Well! Another week down. They sure fly don’t they? Thank you all SO much for the birthday wishes! On the blog and social media. I loved hearing from so many of you! It made my 40th that much more special. :) My parents were here at the beginning of the week (loved spending time with them), then my cute friends threw me a party at our favorite hangout (I’ll share some pics soon!) and then the last couple of days I so needed to catch up on life! And laundry. My suitcase is still packed from the blog conference and Palm Springs so the catching up is a work in progress. And most likely will be for a while. #worthit :) I’m about 3,000 pictures behind on everything I have to share with you all – so many projects going on around here! But before I dive into all of that, I thought I’d share some organized bathroom drawers and Spring decor going on around my house. Because it’s Spring in San Diego! Everything is starting to bloom around here and it’s impossible to be unhappy when everything is starting to bloom. It just makes me want to decorate! And organize! So yeah.. same as every season and I guess nothing all that new around here. ;)
*affiliate links used
{Coral and Navy Towels/Ladder 1/Ladder 2/Silver Tray/Rug/Basket}
I like to keep our powder bathroom decor simple to let my favorite wallpaper shine, but I did swap out a few things to welcome Spring!
These Anthro coral and navy towels had me at hello! They are almost too pretty to use (although they are seriously the softest towels ever!). So I put some on display. :)
I brought back my favorite blue jars I had on display last summer and added some white flowers.
I love this arrangement because it’s so easy to maintain. These flowers are inexpensive from the grocery store and they last over two weeks!
I also found a fun striped coral soap dispenser. Simple! But very Spring. I can’t seem to get enough of all things coral lately!
New toothbrushes for downstairs so I snapped a pic of how I have these bathroom drawers organized. In our previous house there wasn’t a bathroom big enough on our main floor to hold some toothbrushes so I kept some in a kitchen drawer. Sounds crazy but it worked for us! When my girls were little they would get ready for school, come downstairs to eat breakfast and then when we would send them back upstairs to brush their teeth we’d lose them! They would get distracted by their toys and take forever and we were always running late to school. So we put some toothbrushes in the kitchen for back up on those days we were running behind. We could brush their teeth quick in the kitchen sink if we had to and then run out the door! When we moved into this house I did the same thing and put some toothbrushes in the kitchen (just out of habit!). Then about a year later it dawned on me that I now have a bathroom on the main floor that might be a better spot for them. {I have some serious blonde in me ;)} So toothbrushes have lived in the powder bathroom ever since! They only get used maybe once a week. Most mornings my kids have time to go to their bathrooms to brush after breakfast and we don’t lose them to toys anymore.. :) But it’s still nice to have toothbrushes downstairs on those mornings we are short on time! Also some deodorant because 5th and 7th graders don’t always remember important things like that. ;)
This is just a simple silverware tray I use to separate the toothbrushes. With labeled names of course. :) I don’t have one for me because I work from home which = no scrambling to brush teeth most mornings.
The second drawer has always held extra hand towels and in the cupboards below the sink I have a few more towels and toilet paper. There isn’t much stored in this bathroom and I like to keep it that way.
An organized and clean bathroom decorated for Spring is like a breath of fresh air!
{Console Table was from Restoration Hardware – similar console table here and here/Similar Baskets/Sign/Vase/Similar Faux Flowers}
The console table got a new sign! Probably my favorite sign EVER. IT’S SO GOOD TO BE HOME. Isn’t it though? My thoughts exactly. :) I’m such a home body and nester that this sign just spoke to me! It’s from my talented friend Caroline (Vine and Branches) and I couldn’t love it more. This sign will always have a spot in my home somewhere! And yes.. you can see to the right of this picture that our snowflake stair wall is still up and going strong.. might be time to switch that out for some flowers or something.. ;)
I also picked up this fun new vase (love the texture!) and filled it with more grocery store beauties.
I love this table in the Spring time! The stackable mirror trays were a Tai Pan find and the white faux flowers were from PB. They’ve been favorites for years! These faux stems are similar and I might pick up a couple of them because I always wish I would have bought more of the white faux stems that I have. They look good everywhere this time of year! I’m always explaining to my husband what an investment my faux branches are because I use them again and again year after year. The two of us have different ideas of what the term “investment” means so I have to keep explaining it to him. ;)
{Faux Fig/Basket/Rug (on sale right now!)/Wooden Oval Tray/Coral Tray/Vases/White Tray/Striped Box/Coral Throw/Coral Pillow}
Hydrangeas and a fun new throw and pillow in the family room brightened up the whole space!
