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Shiplap Display Wall for Summer

Remember a while back when I created this shiplap display wall in my hallway?

It looked like this when it was all finished and I was so excited to have something fun to take up the wall space between our powder bathroom and my office.

In December I used it to display my Christmas cards.

Such a happy wall. :) Ā This is making me excited for the holidays!

A lot of you have asked what I planned to display during the rest of the year so I wanted to share how this wall has looked all summer.

I’ve been using it to display some of the art that my kids brought home at the end of the school year.

Happy, colorful art.

Kole made the fun vine and animals at the top. Ā He is obsessed with snakes and has been for years.

A couple of other pictures are his and the rest are the girls. Ā I loved having a fun place to display artwork they were proud of. Ā It has brightened the whole hallway and was perfect summer decor. Ā :)

Eye of the Tiger for a centerpiece. ;) Ā I took too many pictures of this wall I know. Ā I’m picture happy and tend to get carried away. Ā But that is something you already know too. :)

This is our last week of summer and then I will be taking this down because I have a fun idea for this shiplap display wall for the Fall. Ā I thought I’d share it with you quick before I change it again! Ā I can’t believe how quickly summer flew by. Ā It always does but this one seemed especially busy and fast flying. Ā We are doing lots of back to school prep this week and are shopping for a few school supplies today. Ā I’m hoping we also have time to swing by the Container Store! Ā I need something to finish up a project I’ve been working on. Ā I’m so excited to have it done! Ā And to share it with all of you.

Enjoy your day friends! Ā I hope it’s a good one. :)

**Getting lots of questions on Instagram about this paint color! Ā You can find info. onĀ all of the paint colors in my house in THIS POST. Also for those of you asking for more info. because Frazee switched to Sherwin Williams, I am working on that and will have it up on the blog soon! Ā Once my kids are in school. ;) Ā 

xoxo, Erin
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33 thoughts on “Shiplap Display Wall for Summer

  1. I love this! What a great way to display those masterpieces.
    Can’t wait to see what you have up your (fall) sleeve!!

  2. Well that looks awesome! I adore Kole’s snake and vine across the top. Looks like a banner showcasing the rest of the artwork. You have some pretty talented kids there and what a fabulous way to show off all that talent! Good luck with the start of the school year. I’m sure you’ll miss your kiddos (at least a little), but you’ll be thrilled to dive back into the projects you’ve been wanting to work on without too many distractions. Hope the kids have a successful start! Thanks for sharing this really wonderful display.

    1. Thank you Jeanne! I know.. Kole’s vine is pretty fun. I love 1st grade art. :) I’m jealous you are already in a good routine with school! It seems like the first week is always a little rough getting back into the swing of things. Especially not looking forward to early mornings! But we are ready. :) Enjoy your day cutie! xo

  3. Love this idea! It is a fun wall and does make you smile. Brilliant once again!!
    Enjoy your final days of summer…it really did go by too fast. xxoo

  4. What a fun idea for displaying all of that artwork that comes home at the end of the school year! I love your shiplap display wall! Can’t wait to see what you do with it next! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Love it, Erin! You are such a great mom to have such an awesome place to display your kids photos and artwork! Love you, friend!!! xoxo

  6. I love that wall and I think the kids summer art is my favorite. I wish I’d thought of this when my kids were young. I love that it can grow with your family, too. Your home is the perfect combination of style and real people live here. Good job! šŸ˜

    1. Lisa that is such a sweet comment! Maybe one of my favorite comments ever! Thank you! That means a lot to me because that’s what I’m always aiming for! Style but not stuffy. We definitely live in our home! :) So happy you like the summer art! xo

  7. Love this ! Such a great piece with endless ideas. I bet the kids love seeing their masterpieces displayed. Can’t wait to see what it looks like for Fall.

  8. This is such a great idea! As I was looking at the photos of your wall display, my eye was (also) caught by the beautiful runner on your stairs. i’d be so grateful to know where you found it – the color/pattern is lovely. thank you!

    1. Hi Lisa! So sorry I don’t have any info. on that! It’s a carpet runner we picked out at a local carpet store and I don’t have any info. on the name of the carpet. Sorry that’s no help! xo

  9. Love, love, love!
    Just wondering what you use to hang picture frames as I assume you only use painted tape for kids artwork? and also Christmas card wire how did you fasten to shiplap? I
    Any info appreciated !

    1. Thank you so much sweet Melissa! Yes! Painters tape for the art work. For the Christmas cards I used painters tape on this wall too! But the year before in my living room I attached command hooks on the sides of the display wall and hung the wire to those! You can see a detailed picture of how I did that in this post:

      Hope that helps! xo

  10. Hi Erin!
    Your babies are so talented!!! I absolutely love this idea. I started displaying my kids artwork in their play room, a few masterpieces in our kitchen and eventually I’d like to put some in our boring laundry room. I need more inspiration doing laundry besides pins and signs telling me that I’m doing laundry – LOL!
    We started school first week of August in Georgia – enjoy the time you have. The early mornings again…..
    Have a wonderful rest of your summer!

    1. Thank you so much sweet Adrienne! LOVE your idea of putting art work in the laundry room! Seriously brilliant. What a fun way to cheer up a not so cheerful chore.. ha! ;) XO

  11. I see Iā€™m late to the game in this post, but is your shiplap display board mounted to the wall permanently or like a picture you can take down?
    I love this idea and want something like this!

  12. Hi, I absolutely love this and plan to incorporate one into my decor, however I was wondering how you hang the pictures/artwork???

  13. Hi! I just came across this and love it. Was wondering how you attach things to the wall. Tape? I can imagine liking holes in it ha ha id love yo know. Thank you!

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