Friends! I’m so excited! I’ve decorated our upstairs laundry room and finally got around to taking pics to share with you all! (Before pic above!) But before I show you I have to tell you 2 things..
1) A few days ago I did eleven loads of laundry in one day. Yes.. you heard me. ELEVEN LOADS! I’m not kidding. Lights, darks, towels, and sheets for me and my husband. Sheets for each of the 3 kids’ beds. Kids’ towels, lights, darks, and one load of kitchen/extra towels. BAM. Eleven loads. Every one washed, folded, put away and all beds made. I went to bed that night exhausted.. it was literally almost all I did that day in-between running kids around! I had to share because it was a new all time record for me. Has anyone hit that record or surpassed it? If so, I’m taking us to lunch. ;)
2) I’m going to a design blog conference in March and a sweet friend recently let me know that I’ve been nominated for two awards at the conference! Best Overall Design Blog and Best Writing on a Design Blog. I have no clue how I was nominated but I’m so incredibly honored. I wanted to share my fun news with all of you because I have all of you to thank! Some of my blog friends were also nominated for different awards and I’m so excited for them. You can check out the blogs nominated and cast your vote for a winner in each category HERE. I feel a little silly saying “go vote for me” but I don’t know.. after doing eleven loads of laundry in one day I sort of feel like maybe I deserve to win something. Ha ha.. kidding! Kind of. ;) If you do take the time to vote for me and my blog THANK YOU! Huge thank you. (It’s a super quick survey and should take just seconds!) If not, thank you for your support and for reading and I still love you. :)
Ok.. on to our decorated and organized laundry room (with color)!
(affiliate links used)
This room was so fun to decorate! I’m still crazy about my green/blue cabinets. For those of you who are new here, this is an upstairs laundry room that I designed for my three kids near their bedrooms which is why I decided to make it colorful and fun. (You can see my original post on this laundry room here.) I bought this black striped runner soon after we moved into our house (I love it with the cabinets!). Then I decided that coral would be the perfect color to accent the green, black and white I had going on. It just took me a while to put it all together. Guess I was too busy doing our laundry to find time to decorate our laundry room. ;)
I knew I wanted clear jars along the bottom shelf filled with laundry odds and ends, but because of the space I had on this shelf I had the hardest time finding jars that fit! I looked on-line at so many stores and most of the jars were too wide (I wanted three) or too short. Then one day I happened to be in Wal-Mart looking for something I needed for one of my kids and there they were.. jars.. the perfect size! Score. Thank you Wal-Mart. :) I added some clothes pins, bars of this fun soap and laundry detergent with a cute little scoop. It was also a happy day when I found these arrows in mint green, gray and coral! I have a thing for arrows and the colors were perfect for this room. I felt like I needed to tie in the black from the rug so I shopped my house for a black basket. The basket I used that holds little jars I’ve had for years. I switched out the label to say “laundry” and was done decorating the shelves!
This grey vintage wash basin is my favorite item in the room. It belonged to my great grandma and I found it “shopping” at one of my favorite places.. my moms house. :) I find the best hidden treasures in her garage and this gem was one of them. Can you imagine doing laundry with that? I’m kind of thinking my great grandma is the one who deserves to win the award. ;) I filled it with some favorite coral and grey Antho towels. Their towels are my favorite! The cute wash, dry, fold, repeat sign is from Krumpets where I found the arrows.
I ordered these cute large black pins from Ballard Designs for the wall space next to our ironing board.
I still need to get an iron for this room! I love this feature, but I have to admit that this ironing board doesn’t get used too much. I don’t believe in ironing kids’ clothes and stay away from buying kids’ clothes that wrinkle. I don’t believe in ironing any clothes come to think of it, but I haven’t been able to pull that one off yet. Give me time… ;)
My built-in pull out laundry hampers still have my heart and they do get used every day. They are really all I needed to keep this room clean and organized!
I have my kids separate their clothes into towels, darks and lights (lights had just been washed when I took this picture!). I planned to find labels for these cupboards and just haven’t found anything I love yet.
I put plantation shutters on all of the windows throughout our house except in this room. I knew I wanted a fun window valance in this space!
