Happy Friday everyone! What a week. Slow on the blog because my little man and I have both been under the weather. Luckily we are turning a corner so hopefully next week will be better! I’m also crossing my fingers for cooler weather in our area because it has been HOT lately. Record highs on the coast and crazy humidity. So hot that I honestly got dressed and did my hair one day this week and spent the rest of the week running around in gym clothes and a pony tail. With ice water in hand.
Attempted to take a selfie to show you the shirt I wore on the one day I cleaned up and then realized you probably want to be able to read what it says. :)
Ellie to the rescue. This is my all time favorite T shirt. I flew here on my unicorn. Of course I did. Seems to explain quite a few things actually. :) Made me smile so I had to have it. Found it at Nordstroms for 20 bucks and it’s super comfortable. Do you love that my definition of “cleaning up” consisted of my favorite slouchy t-shirt? That is the way this week has rolled.
Aside from my favorite go to T, this week was far from fashionable. But. I did start going through my closet to assess what I have for Fall. I honestly have hardly bought clothes in the past two plus years. One or two things here and there, but not much. Any extra time/energy/money has been spent on our house. But surprisingly (even though styles have definitely changed) I still have quite a few basics that will work for this Fall. Which made me think about how when buying clothes it’s smart to spend your money on classic, solid colored items that will stand the test of time. It’s fun to buy a crazy patterned top or dress here and there, but I never spend much on those types of items because without a doubt, they look “out” by the end of the season.
Here are a few things I’ve had for years that still work today:
(pictures are a few years old.. obviously) :)
Boots. Most of my boots are basic, solid colored boots that still look good years later. My little buddy’s boots on the other hand are going to be a tad too small this year. :)
Scarves. All of my simple, solid colored scarves can be worn in new ways.
Dark jeans. A good pair of dark jeans is a staple for Fall! A nice fitting pair of jeans can last for years and in my opinion is a smart place to spend a little more. Unlike tops that look worn and outdated quickly.
Solid colored sweaters and cardigans stand the test of time and can also be worn lots of different ways.
(Fun to hear so many of you bought it btw!) :)
Vests are another Fall/Winter staple that look good year after year.
Love this vest I saw on Pinterest. I think from J Crew.
This is another Fall outfit I have pinned on my Clothes/Fashion board. Love it. I’m always drawn to solid colors, a great pair of jeans and boots with a fun, simple top/scarf/vest.
Very much like this combo as well. So even though I haven’t bought much in the way of clothes in over two years, I still feel like I have a lot of basics to wear this season. I can add a few fun things and combine them with my oldies but goodies for multiple looks. If the weather decides to cooperate that is.
Since I’m flashing back a couple of years I have to share these pics I found of my little buddy helping me with my Fashion Friday photo shoots…
Hmmmm. What can I put down mom’s boot to get her attention?

She’s ignoring my boot trick so I’m just going to insist she picks me up.
Now I’ve got her right where I want her.
Mission Accomplished.
Here’s a picture from this week to show that three years later my little guy is up to as much mischief as ever. He was playing hide and seek (his favorite!) with Ad and she could not find him anywhere. I finally started helping her and we searched high and low and finally found him hiding under the dining room bench. I was cracking up! I didn’t even know he could fit under there. So glad I had my phone with me at the time and caught the moment she found him. He was so proud that he’d out smarted his sister and had all of our attention.
Some things never change.
Happy Weekend everyone!
xoxo, Erin
I agree with you on the solid staples. I have a levi jean jacket that I have had for a few years. It has never gone out of style. I love it too. Solids are my best friend mixed with accessories and you have a new outfit.
I pay a little more for my jeans and boots. But, they last for a long time.
Kole was so little in those pics. He is so cute under that bench. Can’t believe how fast time flies.
Hopefully our weather will cool off a little. Tonight was really nice. I had all the windows open. Love fresh air!
Hope you guys are feeling better and have a great weekend. :)
Love all your outfits! So cute — both you and the clothes! Hope you all feel better and have a great weekend!
Thanks Cathy! I know. Yesterday felt SO much better. Let’s hope it continues! Enjoy your weekend! xx
Thanks Jboo! You too!
I found the unicorn T- shirt on the Nordstrom’s site and ordered it this morning- so cute!!! It will be perfect to wear at the primary school I work in!
I love reading your blog, such a cute house! Great style! Can’t wait to see more of the craft room!