Isn’t it crazy how a new throw and a new pillow or two can completely transform your living room and make it feel alive again? I’m always watching for fun new Spring/Summer throws and pillows because they are little cost for a big impact when you are giving a room a little re-fresh! Below are some of my favorites I’ve found lately..
And if you need a little more Spring decor inspiration.. how about the lovely picture I shared on IG/Facebook this week?
Yup. This is what happens when mom takes a week off to celebrate her birthday. Things start to unravel QUICKLY. Ha ha! Always nice to know that I’m missed. ;)
Enjoy your weekend friends!
Thanks for sharing your pretty Spring ready house, Erin. I love those towels in the bathroom! Happy sigh! The stitching on them is so pretty, as are the colors. I can see why you are smitten with coral. :) The sign you got is lovely. What a wonderful sentiment for friends and family alike. I like your new textured vase and have to ask about the one next to it. Is it new? I don’t remember seeing it before. Maybe I’m not that observant, but I think I’d remember one that said explosive on it. ;) Looks cool and I like it1 Your new coral pillow and throw are fabulous. Great idea on the toothbrushes. And finally thanks so much for keeping it real with the final picture. I have a peninsula in my kitchen that I struggle mightily with keeping clear. That picture alone made me breathe a sigh of relief that it’s not just me, flat surfaces do beg to have stuff put on them! Whew! Thanks again, Erin! Your posts are so delightful and happy inducing. I’m always thrilled when I see there is one from you in my Feedly. Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the budding spring! :)
Jeanne you are the comment queen! Seriously so much goodness in your comment I had to read it twice! :) Thank you. I’m laughing you brought up that my vase says explosive on it.. my mom got quite a kick out of that when she was visiting last.. ha! I just loved the look of it and had to have it regardless of what was written on it! It was from Magnolia Market. :) I’m so happy you like the coral decor! And the new sign.. isn’t it fun? And seriously my kitchen looks like that all the time. Basically whenever I get too busy to stay on top of it. Life has a way of taking over, doesn’t it!? Enjoy your weekend cutie! xo
Amazing finds once again! Thanks so much for sharing all your beautiful inspiration. Love those new pillows for spring. Enjoy your weekend, Erin!! xxoo
Aren’t Spring pillows fun? They are just so happy. :) Thanks sweet Pam! I hope you have a great weekend too! xo
OMG! I never would’ve thought to use a silverware tray to organize bathroom stuff! I love it, and totally stealing! We just bought a new house – – lots of space to decorate and make our own. Thanks for all of the inspiration I know I’ll be taking from your gorgeous home.
YEA! Congrats on your new home Beth! How exciting! You can steal as many ideas as you want. ;) Thanks cutie! Enjoy your weekend! xo
Hi Erin,
Great tip about having extra toothbrushes in the spare bathroom, or the loo as it’s called here.:)
I don’t actually have any drawers in my bathroom or loo, still great tip tho. (I might put some in the kitchen instead)
I love the untidy kitchen, so real.:)
In the UK we call small “pillows” cushions.
Thanks again for a great blog.
Thanks Julie! I didn’t have any drawers in our downstairs bathroom in our last house either so in the kitchen they went! :) Have a great weekend! Hope it’s brill. ;) xo
Happy belated birthday! I’m a homebody too and I LOVE your new sign! I also wanted to thank you for being so thorough with putting source links for your home goods under the photos…I love that I can say “Hey! I want that pillow/rug/shelf/whatever” and you’ll have a handy-dandy link below that I can check out! Not all bloggers are as good about this as you are. Just wanted to make sure you knew your work was appreciated. :) Have a great weekend! And Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Amy that was so sweet of you to tell me! Thank you! I’m so happy those links are helpful. I always appreciate sources on other blogs too so I try to include as many as I can. And I know.. isn’t that sign fun!? There’s no place like home. :) Thanks again cutie and enjoy your weekend! xo
Would you be able to tell me where you found your coral striped soap dispenser? Your home looks wonderful, as always.
Thank you so much Barbara! I found that at Bed Bath and Beyond! I tried to find it on-line to include a link but didn’t see it on their website. xo
Oh, thinking of your toothbrushes in the kitchen makes me smile remembering when we stayed with you in your old house and you were brushing the girls’ teeth in the kitchen!
Love your new sign! And your console table looks darling for spring!
