is beautiful). Think it would be great next to that chair-they come in bright colors-great to put your cup of coffee on or move in front of chair and put your feet up on. Just wanted to share with you!!
    Again, love the BLOG!!!

  15. Hi Erin, been following your blog for awhile…just love it! Your new home is breath-taking and you can clearly see all the hard work that you have put into it.
    Just had a minute to write, as I thought of your comment about needing a side table for your chair (next to the new lamp) in the family room. I’ve had my eye on these ceramic tea stands—Colour.aspx?p7482c6 (there are many other names for them (garden stool, Chinese Grand drum, ceramic side table, etc). I live in Australia so that is where I’ve seen them so I’m not sure where in the US you would find, but you can Google it or I even found some images on Houzz (the IMax Tobias Cutwork Garden stool is beautiful). Think it would be great next to that chair-they come in bright colors-great to put your cup of coffee on or move in front of chair and put your feet up on. Just wanted to share with you!!
    Again, love the BLOG!!!

  16. Hi, Erin! My parents are renovating their house and I have to show your blog to my mom. I know she will DIE when she sees what you’ve done with this space. It’s seriously stunning. I know how decor choices in large/open spaces can be hard, because my mom talks every day about this. But I think you’ve done a really amazing job. I love those pops of coral.

  17. Hi Erin, I live your styling but have a suggestion since you’ve said it still feels like a Work in Progress. How about seasonal colours – 1 colour for each season combined with your neutral whites, greys and metallics. So you could have pops of yellow for spring, your gorgeous aqua and turquioise for summer, the coral for fall and red for winter. You keep all your neutral accessories as is for the whole year and swap the coloured accessories in and out as the seasons change.

    I hope my explanation makes sense.

    All hinges in getting an arrangement of your accessories that you like which I don’t envy the task as I’m hopeless on it.

    Can I also second the master bedroom post request post – after your family room it’s the one I’m most looking forward to!

    Best, Mags

  18. Hi Erin, the only thing missing in this beautiful room for me is maybe a pop of color on top of the bookshelf/TV cabinet. I �� it.

  19. Lacey – what a sweet thing to say! Means a lot to me. Thank you! xx

    Momofgirls – Ha! I LOVE that you are loving that doorstop so much! It’s the little things in life, right!? Copy all you want – I’m flattered! :) xx

    Diana and Mags – Master bedroom post at some point for sure! That space is VERY undecorated. :)

    Westforth’s – I’ve considered a garden stool! Such a fun option. I’ll check out your link! Thank you! And thanks for the sweet comment about my blog. I’m thrilled you enjoy it! xx

    Anonymous – SO true. This space has been much harder for me than expected because of its size. Best of luck to your mom and thank you!

    Thank you Holli!

    Mags – I wrote a post on that very thing! My plan has always been to buy big neutral pieces and then switch out the colored accessories during the seasons. All of that coral will be replaced with red in December! Great minds think alike! :)

  20. The mirror and lanterns look awesome and love the floor lamp and chair! Just a suggestion….one or two more coral pillows on the couch might balance out the color better and have you tried turning the books around on the bookshelves? It would be fun to see the titles of the books and it might just throw in some more colors.

  21. Love the coral Erin! I too feel the same way about my built ins …that every time I look from the kitchen I think they look too cluttered maybe because the items are too small. I think yours look great! Someday I might be able to get to the store so I can buy some pieces for mine! :) I love your mostly neutral pallet…I’ve added blues to my living space and dining. Did you put a rug in your kitchen table area? Im contemplating that now…rugs are so hard for me to pick! I’m hoping to add pics to my blog soon. I have so many house pics but even more baby pics. :)

  22. I honestly think the bookshelves would look incredible filled with, well, books!
    You’ve got so much space in the room, the bookshelves look empty. I would fill them with lots of old books (the monotone colored kind, not the colorful things you buy today – or possibly new books wrapped in brown paper)!

  23. Love your family room!! I thought the same thing about the garden stool next to the chair. Your bookcase on the left is perfect. The right side needs a little tweaking. Your rooms are beautiful!!

  24. Love your pop of color everywhere. Looks gorgeous. What size are your farmhouse sinks in the kitchen? Thinking about ordering one for my house. Thanks, Jill

  25. Thanks so much everyone!

    Melanie – that light fixture is from Jeremiah by Craftmade.

    Jill – The biggest sink in the kitchen is 39″ long (with a divider inside), the small sink in the island is the standard 24″ sink. The sink in the downstairs laundry room is 30″ long (in-between them both). Hope that helps!