I had this coral valance custom made. I wanted a simple pattern and this fabric had me at hello. It doesn’t do much to keep the bright sun out of this room, but sunshine (and cute coral window valances) make laundry time a little less daunting so I’m ok with that. :)
A cute hand towel (a gift from this crew when they came to my house), favorite hand soap and a favorite bowl from Anthro completed the room.
This pull out drying rack is also so nice when it comes to keeping clothes off the floor. It’s usually filled with my girls’ dance clothes and tights and other delicate items that I don’t want to dry. In the summer it’s always holding swimsuits. :)
There really wasn’t much to decorate on this side of the room!
I added this laundry sign to the wall by our door and called this space done. :)
For years in past apartments/homes I had tight laundry spaces and just didn’t bother decorating them. I wish I would have! Just adding a favorite rug and some fun colorful decor can brighten up any laundry space and make a never ending chore much more bearable.
I think I’m ready to tackle another eleven loads!
Or let’s not. And just remember we did.
And then take each other to lunch.
Cabinets are custom made and painted “Wythe Blue” by Benjamin Moore. Floor is Cararra Marble (you can read about why we chose this floor here.. a happy mistake!) Paint is “Silver City” by Dunn Edwards. Tile is white glass subway tile. Light is from Barn Light Electric. Most small decor item sources are above throughout my post!
I adore that vintage wash basin! So adorable. And I love the way you have decorated the room. Makes it so much nicer to do laundry. My laundry is tiny. No room for anything.
Thank you Julie! I’m so happy you like it! I’ve had a lot of tiny laundry spaces too in past homes. All laundry rooms should be made with room for at least a rug, right!? xo
OMG! How cute:) I just love the color of your cabinets, and the decor is very cute! Makes me want to do laundry, well almost. hehe Congrats on the nominations! I’ll be voting for you:)
Thank you so much sweet Beth! That’s how I feel.. I almost want to do laundry in that room now.. ha! :) I’m so happy you like! xo
Hi Erin,
Your laundry room looks amazing !
And I just voted for you and I hope you win.
That is so kind of you Shmyla! Thank you. That truly means so much to me! xo
Eleven loads is a lot no matter who you are! I bow to your Queen Laundriness! :) I have to say though, I don’t think I would have minded doing all that laundry in your fabulous laundry room. It’s beautiful. Put a lock on the door, stash your PL scrapbooking supplies some where and some iced tea and go to town. :) (You know like that lady in the one commercial who was making the Rice Krispies treats and she hid away reading a book. Then she dusted her nose with flour and appeared with the treats). Nice cheery colors, lots of bright light and those fabulous large pins on the wall. Your arrows are pretty and yay for Walmart for coming to the rescue on the large jars. That drying rack is genious! And the separated laundry bins are a great idea. Do your kids do a good job with that? All and all a gorgeous place to do a mundane chore. I wanna bring my laundry to your room!
Ha ha.. Jeanne! I wish you could bring laundry and come over! Wouldn’t we have fun together!? LOVED your comment.. you just make me laugh. I haven’t seen that commercial! How have I missed it? Sounds hilarious. Thanks cutie! Huge hug your way from the Queen Laundriness! My official new title I’ll be telling my family about this afternoon.. ;) Love you!! xo
Your laundry room looks so cute! I love the colors! What a fun, bright space!
Congrats on your nominations – how exciting!
Thank you Jenny! I’m so happy you like it! :) xo
I totally just voted for you!!!
This laundry is darling! I love the touch you added! It is perfect and cheerful! :) Have a great day!
Thank you so much sweet Lisa! I’m so happy you like it! And your vote means so much to me. Huge hug your way! xo
I love your laundry room, Erin. :) It’s so bright and cheerful. The safety pins are darling. You have such a talent for decorating. I’m such a fan! I iron all our clothes, including T shirts. I don’t mind ironing and find it kind of soothing and satisfying. I’ll listen to the radio, or a podcast, or watch a video while doing it. I know I sound crazy. 😉 Anyway, your laundry room is absolutely darling and beautiful, just like you! You’ve got my votes! 😉
Thank you so much sweet Nancy! Oh my word.. I so wish I felt that way too! I’ve always hated ironing! I don’t mind doing laundry, but ironing is painful for me. Maybe if I hung out with you and we chatted and listened to podcasts together it wouldn’t feel so bad..? Ha! Thanks again cutie! You are always so kind to me and it means the world. :) xo
I already voted for you yesterday, girl! I was so excited to see Sunny Side Up on the list!!! Love you!
