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The BEST gift ideas from Nordstrom Home

Happy Friday friends!  I have some FUN favorites for you today!  I’ve started my Christmas shopping.  Have you?  I promised myself last year I would have all of our extended family/friend gifts bought, wrapped and delivered by Thanksgiving and I’m determined to pull it off!  Then I can focus on finishing gifts for my husband and kids through December.  I’d like to have all of my Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving, but I’m learning how to set practical, obtainable goals.  Or trying to anyway.  :)

I’ve been doing a lot of my shopping on-line and like I mentioned in Monday’s fashion post, Nordstrom is a go to for me.  Free shipping and returns is huge!  So convenient.  Plus you all know how much I love their Home Decor department.
So does my dad.

The Nordstrom Home department is his favorite too.  ;)

Really though.. I’m so excited about all of the fun things I’ve found!  Their Home Decor section is full of fun things for your home, but also full of random, creative gifts.  I shop there a lot for holiday and birthday gifts.  I was seriously giddy when Nordstrom reached out to me about this post because I was planning on doing a favorites round-up from their Home Department anyway!  I’ve already bought some fun gifts for family and friends from their store.. and maybe a little something for me.  Happens every year.  You too?  :)

So here they are.. my recent favorites from the Nordstrom Home Department..

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For the love of cutting/serving boards!  You all know how I feel about them.  You can never have too many serving boards in my opinion.  Great for every day use, great for entertaining, and great for kitchen decor.  These are my top 5!

Urban Farm Wooden Serving Board –  Love the style/look of this serving board.  Would be great for holiday parties!
nordstroms-cutting-boardThe next two are all time favorites displayed on my hallway shelf.  My Marble Striped Paddle Serving Board and my Urban Farm Mango Wood Serving Board.  I think the set of Urban Serving boards would be a perfect gift for someone who enjoys cooking or entertaining.  I love the silver, but they also come with a copper handle.
The Marble and Wood Paddle Board is another favorite of mine that I love and use!
It has been in about 5 different spots in my kitchen since I bought it.
Love it everywhere.  I’m sure you’ll see it popping up again soon. :)

And because I can’t leave my husband out of the party.. how fun is this Touchdown Cutting Board!?  Perfect gift if you have a man in your life who likes football and cooking!  Or fun to just set snacks out on every game day.

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Now a few fun things for people in your life who love to decorate!  Or for your home.. either way. :)

This Natural Straw Basket could be used so many ways.  I love baskets like this sitting next to the couch holding throws, next to the fireplace holding wood, or holding a large indoor tree/plant.  A great staple.  I was thinking about getting this basket and putting a throw inside of it for a special gift for someone.  It’s definitely something I would love!

You guys!  I adore this Graywash Wall Mirror.  I can’t find a place for it in my home or it would be mine!

You all know how I feel about these Latte Bowls.. favorites of mine for years and a great gift idea.  These are small bowls and I think a set of them with an ice cream scoop and some carmel toppings or something like that would be so cute!  A fun neighbor/friend gift.

This Marbled Frame with a rose gold trim is so gorgeous and a great price.  It would be a beautiful gift with a special picture inside of it.  I’m giving this one to me from me. :)

A Metal Basket on Wood!  If I didn’t already have a paper organizer in my office I’d snatch this up pretty quickly.

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Ok.. I am seriously so in love with these magnet boards!  They come in black and gold frames with so many fun words on them.  My husband is getting me one for my office for Christmas.  He doesn’t know it yet, but he is. :)  The problem is jut that I can’t decide which one!  I love them all!  Here are the 5 I’m he’s debating for me.  ;)

What Makes Me Happy

Good Vibes Only

California (or whatever state you live in!)

My Favorite Things  (This one also comes in black.)

There’s No Place Like Home

Aren’t they darling!  So cute for an office or bedroom or pantry.. anywhere you want to display some pictures with magnets.  *Thanks babe.  What a fun surprise!  So thoughtful of you.. I absolutely love it! :)

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These are darling gift ideas… I picked a few of them up myself!

I love these Business Card Holders!  You can get them personalized with an initial.  So classy for someone who carries their cards around with them.

These pink gold In Ear Headphones are too cute.  I know a certain 12 year old who would love these in her stocking. :)

Not gonna lie.. I couldn’t resist picking up this Sticky Note Set for myself.  Love!