  26. Hi Erin! Love your home and was wondering if you could post some more in depth info on your ceiling work.. ie color and a close up of the beams, I am installing t and g next week and would love to create this look. I would as much info as possible:)

  27. You are probably going to hate me, but….the mirror is to high. Seasonal wreaths or a beautiful oil painting would add more visual impact and a splash of color. Just my 2 cents. Love your blog and your house is beautiful!

  28. Thanks Hanna!

    AImee – The color of all of our trim work is Aro-thane white by Frazee.
    The planks are 6 inches wide – I think? Close to that – I like them wide. You can see more pics of them that might help in this post:
    Hope that helps! Good luck! :)

    Sylvia – don’t hate you at all! Everyone has different opinions. I love the clean lines of the mirror and I like to add seasonal wreaths on top of my mirrors so you’ll see them at some point. :) So glad you enjoy my blog!

    1. Hi Erin, I live in Ontario Canada and our Sherwin Williams has 3 paint codes for Seattle. I absolutely love the color and your house. Wondering by chance if you have the exact paint numbers or formula for Seattle, Elf and Wavelength?

      1. Hi Julie! Oh my word.. I haven’t answered you yet because I have been looking for the numbers! I can’t see that I have them but if I ever find them I’ll add them to my paint post on my blog. Sorry that’s not more help right now! xo

  29. Hi Erin! I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now and love it! Your home is beautiful! Could you possibly tell me where the blue lamp on your console table in the family room is from? I’ve been searching for something just like it. Thanks!!

  30. Absolutely beautiful! I love the glass doors! Where did you find the large matching wicker baskets? Is your couch from PB? Has it been difficult to keep clean with kiddos?

  31. Hi Heather! Thank you so much! So happy you like it. :) The large matching baskets are from Restoration Hardware. Yes! Couch is the PB comfort. It IS hard to keep clean because we upgraded to a nice linen fabric. I LOVE the look but things don’t wipe off of it! I have to really watch the kids and we have a few spots on it already that won’t come off. One of those times I sacrificed “kid friendly” to get the look I wanted! Worth it to me. :) My kids love the couch though – it is SO comfortable. I would totally recommend it. You can order the couch in a more kid friendly fabric too. Hope that helps!

  32. I just found you and let me just say I LOVE your house. Your style is impeccable. Thanks for sharing all your pics. Keep them coming.

    1. Hi Tracie! Thank you! They were custom made. If you would like my friend/designer’s info. who I purchased them from send me an e-mail and I can give it to you!

  33. Your home is gorgeous! I absolutely love your style! I’m in the middle of a kitchen remodel and have picked/contemplating a Dark Gray for the Island and the cabinets. Could you please tell me the color of your island? It looks like the perfect shade :)

    1. Thank you Heather! My island is “Chelsea Grey” by Benjamin Moore but then we tweaked it just a bit (made it lighter I think?). Good luck with your kitchen remodel! So fun! xo

  34. Erin, I love your decorating style! I have similar colors in my home and am wondering where you got the throw pillows for your couch.


  35. We are getting ready to start construction on a house and I’ve appreciated reading up on your experience as we gear up for the adventure! You have give me a more realistic view of what to expect :) We are also putting in 2 islands (one for prep and one with bar seating). Can you please tell me what the dimensions of each island is and how much space you have in between them? And how much space from your prep island to the counter? Does the spacing you have work for you, now that you’ve lived in your house for a time? Would you change anything? It’s been a debate…I don’t want to shrink my islands too small, but don’t want to be squeezing by every time I work in the kitchen. Thanks! And I love your taste! Everything in your home has such a fresh, sharp look to it, while still feeling warm enough to be a home with kids. Beautifully done!

    1. Thank you so much Holly! I’m actually traveling and don’t have exact dimensions with me but I know my islands are around 3 1/2 by 7 each and there is around 4 feet (I think) between them. It works great! We were worried about the same thing! Best of luck with your new build! xo

  36. Have you seen coral ceramic flowers anywhere besides Target? They don’t appear to have them any longer. :(

  37. Your home is beautiful and looks amazing. Would you happen to know the name of the mirror over your fireplace from Pottery Barn. I know it was discontinued but on the hunt to find this. I absolutely love it. Any help would be great. Thanks so much.

      1. Thanks Erin for your quick response. Your blog is amazing. Love all your new ideas.

        I can’t find the name of the mirror over your fireplace. I know it’s from pottery barn and discontinued. But I wanted to maybe do a search with the actual name of the mirror. Would you happen to know the name?? Oxox

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