Ahhh! 6th, 4th and Kindergarten. First day of school! You guys. Monday was a sad day for me. First day of school is always hard but this year I woke up and thought about my baby boy going to Kindergarten and the crocodile tears started rolling before my eyes were even fully open and awake. I went in my closet and had a good cry and tried to get it out of my system. Wiped my eyes, woke the kids – got everyone dressed and fed and made lunches and did hair and put on my best smile and told them they were going to have a great first day. I was doing fine.
Until it was time to snap some first day of school pics on the front porch. I said “smile!” and El did this.
And immediately I thought of this. Striking a pose on the first day of first grade. She was so little.
And so were these two. Wasn’t that about 20 minutes ago?
Tears started flowing again. I tossed on my sunglasses and we made it to school. I got the kids to class and hugged them and said good-bye and tried to act fine. But I wasn’t fine. My husband could tell I was about to break down so he took me to breakfast after drop off to cheer me up. I tried to drown my sorrows in french toast and bacon while he tried to cheer me up by telling me we could have another baby (which technically we can’t) and how my sister could carry the baby for us. Ha! (She’d love him for that little sarcastic conversation.) Before long he had me laughing again and feeling much better. Really I don’t want another baby. I just want the three I have to stop growing. Period. Is that too much to ask? :) One of my friends said to Kole at school “are you really in Kindergarten! How old are you!?” and he answered “Well I’m 5 but I look much bigger because I eat so many apples.”
Maybe that’s the key. Less apples. :)
The kids had a great first day of school Monday and aside from the school forms I’m drowning in, today was a better day for me. I still have a pit in the bottom of my stomach but at least I’m not crying at the drop of a hat.
One thing that has been cheering me up immensely is my console table! I discovered a couple of new shops on Instagram that I’m in love with and have been dying to share with you!
Have you all checked out Jaxn Blvd? Kim has so many fun things in her shop! I had a hard time choosing what I wanted most. I ended up getting this striped sign and wreath (and one more thing I’ll share later!). I’m crazy about it. Isn’t it going to be fun to add a pop of red for Christmas!? It comes in other colors too!
But at the moment I’m leaving it plain without the wreath. Love this just as much! You know how I feel about a good stripe. And a rustic wooden frame. :)
Right now I’m using it as a back drop on this table for my vase and Pottery Barn faux branches. Can you see my other fun new addition?
Please tell me you love this arrow as much as I do!? Oh my word. When I discovered Axel Co I was so excited! These arrows are beautiful. All made of reclaimed wood and each one is unique. I’ve moved this around all over my house and it looks good everywhere! So good in fact that I have another one coming that’s darker. :) Just like a good stripe, one can never have too many arrows. Words to live by. Even though I just made them up.
The wooden bowl I found at a local shop and I just added some filler sticks I had on hand for now. I’m sure I’ll mix this up again soon for Fall!
For now, I’m so in love with my new striped sign and arrow! It’s amazing how just a couple of things can totally change a space.
Check out Jaxn Blvd and Axel Co. if you haven’t already! Lots of beautiful things to choose from if you want to update your console table! Or any other space in your house.
K. Back to my school forms…
Enjoy your day everyone! To the moms who are sending kids to school and are sappy and emotional like me, hang in there. And try eating lots of french toast or buying new stuff for your house.
It helps.
p.s. Here are sources and details!
Lamp: Shades of Light — Console Table: Restoration Hardware — Baskets: Restoration Hardware — Picture frame: West Elm — You make me Happy sign: Tai Pan (Utah based store) — Vase: Home Goods – similar vase here: Pottery Barn — Faux branches: Pottery Barn — Wooden Bowl: local store find – similar bowls here: Pottery Barn — Sticks in bowl: Pottery Barn (I think these were a summer item I can’t find but look at all of the fun vase fillers for Fall!) — Striped sign: Jaxn Blvd — Arrow: AxelCo — Paint on the walls: Seattle by Frazee
*affiliate links used
Awww, Erin! I get it. And so do all the other moms. The pit in the stomach feeling is offset for me by the definite excitement my kids have for school and all the activities that go along with it. And I hate to break it to ya…they simply won’t listen when you tell them to quit growing. :( Drowning your sorrows in French toast sounds scrumptious. And your new house additions are so very pretty. You got this, girl! :)
Thanks cutie! Things are so much better now. I know all moms relate! And you are right – the kids are SO excited! That makes it fun. We ALL got this. ;) xo
You never fail to make me smile! :) Have a great day!!
You are a doll. :) Thanks Lisa! xo
Where is your yellow hutch? Did I miss the post where you repainted it? lol! Just curious . . . .
Hi Mason! It’s in my playroom! And still yellow. ;)
I was also wondering where the yellow hutch was/is. I love the colour, yellow is my favourite.:)
It’s in my playroom. :) I’ll have to share more pics of that space soon!
Thank you Erin!!! My mother and I have a yearly first day of school tradition to eat breakfast at our local “chicken and waffle” spot after dropping the kiddos off at school. Although my two are both in Middle School, every year I still get so sad. Weird as it may sound, I actually found consolation in hearing you say that I’m not the only one this happens to. Yes, these “back to school blues” will too soon fade, and thanks for the suggestion… I just may have to try a little shopping after breakfast this year.