Oh Tina that made my day! SO sweet of you! HUGE thank you! You totally put a smile on my face. :) xo
Wow! I loved this laundry room when you first posted about it, but now…just wow! The coral and black accents are perfect with that creamy jadite color. Love the final reveal and am extremely impressed by 11 loads of laundry in one day. Just popped over to vote for you as well! Congratulations!
Thank you so much Betty Lynne! That means a lot coming from you! xo
Whats inside all your cabinets! Thats alot of space for a laundry room!!!
It really is Bette! I’ll have to take pics of inside the cupboards at some point! We use them for random things. The drawers are all empty except one! xo
I love this laundry room so much! The color is amazing. My front door is Wythe Blue! I love the coral with the blue. Good luck on the awards…I voted. You deserve it, Erin! Have a great weekend! xxoo
Oh I love that your door is Wythe Blue Pam! It’s such a fun color! Thanks so much cutie. You are always so kind and supportive. I really appreciate it and love our “chats!” :) Enjoy your weekend! xo
Wow this looks amazing!! I hands down love the color combo, probably my favorite ever! Everything came together so nicely.
And I voted! You totally deserve that award, specially after the 11 loads. I think my max in a day is 6!
Oh you are so sweet Lacey! Thank you! Right!? 11 almost killed me! Ha ha.. :)
Wow this looks great! Any woman doing 11 loads of laundry in 1 day AND putting it all away deserves an award in my book. You are my laundry hero😃
Right Erin!? Ha ha.. I was sort of feeling like a hero at the end of that day. It seriously wore me out! All time record for sure. ;) Thanks cutie! xo
Beautiful! What do you store under the washer/dryer?
Thank you Lisa! They were holding some of my kids’ large artwork! But I’m organizing all things paper so I moved them and they are empty at the moment. :) xo
I’m so in love with this colorful laundry room! I’d be camping out here all day taking laundry donations! You are truly an incredible designer Erin! Love ya!!😘😘
Shauna! Hearing from you made my day! Thanks so much cutie! I’m seriously so excited to get you here I can’t stand it!! :) xo
Oh, honey—I do 10+ loads several times each week! I have three tweens/teenagers: multiple outfits, sports clothing, sheets (adolescent boys-yuck!), and towels galore. Fortunately I actually LOVE this household chore. Just don’t ask me to dust!
GORGEOUS laundry room(s)!!!
K.. I am bowing down to you at this very moment!! Oh my word.. seriously that was SO MUCH laundry! It wore me out! I normally just do 3-4 loads a few times a week. And I’m so impressed you actually like it! It’s not my least favorite chore, but I don’t think I could say I enjoy it. Maybe you can fold for me and I’ll take on all of your dusting! Ha ha.. ;) You are my hero!! And thanks for your sweet comment. :) xo
Love it!
How do you deal with having to leave the washer’s door open? I do not know how to make mine look neat, since it needs to ventilate! (also a front load washer). Thanks!
I always leave the washer door open after I finish a load, but after a few hours or so if I’m walking by I close it, just not all the way tight! They are a little bit of a pain that way, but other than that I love them! Thank you! So happy you like the space. :) xo
Years ago I purchased a black C-shaped door stopper made of a rubbery plastic at Daisos, a Japanese dollar store here in CA. It works great on the washer door to keep it propped open. Looks like there are foam “Finger Pinch Guard” on Amazon that may work similarly.
Thanks for the tip Katherine! xo
Can you tell me what brand & model your washing machine & dryer are? If you would recommend them? Thanks!
I absolutely adore everything you did to your lundry room. I would love to have such room. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Ivory! xo
It looks so great and I love the coral.
Heck yes ask people to vote … there is a reason you have a ton of followers…you are great at what you do and you take us on the journey with you ☺.. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you. . Wahoo how fun!
