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Spring/Summer fashion

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Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Wednesday!  Is it Wednesday?  We’re on island time this week so to be honest I’m not sure. ;)  Spending the week in Maui for my kids Spring Break.  With my sister and her family coming for their Spring Break and then our first vacation in over a year we’ve had more excitement in the past 8 days than we’ve had in a long time!  Feels so good to mix things up from our every day and be back in one of our favorite spots!   This is hands down the busiest I’ve seen this island so we apparently aren’t the only people who were anxious to travel again and spend some time in the Maui sun.

If you’re following along with my organizing challenge we are tackling family/living rooms this week!  Usually these are easier rooms to keep organized (keeping them clean is another story right!?).  I added some updates to these spaces in my home that I’ll share soon!  I took pics before we left on our trip and I’m hoping to post them one of these nights after my crew is fast asleep.  I’m so trained to kick it into second gear late at night that I can’t go to bed at a good time even on vacation!  I try.  I lay in bed listening to everyone else sleep.  But I really just want to sit up and pop some popcorn and blog.

Old habits die hard.  :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{abbey flip flop/pacca slide/paily slide sandal in denim/paily heels in cafe/granada slide}

Sharing a few fun things I’m wearing this Spring/Summer!  I’m loving these sandals and am ready to put them on repeat!  I’ve loved the square toe shoe trend.  So cute.  Isn’t it funny to see all of these 90’s trends back again?  So many teens are wearing Docs and thinking they are so cool.  I’m like um.. Ellie.. I was wearing those when I met your dad.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I love and really want these Vince sandals but I’m trying to restrain.  I saw them shopping with my sister and told her I loved them and she said “yeah.. total Erin shoes!”  And they are.  They look like 5 other pairs already in my closet which is why I’m trying to restrain.  :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{everyleigh eyelet sleeve tee/madewell necklace/AG jeans/abbey flip flop}

I always find a few cute simple tees every Spring/Summer that look good with jeans or shorts.  Just easy and casual for every day running around with the kids.  This eyelet sleeved tee is so cute!  I love the sleeves and it’s a great length/fit.  Comes in lots of colors.  No surprise I went with green. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{straw circle tote/v-neck ruffle sleeve tee/initial pendant necklace/linen blend beach pants/paily heels}

This v-neck ruffle tee is the same brand as my cute green tee above and I love the material!  Just so comfy.  I’m also obsessed with these linen pants and love them so much I got them in black too.  Perfect for spring and summer.  They can be dressed up or worn to the pool/beach over your suit.  I love the rope tie/nautical look and they are really flattering!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

These heels are so beautiful and comfortable!  They sold out in all colors except the denim at Nordstrom, but I also found them here!  Going fast.  Also can we talk about this adorable straw circle tote!?  Perfection!  I love the faux leather handles and it’s such a good price.  It’s also the perfect size for a towel and a few essentials.  My go-to pool/vacation/beach bag this summer.  Funny story.  I saw this bag on-line, instantly fell in love and ordered it.  The next morning my friend Vanessa sends me a text with a picture of the same bag.. “just bought this circle beach bag.. isn’t it so cute!?  It reminded me of one you had last year.”  I sent her a screen shot of my on-line order from the night before and we were cracking up that we both bought the exact same bag within about 12 hours of each other!  Too funny.  We’ll be twins at the beach this summer sporting our circle totes!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

Same v-neck ruffle tee.. different color. Obviously when I love something I buy it in doubles. :)

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{straw circle tote/initial pendant necklace/linen blend beach pants/abbey flip flop}

A look at the black linen pants!  This suit is older (I’ve had it a few years).  It’s a Robin Piccone – my favorite brand of swimsuits.  They cost a bit more than some but the quality and fit makes them worth it.  They hold up so well year after year.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{shoulder shimmy minidress/pacca slide sandal/straw circle tote}

Another cute coverup!  Roxy dresses are my favorite for summer!  So many fun styles of cute little sundresses that are perfect to toss on over your suit!  My white legs in this pic remind me of my other spring/summer staple that is with me in Maui right now.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{loving tan 2 hour express mousse/loving tan applicator mitt}

This is hands down the best tanner I’ve used!  And I’ve sampled quite a few over the years. :)  It honestly looks like a salon spray tan and is so easy to apply.  You need the applicator mit and just rub it on.  The tan shows up immediately which I love because you can see exactly how to even it out and make sure you aren’t missing spots.  I have super fair skin but still use the dark mousse and just put on one coat.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

I have the tanner on in this pic from last year and you can compare my legs in it to the pic above to see the difference.  I feel like it looks very natural!  It dries quickly and lasts about a week.  This cute cover-up/romper I got last year is back in stock!  Go stripes. :) Also these Steve Madden sandals are older favorites and they also come in black, white and rose gold.  I wouldn’t recommend them for a day of walking (flat soles) but they are perfect to slip on for a few hours.  I keep these in my mudroom drawer and slide them on often when I’m running to the grocery store or to pick up kids.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{striped straw fedora hat/crocheted floppy hat}