Oh I love that you meet your mom every year for breakfast Tondra! What a fun tradition! I would be all over that if my mom lived close. I’ll probably be even worse when my kids are in middle school! It seems to get harder each year. It’s just all going by so quickly. Like you I’m glad I’m not the only one! :) And yes – try a little shopping for sure. Good for the soul. ;) xo
What’s chicken & waffle? Is a restaurant where they just mainly serve those items?
I’ll have to google it – where would be be without google.:)
Yeah.. just a restaurant name. :)
Where did you get the console table? Love it all styled up!
Thanks Mary! It’s from RH but I just added links to everything at the bottom of the post that will take you to the exact one! xo
Love it…where did you get the console table from?
Thanks Heather! It’s from RH but I just added links to everything at the bottom of the post that will take you to the exact one! xo
Oh man you sound just like me on the first day! I sent my little guy off to kindergarten on Monday and I had a terrible time. My worst was the night before, handled the day ok, but then today was really, really hard. Probably because he just said so sweetly “I’m going to miss you mom”. Knife in heart moment! Darn these kids and growing up so fast!!! :)
Oh they get you with their sweetness! ;) It’s so hard isn’t it!? These transitions are especially hard because they make it hit home how quickly they’re growing. Hang in there! I feel your pain! xo
Your kids are so adorable. I can totally relate to all these emotions. My eldest starts Primary 1 next week and I’m at the crying at the drop of a hat stage. I have the pit in my stomach too when I think about it. She’s just a baby! (I mean, she’s not. She’s 5. But whatever, she’s MY baby) I laughed to myself when you said how you dealt with it. My plan is also to have my husband take me out for breakfast, then come home and move things around the house to distract myself. Ok deep breaths. I hope today has been easier on you!
PS LOVE the console setup.
Oh Primary transitions are hard for me too Lauren! I cried when they moved Ellie to “Senior” Primary! I said “she can’t be with all those big kids!” Not ready to believe she is now a big kid too. :( You have a good plan though and that’s half the battle. Deep breaths for sure! You got this. ;) xo
Not sure if Lauren meant primary at church or at school.
I know in Australia & the UK primary means infants & junior school, (s) whereas at church it means where the children go for singing & sharing time & lessons. (CTR etc)
Hope El is enjoying senior primary.:)
I’m a sappy mother too!!!
Sappy moms UNITE! :) xo
“…because I eat so many apples.” HA! That is so adorable!
He melts me. :) xo
Hi Erin, always a pleasure reading post. You always bring a smile, laughter and tears:-)
Hope the rest of the week will be great for you:-)
What a sweet comment Kai! Thank you my friend. You made me smile tonight. :) xo
Awww. I send my oldest, my only son, to Kindergarten on Friday and I’m already prepping myself. My husband is out of town so it’s all me. *sniff* these kids grow way to quickly!
Oh JC! That is HUGE! So sorry you have to do it alone. Wish I was there to give you a hug after drop off! Something about that moment really hits hard. Sending love your way! xo
Your home is gorgeous! Would you please share the white trim color you used inside?
Thank you!
Thank you Mare! The white trim is “Arothane White 001” by Frazee. :)
Erin! I just had to comment on your Jaxn Blvd sign…I so enjoy reading your blog and I’ve been so busy the last couple of weeks that I just had a chance to read this and I too am IN LOVE with Kim’s work. I have 4 of her signs in my home and I just ordered another yesterday:) and plan to order more. IG has been such a great tool in helping me make my house a home and adding the sweetest touches to my walls. I’m so glad you found her shop too and love it just as much!
Hi Kim! So fun. Love her signs! I completely agree. I have found so many fun shops on IG! It’s a good thing and a bad thing. ;) Enjoy your weekend! xo
My kids don’t start school until the Tuesday after Labor Day but I’m already tearing up over it. Like you I’ll have a 6th, 4th, 2nd grader and my little guy starts all day every day Pre-K this year. I’m already thinking I’ll go back to bed and pull the covers over my head all day!
It’s so hard Jody! I love having some alone time to get things done, but it hurts to see how quickly they are growing! Hang in there. xo
Erin, can you tell me which color combo of the restoration hardware console this is, as well as your coffee table? The space is beautiful! thx! Janean
Hi Janean! Thank you! So I ordered the “Reclaimed Natural Elm & Rust Metal” console and coffee table but it came a lot darker than the pictures so I always wondered if they actually sent the “Espresso”.. but it doesn’t look quite that dark! It worked so I didn’t ask and just kept it, but if I were ordering it I’d go with the “Reclaimed Natural Elm and Rust Metal.” :) xo
What size console table and baskets do you have? We are debating between the 54″ and 67″ console table. Thank you.
Hi Nicole! I think I just answered your question about the baskets (medium) and the table is 67″. Happy shopping! :) xo
I love your design. Did you order the large or medium size baskets?
Medium: 25½”W x 17½”D x 15½”H; 18¼”H including handles
Large: 27¾”W x 22″D x 18¼”H; 21″H including handles
Thank you Nicole! I just measured and I have the medium sized baskets. :)
Thank you so much for your quick response. I took a look at console table at RH last night – love it.
Happy to hear that Nicole! You can’t go wrong at RH. :) xo