Well THAT was a sweet thing to say Heidi. Thank you! Thank you so much. Love hearing from you and heck yes.. I’ll keep my fingers crossed too.. ;) xo
Erin, I love everything about your children’s laundry room!! It is absolutely perfect. You were a genius to have the drying rack, hidden ironing board, and hidden laundry baskets all built into your plans. The decor is so cute – I especially love the arrows, the big safety pins, the pops of coral, and the signs!! What a pleasure it must be to do laundry in such a beautiful laundry room!! But not eleven loads, though! haha!
I’m so happy you like it Jane! Ha! I don’t think I’ll be doing 11 loads in one day again for a very long time. It almost killed me! ;) Thanks for your sweet comment! I loved it. :) xo
Wow, this laundry room looks fantastic and so fun to be in! I would try to find stuff to do in there because it’s so pretty! You always do great work, job well done!! :)
So sweet of you Wendi! Thank you! xo
Laundry room of my dream! Love, love, love the cabinet color!
Thank you so much sweet April! :) xo
What’s in the drawers under washer/dryer and in the tall cabinet to the right of them? Love this room. Is it your only laundry room or is there one on the lower level too?
Thank you so much Lori! The tall cabinet holds our church/religious books and the drawers under the washer/dryer used to hold some of my kids’ art (larger art that didn’t fit with other things) but I’m re-organizing all things paper so right now they are empty. :) We have a lower level laundry too. You can see it here:
:) xo
I think you deserve to win too! I do think your writing is great and your sense of humor just seems very natural. Your 2nd laundry room is amazing! So many storage space! What do you put in the cabinets on the washer/dryer side?
Thank you so much Debbie! That means a lot to me. I’ll try to share what I have in the cupboards at some point! Sort of random things. :) xo
Hi Erin,
I’m re-doing my master bathroom and love the look of carrera marble, but I may go with tile since it’s easier to maintain. I was just looking back at your post about your laundry room floor – your happy mistake :) Can you tell me the name of the tile you used originally? I agree that the marble looks way better, but I’m just exploring all my options. Thanks!
Hi Brenda! I wish I remembered the name of that tile! I don’t have/remember any info. on it, but if you go into a tile store and ask for a Carrara marble look alike tile I bet they have it! Good luck on your master bathroom! So exciting. :) xo
Hi Erin,
I’m reading your blog quite sometime now and I love it. YES, you deserve to win something :) after 11 loads of laundry. I voted. All the very best!
Thanks, Loga
Ha ha.. the 11 loads did it! ;) Thank you so much Loga! I’m so happy you enjoy my blog and it means a lot that you have been reading for a while. All the very best to you too sweet friend! xo
Oh sweetie… eleven loads? I’ve been there, past there, and back again. :) let’s do lunch! Beautiful laundry room! I’ve been looking for ideas on what to do with my washer and dryer… so thanks for sharing!
Ha ha.. it’s a date Amy! We both know we deserve it. ;) Thanks cutie! Loved your comment. :) xo
Wow Erin, your laundry room was already so beautiful!! Holy cow, it looks like a dream! I love that you got your great grandmas wash tub, that is so neat. And what an awesome reminder of all the blessings of conveniences and comforts we are blessed to have in our homes! Love it. Such cute decor.
Thank you so much Josie! I know.. it really is a great reminder and I love having something so special in that room that I see every day. I’m so happy you like it! I hope you’re having a good week! We are almost to the weekend. YEA. :) xo
I happily voted for you in both well deserved categories Erin! I absolutely LOVE your blog & look forward to reading it!
This laundry room is pure HEAVEN! (I need the smiley emoji w/heart eyes here!! ) LOVE the colors & everything about it! I will volunteer to do those next 11 loads!! :-)
Happy Fri-YAY!!
Cindi your comment made me SO happy!! Thank you so much sweet friend! It makes my day that you like the laundry room, but even more that you look forward to reading my blog. That truly mean so much to me. I’m calling you next week! We can split the next 11 loads! Ha ha.. ;) Thanks again! xo
I love your laundry room sooooo much! The color, the organization, the ironing board, but my favorite part is those oversize pins on the wall! You’ve inspired me to do something about our cluttered, tiny laundry room. With six people in our house (3 kids and 3 adults as my sister with special needs lives with us) laundry is one of the biggest and most done chores around here.
