When my girls were little they could entertain themselves for hours. They both loved to just play play play. Of course they also had each other to play with which made it easy. This isn’t the case with my 6 year old little buddy. :) Aside from not having a sibling close in age, he also struggles with independent play time. Some days he plays with friends after school, but when we don’t have a playdate going on he finishes his homework in 10 minutes and then instead of coming up with something to play with, he finds it much more fun and amusing to bother his sisters while they are trying to do their homework. Go figure. :)
So lately I’ve been giving him a little after school “schedule.”
I’m sharing this trick today in case any of you have a child (maybe age 4-7) who could benefit from this too! It has been working so well for us.
We started with one or two things and now that he knows the routine he can do five or six things. I simply write down a little schedule of what I want him to work on independently. That’s the key! Choose simple things your child can do on his/her own. I usually include one writing or math activity, one job around the house, reading time and then some independent play time (we set a timer for the independent play time because he doesn’t like to play by himself). Sometimes I’ll include that he needs to put together a certain puzzle or something. Other times like the list above, I just leave it open to “play 15 minutes.” I always end with “hug mom”.. that’s our little ending that shows he’s done. :) If you have a child who can’t read yet, you could draw pictures and set things out for him/her to work on.
This was Kole dusting the stairs during his schedule one day. It’s a simple job he enjoys doing. He rotates different dusters and takes his work very seriously. :)
This “schedule” has worked wonders for us. It keeps him busy so I can help his sisters with homework while also teaching him some independence. When he’s done I feel better about letting him play a quick game on the iPad or computer. Usually by that time we don’t have long before it’s time to leave for afternoon activities and once my girls are dropped off at dance, I can focus on my 6 year old.
Moms often tend to be out-numbered and we need all the help we can get! Just wanted to share this idea in case it helps any of you like it has helped me. If you are looking for more after school schedules/organization you can see our chore charts here.
Ok! One more thing I want to mention! There has been a lot of buzz in blog land lately about The Genius Blogger’s Tool Kit. Have you heard of it? If you want to start a blog or are a blogger who wants to learn more about how to grow your blog, The Genius Blogger’s Tool Kit really is an amazing resource. I’m purchasing it myself and wanted to let you all know about it. I often receive e-mails asking me to share blogging advice and I never know where to start! There is SO much I’ve learned through the years and let me tell you all – I’ve learned it the hard way! Through trial and error and a lot of my own research. I would have LOVED getting my hands on a tool kit like this years ago.
The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is a collection of over 60 elite eBooks and courses that teach you all you need to know about the most important areas of blogging. I actually own and have read several things included in this bundle already and have learned so much from them! I can’t wait to start learning from everything else offered in this package. It’s a crazy good deal and is only available for two more days! I’m excited about it and wanted to share for any of you who it might also benefit. You can learn all about it and purchase it here. (affiliate link used)
Alright friends! Signing off now. I need a good night’s sleep so I’m ready for all of the festivities and trick or treating tomorrow. I have some pretty excited kids. :)
I love this! I too have a 6 yr old little guy who likes to bother his sister and struggles with independent play. I will definitely be using this idea!
Thank you!
YEA! That makes me so happy Michelle! I was thinking it was probably a silly thing to post but it has helped me so much I decided if it helps even one other mom it was worth it. So you made my day! Thrilled it might help you too. :) Happy Halloween! xo
You are one smart mama, Erin. And very good at self preservation. :) Very doable ideas to help the sibling keep busy while the others are working. I’m sure you helped someone who needed it today. Both with this advice and probably many blogging friends out there. I hope you and your little goblins have a fantastic time today(and tonight). Can’t leave without saying it was a satisfying win yesterday for my team. Hope you have a great week! Hugs!
Ha! Yes. Self Preservation is my strong suit. :) And ouch! Oh my word Jeanne. That loss was ROUGH! But happy for you. Sort of. ;) Thanks cutie! Happy Halloween! xo
love the simple step by step for your little man…anyone can do it! laughed out loud at him taking his job so seriously. i asked my three year old daughter to dust the banister/stairs this past week and she was not into it. maybe she needs options! i will look into the blogging kit. i’m working my way through a few that i’ve purchased from other recommendations but a whole bundle sounds awesome!
Thanks Erin! I know.. so funny that he gets into that job so much. Dusting the stairs is his favorite! That blogging kit is seriously full of so many good things. I’m excited about it! Now just finding the time to read/implement everything.. that’s always the hard part, right? :) Happy Halloween cutie! xo
Hi Erin, Love your blog, your home, your hair… everything. I’m remodeling my living room and was wondering where you got the rug in your family room. The one where your TV is. I’m thinking from Birch Lane, because I saw one similar there. Also, do you think it’d make a good entry way rug? Also, the striped chair, where did that come from? I love it! Thank you.
Hi Ashley! You are too kind! Love that you added my hair in there too.. ha! Thanks for making my day. :) The rug in my family room is from PB and is my ALL TIME favorite rug. I wrote all about it and shared the link in this post:
I think it would work for an entry way! It’s thick, so the only concern would be people tripping on it. My striped chair is from PB too and I shared the link for it in this post:
Hope that helps! Thanks again and happy Halloween. :)
Thanks for letting me know about the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit! I am VERY new to blogging – less than a week! Looks like a great deal! Always enjoy reading whatever you post, Erin! Family updates, decor (love your clean, simple style), organization posts – keep em coming!
Tina that tool kit would be perfect for you! I so wish I would have had something like that when I was starting out! Thank you for such a kind comment. I’m so happy you enjoy my posts! That makes my day. :) xo
You’re a smart cookie! I kind of think it’s a boy thing. Or a boy as youngest child thing. My boy need directions, too, or else he’ll just try to hop on iPad or computer. My little guy is old enough to know what to but he “forgets” so I have to remember to ask him if he did such and such. I like the idea of writing it down in list form for him. And of course ending with a hug is perfect!
It must be Tiffany because I never had this problem with my girls! I hope the list helps. It made a huge difference for us! xo