A couple of cute hats I picked up for this summer!  I’m a little crazy when it comes to sun protection.  Both of my parents have skin cancer (the least dangerous type) and my skin is so fair.  I gave up attempting to tan years ago!  I’m also not that into wrinkles (you too?) :) so a hat is a must for me in the summer.  I’m religious about putting on this sunscreen under my make-up every day (LOVE it – it’s tinted and light and matte and doesn’t feel like sunscreen at all) and then I just try to keep my face covered as much as I can when I’m in the sun.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{crocheted floppy hat/neelah knot front t shirt bikini top/linen blend beach pants}

This is what the floppy hat looks like on.  Also how cute is this bikini top!?  I love it because my shoulders are covered!  I don’t want them to get wrinkles either. ;)  Seriously I’m always putting a tee on over my suit when I’m in the sun too long to cover my shoulders so they don’t get burned so I love this.  I got these bottoms to go with it and they are really flattering (good butt coverage!).  Robin Piccone again.. the best suits and bikinis.  I shared more favorite suits/bikinis I’m loving this summer in this post.

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{wrap maxi cover-up dress}

Ok.. last favorite for today!  I ordered this cute wrap maxi cover-up dress on-line for our trip to Maui and it came pretty wrinkled like clothes often do!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

In two minutes I had it looking like this.  I told you all in my last laundry post that I’m not a fan of ironing and I got lots of questions about my favorite steamer!

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

This mini handheld travel steamer is gold!  I had another steamer I was using that was ok but I wanted something smaller to keep upstairs and use for travel so I ordered this to try.  After a few months I tossed my other steamer and now I just use this!  It’s so easy to use – just fill it up with water and steam.  It works so well on everything – my couch, drapes, bedding, clothes.  I use it every week and don’t miss my iron one bit. :)  #leastfavoritechoreaftercooking

Spring/Summer Fashion (Sunny Side Up)

{wrap maxi cover-up dress/pacca slide}

Here’s how this maxi cover-up looks on!  A little long on me (I’m 5’3 1/2 and wearing the xs) but so beautiful and perfect to toss on over a suit when you’re heading to dinner after the beach.  Kole came in my bedroom while I was taking this pic and told me I looked like a greek goddess.  Ha ha.. MUCH better than other “compliments” my 5th grader has so graciously given me so I’ll take it.  ;)

That’s it!  A few things I’m loving this Spring that are with me on our trip.  Feels so good to spend some time in the sun!  With my sunscreen.  And my hat.  And a suit that covers my shoulders.

And where’s my popcorn?

Old habits die hard.


xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “Spring/Summer fashion

  1. Hope you guys have fun and stay safe in Maui. The fashions you showed are super cute. I like the details in the t-shirts. :) Your suit is so pretty, too. I know you said it’s not new, but it sure looks new. Enjoy your spring break! :)

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! That brand is great.. my black suit has been in the pool/beach/wash many times and it really does still look new! So happy you like it. :) I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! xo

  2. Thank you for the fashion show! You are delightful. Love all of the fashions but your eyes and smile are the real stars of the show!!

  3. Hi there,
    Could you please tell me where you purchased the fabric for your bench cushion in your mudroom that is shown in one of the photos with your cute sun hats. I have been looking for fabric to recover dining room chairs and love your fabric.

    p.s. I am in San Diego as well!

  4. I’ve seen that brand of self-tanner and haven’t yet tried it. A areat tip I heard on how to get an even self-tan on your hands, wrists, ankles and feet…apply a bit of self-tanner to the brush and gently rub on skin in a circular motion. I’m telling you, it WORKS! Before I tried this, my hands, and especially feet would be so splotchy and look ridiculous.

    LOVE Maui…Have FUN!

    1. K that’s exactly how I apply this tanner everywhere and you are so right! Rubbing in small circles works so well to even it all out. Thanks for mentioning that tip I forgot! I hope you’re having a good week Leah! xo

  5. Hi there, I hope you and your family are enjoying your family vacation.
    Love your taste in clothing and decor! You always have great pics too! I look forward to seeing your posts every week.
    I was wondering, could you tell me what color/brand paint is on your wall behind you and the door/moulding (last pic of you in the blue maxi cover up dress…….that you look beautiful in btw;)

    1. Hi Samantha! Oh you are too kind.. thank you! I’m so happy you enjoy my posts! Your sweet comment made my day. :) That pic is in my master bedroom and I repainted it so I don’t think that color is on my main paint printable, but I wrote all about it in this post:

      Any other paint colors in my home you can find on my paint printable when you sign up for my e-mail list here:

      I hope that helps! :)

  6. Enjoy Maui-We will be coming the end of the month. Also staying at the Westin Kaanapali Villas. We cant wait!!!

  7. Did you ever do a Maui post? It’s our favorite place, and I would love to know all your favorites there. I’d love tips for our next trip. Enjoy those lovely warm breezes!

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