What a sweet comment Samantha! Thank you. I’m so happy you like it! And definitely give your space a little re-fresh (no matter how small it is!). Especially if you are spending a lot of time in your laundry room. It really does make a difference. Thanks again cutie! :) xo
It’s okay to toot your own horn :) You just got another vote in both categories from me. Love that laundry room by the way.
You are such a sweetheart Rebecca! That means a lot. Thank you so much! :) xo
You’re more than welcome; you deserve it.
Hey Erin! What a super cute laundry room! I have a question regarding your washer/dryer. My dryer has dried its last load and it’s time to bit it farewell. And because it’s guilty by association, the washer is going too. So…I’m excited to get new ones and then to give a mini-makeover to my laundry room, BUT…my head is spinning from researching and reading reviews. How do you like your LG units and do you have the same ones in your other laundry room? Thanks! :)
Hi Laurie! Thank you! I really love my LG units! Yes! Same in both laundry rooms and I can’t say enough good things about them! They have been wonderful! xo
So, I think I just need to move into your house! It would fit my family perfectly since I also have 2 daughters and a son and also live in So Cal. Seriously though, I absolutely LOVE your house! My husband is a contractor and has always wanted to build us a house but I was never on board. Mostly because my house is always the last to get done and I know I would live in complete chaos for years until it was done. But after drooling over your house I think it might be worth it.
Oh you are so sweet Colleen! I’m so happy you like it! I totally understand not wanting to live in chaos.. building isn’t easy for sure! But definitely worth it. :) xo
Great laundry room! A fresh room!
Good luck at the conference- I voted for you!😊
Thank you so much Wendy! So sweet of you! xo
It’s lovely! Congrats on the nominations! I have a very non-glamorous question to ask… What is the vent above the washer and dryer? Is it just a regular HVAC supply vent, or is it a return air, or is is it a vent / fan that sucks out the moist air? I am hoping to add an upstairs laundry room in our new build, and I’ve been thinking a lot about ventilation lately (I know… such a fun and interesting topic. Ha!). :)
Thank you so much Jenny! That is just a regular HVAC vent. :) And I’m happy to talk ventilation any day.. ha ha.. ;) xo
I can just imagine locking myself in there with some reading material…sorry honey, I’ve got 11 loads of laundry to do, have fun with the kids! 😉 Super cute, it’s got a little retro vibe to it, can’t you just picture June Cleaver in there working away? 😊
Ha ha.. love it Erin! Total June Cleaver! I’ll take it. ;) xo
Hey Erin
Beautiful laundry room!!
Voted for you.
Hope you will win 😊
Been following your blog since I chance upon it in pinterest.
Keep it going babe.
An ardent fan from Singapore
So incredibly sweet of you Doris! Thank you so much. You made my day! :) Love to Singapore! xo
I always loved your beautiful laundry room because of the beautiful colour on the cabinets. I also love that you had it installed near the bedrooms. Our laundry room is off our kitchen and I am forever lugging loads of laundry up and down the stairs and thinking how silly that is! Love it even more now you have added the coral touches which give it more personality. Btw, 11 loads of laundry in a day is seriously impressive!! I seem to spend the majority of my Sunday’s doing laundry these days but have never managed 11 loads!! Good job you have such a lovely room for it eh?!