Ha ha.. so funny you remember that Josie! Thanks cutie. :) Happy weekend! xo
Those Anthro towels are GORGEOUS. I want a skirt made out of them…preferably in a different fabric though. Wearing towel material all day would probably not be comfy.
Ha ha.. I don’t know Jess! I’m thinking a towel skirt might not be so bad.. ;) xo
Your house is always so beautiful, it’s nice to see a picture once in awhile to show that it is lived in. Thanks for sharing your space with all of us.
Thank you Betsy! Happy weekend. :) xo
Love the idea for the organized drawers (toothbrushes). I would have never thought of that. Makes me smile even more…my Addison is 18 years old today 3/17. She disliked her name when she was about 16 because she said it was a boys name. When I told her no way was it a boys name we ate dinner out the next evening and oh my word, our waiter’s name was Addison. He was a guy. She’ll never let me forget that one.
Cindy! That is too funny! What a story. I’ll have to tell my Addison about it. :) I do hear of boys named Addison every once in a while but I still love it for a girl’s name! Happy birthday to your Addison today! 18! That is one to celebrate for sure. I hope it was a good day for both of you! xo
I love your floors! So pretty! And lol at the last pic…I’m glad to see others kitchens look like this too at times…
Thank you Amy! Oh man.. our kitchen looks like that more than I’d like! :) Enjoy your weekend! xo
You have introduced me to how you can simply change a few things here or there to change up your décor…I’ve never really thought of doing it in the past, but have made an effort over the last few months to try doing this, and that simple act really does liven up a house :) Would you mind sharing where you got the wooden arrow hanging above your console table? I love it, and something like that would look great with my own décor.
I’m so happy to hear that Julie! Thank you. :) I ordered that arrow on etsy from a store called Axel Co. I think their site is axelcousa.com Hope that helps! xo
Oooh that sign is Just the best! !!
I spent all day ( started at 9 and I’m just sitting down at 8:30 pm.) I did some spring cleaning, every cupboard, draw, it feels so good lol.. it will last a day but I’ll take it!
I bet that felt so good Heidi! Yea you! xo
I love your house and your blog. Thank you so much for sharing links to a lot of the items you feature in your posts (not sure my husband loves that you do that!!). Can you tell me when the blue and white dinner plates are from that are in your glass cabinet in your kitchen. I want my glass cabinet to look just like yours. I love it!
Thank you so much Sharon! You are such a sweetheart and it sounds like our husbands should hang out. ;) Those plates in my glass kitchen cabinet were from Z Gallerie years ago! I doubt they have them anymore but you could check their website! xo
You really know how to add just the right touches for any season, and your pops of coral are like icing on the cake! I love how you “keep it real” and share pics of everyday chaos….our home can look like that at times, too, and we are a “2 adult + 1 cat” home! Thanks so much for sharing, Erin.
Warm hugs,
Thank you so much Carol! I know.. sometimes our homes just become quite the dumping ground don’t they!? Life is a wonderful thing. Clean or messy. :) Hugs to you sweet friend! xo
I have loved your blog for a couple years now. Thank you for sharing the last picture and letting and letting us see that your house goes through real life too. I so appreciate your candor. You are genuine and down to earth. Such a lovely blog. You deserved every ounce of that heavy award. :)
What a sweet thing to say Jennifer! Thank you. That is so kind and means a lot to me! I’m so happy you enjoy my blog. :) xo
I am new to your blog and loving it and that wallpaper too! Would you mind sharing where it is from? Thank you in advance!
I’ll be sharing that info. in a post on my blog very soon! :) xo
Hi Erin. Love the post ~ especially the last pic. Thanks for keeping it real. :) Your bathroom is seriously inspiring me. I recently stenciled a gray wall in a bathroom. I think I might have to go for a similar look as your in my master. LOVE it!
Thank you so much Jenny! That gray stenciled wall sounds amazing! xo
Just discovered your blog….beautiful home and fun reading.
Can you tell me about the wall paper in your powder room and the toilet?
Who makes the wallpaper or is it stenciled? If it is stenciled…what colors were used and what stencil?
What is the make/model of the toilet in the powder room?
thank you so much!
Hi Pam! Thank you! That is wallpaper, not a stencil. I ordered it custom through a designer/friend and you can too! Her info. is in the post I linked to below. I can’t remember the toilet info! Sorry I’m not more help with that one. I’m working on filling in my room sources in my blog header so if I find the info. on it I’ll include it there under bathrooms. :)