Have you all heard of the brand Wit and Wonder?  If you are looking for gifts that are different and just FUN check out their stuff.  This “I Can’t Adult Today” sweatshirt is the best.  #everyday  My mom and I love their “That’s All” mugs.  I gave her this one for a gift and then she bought my dad the Luckiest Guy mug.  Hilarious!
You can see them in her little coffee mug station I set up when I organized her laundry room.  My mom has a thing for coffee mugs.  Obviously.  :)

This blue Casserole Dish is going on my Christmas wish list this year!  Wouldn’t it look so cute on my stove!?  And maybe be ok for cooking too..  ;)

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Throws are one of my all time favorite things.  Another item that I just don’t think you can have too many of.  They make perfect gifts too.  Everyone loves a good throw!  Here are my top 5..

I have this Feather Stripe Throw in the gray.  I love this ivory color too but didn’t think it would look as good on my ivory couch.  I can’t get over the pom poms!

This Organic Cotton Herringbone Throw is another favorite on my wish list.  It comes in lots of colors.. I love the black!

This Faux Fur throw honestly looks so comfy!  Perfect to wrap up in on a cold day.  I’d love this in my bedroom.

And once again so that I don’t leave my husband out, this Touchdown Fleece Throw Blanket would be his pick!  Fun gift idea.  I’m just trying to decide if I can live with it dropped across my couch every night.  ;)

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OK!  Last set of favorites!  Nordstrom Home has the cutest stuff right now for Thanksgiving!

I bought these darling Appetizer Plates!  I’ll show you how I’m using them soon.

I also love the Get Stuffed Serving Platter for your turkey.

The Give Thanks napkins complete the set and I love this Pumpkin Tureen to hold soup or gravy.

I also think this Give Thanks banner would be fun for a Fall mantel or near the dining room table.

K now I’m getting excited for Thanksgiving!  See!  I told you all!  SO many fun favorites right now at Nordstrom Home!  They are definitely making my gift giving easy this year.

Kenny’s too.


Happy weekend everyone!

*Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!  Always honored to partner with such a great store.

xoxo, Erin
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12 thoughts on “The BEST gift ideas from Nordstrom Home

  1. Great gift ideas. I’ve not done one thing toward getting ready for Christmas. Heck I’ve done nothing to get ready for Halloween (unless you count putting out the three counted cross stitch projects I made a year or two ago) and it’s a heckuvalot closer. I’m a decorating and gift buying fail. No wait I take that back, today I have a brand new 14 year old (sniff, sniff) and I just a couple of minutes ago tucked a Rubic’s Cube(she said she wanted one) into her lunch box so she’ll have a neat surprise when she goes to pack her lunch for school. I’m so not ready for Christmas. But you’ve shared some great ideas! Thanks so much! I hope you have a lovely weekend! :)

    1. Jeanne! Oh my word.. you crack me up. Your daughter no doubt LOVED her birthday surprise! What a fun mom you are! That definitely counts for way more points than holiday decorating and Christmas shopping. Ha! ;) I can’t believe she’s 14! Sniff sniff for sure. I hope she had a great birthday. I also hope that we survive the teen years! El turns 13 in January. Not sure if I’m ready for what’s ahead. :) Thanks cutie! Enjoy your weekend and hug your sweet daughter for me! xo

  2. Thanks for all the great gift ideas!! I am trying hard to get a good jump on Christmas shopping as well. I plan to really start focusing after our Family Fall Festivus tradition on Sunday. Enjoy your weekend, Erin! I hope it is feeling fall-like there.

    1. You are so welcome Pamela! It really helps to start the shopping early, doesn’t it? I just find I’m much less stressed during December when I have several gifts already bought and wrapped. I didn’t do so hot with that last year and December was a tad too crazy for my taste! :) Thanks for your sweet comment and enjoy your family tradition this weekend! Sounds so fun! xo

  3. I adore all of these “favorite things” that you chose Erin. You have such good taste! I purchased a blue (Caribbean) dutch oven by Le Creuset not too long ago to place on my stove. I haven’t used it yet, but it looks nice just sitting there ; -) I, too, always find one or two things to buy myself while Christmas shopping! Have a fabulous weekend sweetie! Thanks again for sharing…

    1. So happy you like my picks Shari! Thank you! I’m laughing.. that’s honestly why I want that blue casserole dish! Would look so cute just sitting there. Happy I’m not alone! :) Enjoy your weekend sweet friend! xo

  4. What a super fun post!
    So many things I love!
    My husband buys new things that he doesn’t know about either lol
    I would love love to see what’s on your children’s christmas lists. I’m a bit stumped this year! !!

    1. Thank you so much Heidi! So happy you liked my picks. :) I’ll definitely be sharing some ideas for kids’ Christmas gifts! I’ve found quite a few fun things for my three already. Trying to get one step ahead of it all this year so I’m not stressed in December! Enjoy your weekend cutie! xo

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