Thank you so much Sue! I’m so happy you like my laundry room! It really is nice having it so close to the kids’ bedrooms. And I know right!? 11 loads was an all time high for me in one day and I was feeling pretty proud. ;) Thanks for your sweet comment! xo
Hello . Absolutely beautiful ,love love your whole house ,I am just going to be starting renovations and I have been searching out the gray colour you have Called Seattle by frazee which has been taken over by sherwin Williams but Sherwin Williams has also taken over general paint , which make it even Moore confusing ,I went there to find the colour but no luck under Sherrwin Williams ,I asked if they have the colour Seattle under the general paint product and they did ,its call Seattle but I want to make sure it is the same Seattle you have in your house can you give me the formula for it if you have a can of paint left over or if you have the colour swatch ,can you give me the number off it ,the colour Seattle I have here by Gerald paint is called Seattle and the number for it is CL 3213w ,is this same has Seattle Fraser please let me know thank you so very much
Hi Michelle! I’m so sorry! I don’t have a number for it! I’m sure the SW people can pull up the old Frazee so it’s probably the right one. I wish I had more info to give you! Thanks for your sweet comment and good luck with the paint! xo
Sorry typos I meant to say is the same number CL 3213w general paint colour the same as the Seattle paint colour by frazee could you please send me the number off the paint chip or off the can so I can match it up thank you so very much
Very exciting about your nominations at the design bloggers conference! Congratulations! I hope you have a blast!! And the laundry room looks great, too! ;-)
So sweet of you Brenna! Thank you! xo
Beautiful room!!! Love all the built ins. I I just did a marathon laundry day as well….14 loads. My washer broke and we were without a machine for 1 week. 7 people (2 with strep) + a weeks worth of laundry = a looong day.
Thank you Kelly! Oh my WORD! No washer/dryer for a week! 14 loads! K.. I think YOU deserve the award! :) So happy you were able to catch up! And I hope everyone is feeling better at your house. xo
Absolutely Stunning!! I love all the little thought out details from the drying rack to the hidden ironing board. And those clothes pin, ugh to die for, so so cute!!
Thank you Lindsay! I’m so happy you like it! :) xo
Hi Erin, Your laundry room is a dream! It’s beautiful and created with imagination and a plan that is so perfect! I like the color of blue and green mixed with the essentials you used to spruce up the look. By the way, your great grandma’s wash basin caught my attention – so much love went into that basin, didn’t it? You are so lucky to have something to remember her by! Blessings!
Thank you so much Cindy! Love that wash basin for sure. :) xo
Hi! Like everyone else I love your laundry room! I’m getting ready to paint cabinets quietude to put above my washer and dryer. My front door is the same color. It’s similar to wither blue. I do have a question for you. Our laundry room is also on the 2nd floor and we were told we needed to keep a drip pan (not sure if that is what you call it) under the washer in case it leaks. It looks terrible and we can’t move the washer and dryer right next to each other. Do you just chose not to use one?
Thank you so much! We had a drip pan in our last house under our washer and dryer! It was also upstairs and I never loved the look of it either! We didn’t need one in this house because I designed a cabinet for the washer/dryer to go inside that has drawers underneath. You might want to think of having some drawers or something built under it instead? There are a lot of other options. I’d check out pinterest for some laundry inspiration and maybe have something else made to put under them! :)
Hi Erin, I’ve been following you for a while and love your home! :-)
I”m in the process of building our new house and really wanted to get rid of drip pan as well but the builder is telling me we need it due to code restrictions. How does the cabinet underneath allow you to not have the pan – is it because it isn’t directly on the floor?
Thanks so much!
Hi Amy! Yes! It has to be up off the floor or you need the drip pan. Good luck with your new build! So exciting! :)
Where did you get the drying rack??
Hi Dani! I designed that and had it built custom when we built our home! But I’ve seen similar racks at Wayfair! :)
Hi Erin! I always ask you questions and you are so patient in answering them! I have eyeballed your laundry room hampers for years and we are trying to have our cabinet maker build them as well. He just sent a new concept that does not match…so I am trying to gather more info for him. Can you please tell me the size of your hamper cabinets? Are they 21″, 24″ and how deep are they? Also, are you able to tell me where you got the plastic hampers that fit perfectly in there? He sent me images of fabric hampers and I was like no, no, no!!!! :). Thank you so much Erin!
Hi Natalia! So exciting! I don’t know where he got the plastic hampers but I can tell you the size! They are 13 x 18 1/2 wide and 18 inches deep. I hope that helps! :)
Thank you Erin! Is the actual cabinet about 21″ wide? :)
Can I get some more information on the cabinets/hardware/hampers used for those drawers? I’m so so SO in love with this space and I NEED those 3 drawers in my life! :)
Oh thank you Amanda! So happy you like them! :) I wish I had more info for you! I just drew a sketch of what I wanted and my cabinet guy took it from there! He made the pullout drawers custom around the hampers.. I think the hampers were just picked up at a Target or somewhere similar. :)