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Organized Office Supplies

*This post is sponsored by Walmart. All product selections and opinions are my own!

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! We are gearing up for my girls’ last week of high school this year with El’s graduation on Friday. While I’m dreading her leaving in August for college I am definitely ready and excited for summer! School burn out always seems to hit this time of year doesn’t it!? For both the kids and the moms! We are ready for a break from the schedule and all things MAY! Ha. Moms understand. :)

I recently ordered 3 things I’m excited about from Walmart and I can’t wait to share them with you today! The first is this beautiful round marble end table.

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

{marble end table/ceramic plant pot}

We used to have a table in this spot by my couch and ended up moving it to another room. I’ve missed having a place to set my drink and book in this corner ever since! This table was a steal and it’s beautiful in person. It has a marble top and I love the open wood shelf below to hold a few decor items. That’s my first Walmart score.

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

{3 piece luggage set}

Second is this beautiful luggage! Addison turned 16 yesterday! We had such a fun weekend celebrating. With her birthday and Ellie’s graduation I wanted to get them both something fun. They needed new luggage and I thought this would be a perfect gift to represent future adventures for both of them. So proud of my girls and all they are doing and becoming. :) Addison loves blue and El always goes for pink, beige or black so I choose these two colors but they come in LOTS of options.

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

My 3rd Walmart find has a little something to do with this mess. I’m so excited to share the start of some recent office organization going on at my house! Honestly my office has been a mess for a while now. Half of it is organized but the other half.. not so much as is evident by the above cupboard. :) It had become a catch all for random items. The wooden boxes below my shelves have always held our school/office supplies but it was never a great solution because it was hard to see what was inside. I tried to keep them organized, but we were still always searching through every box and digging for items when we needed them.

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

{8 piece multipurpose storage system/5 piece laundry modular storage system/5 piece pantry modular storage system/10 piece bath storage system}

I was so excited when these clear bins from The Home Edit landed at Walmart! I knew they would be the perfect solution for this project! Really they are a great solution for any project. I wasn’t sure what I would need/use so I ordered a few different sets (linked above) to play around with. They have set names for the bins (for certain spaces) but you can really use any of them in any space! They are so interchangeable.

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

I ended up doing most of the organizing on my family room floor watching Friday Night Lights (recent Netflix obsession). Kenny’s like um.. you won’t watch much football with me but you’ll stay up all hours of the night watching a show about football?

Yes babe. That is correct. Actual football is about the game.. not the real life drama with the players. Ha.

A few shows and one hard earned state championship later this is what I ended up with..

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

{8 piece multipurpose storage system/5 piece laundry modular storage system/5 piece pantry modular storage system/10 piece bath storage system}

Ta-da! SO MUCH BETTER right!? Oh my word.. I’m obsessed with this solution! Aside from looking great these bins are going to make finding what we need a breeze.

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

I love that the bins are clear and I can see exactly what’s inside. No need for labels and everything is stackable!

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

The bins are different sizes so it was easy to customize and create exactly what I needed.

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

The bottom bins obviously hold the smaller items and the top larger bins hold things like my furniture swatches, paint swatches, notebooks, camera manuals, etc. Odds and ends! The types of random items that can really make a space look and feel cluttered. The Walmart Home Edit bins are so good! I have some left over and can’t wait to use them for other projects around my house.

I wish I could tell you that the rest of my office is also organized but this is what it looks like at the moment..

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

Yup. If you give a mouse a cookie.. I started with one cupboard and ended up pulling apart everything!

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

Wish me luck this week getting it put back together. Looks like a few more episodes and another state championship is in my future. Go Panthers.

Organized School Supplies (Sunny Side Up)

For now I’ll just keep staring at this space and listening to the angels sing. One cupboard/game at a time right!?

Until we score.



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xoxo, Erin
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13 thoughts on “Organized Office Supplies

  1. Oh boy! What an exciting time for your family, with your Ellie getting ready to graduate! Congratulations to her! And to you and your husband for guiding her this far! It’s bittersweet, too, isn’t it? And Sweet 16 for Addie. All the feels! You have raised them well from what little I can see. They are happy and busy and enjoying life. Well done! I’ve got to hand it to you, that cupboard looks fantastic! Yay, Erin1 Well worth the effort and I’ve no doubt that you will get the rest of the office in shape once you have a minute to breathe! You’ve got the whole summer ahead of you, right? Have fun soaking in this last week of actitivities with your daughters and son. You got this, Mama!! :)

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! It really is such an exciting and bittersweet time! I know you know the feelings well. :) Thank you for your kind words and hats off to me and my husband. We definitely feel like some celebrating on our part for making it this far is in order. Ha. ;) I really am so lucky.. they are good kids and happy. What more can you ask for as a parent right!? I hope your summer is off to a good start! Will be so nice to have some down time. Thank you again sweet Jeanne! xo

  2. I can’t believe your oldest is going to college this Fall. That went by fast. Organization and simplifying my closet and other home items is also looming in the back of my mind. I would like to simplify my clothing items so that my closet and dresser isn’t bursting at the seams. Living at a place with 4 seasons, working in an office, and loving all kinds of styles makes it hard to do. Decision fatigue is sometimes a problem when I can’t decide what to wear when looking at all the clothes available for me. This is going to take some time for me to tackle.

  3. Such fun finds, Erin! And May…..!!! Your office cabinet containers look so good! Love those cute suitcases!

    1. Thank you so much Lisa! So happy you like them! Let’s both pray June is a little calmer.. ha ha. Hope your summer is off to a good start! xo

  4. Erin,
    This time will be one of the saddest and also the most exciting and also the craziest of your life!
    There is a silver lining. It is a SECRET SHhhhh….. The ;-D secret is that when the first leaves the nest, starting with college, in your case-
    Then there are only two at home and you will not believe how easy 2 is compared with 3! Then, just a couple years off the next is out and you are down to the “mommy business” of ONE child. I must say that I never understood the concept of choosing to be parents of an “only” till then! OHMYGOSH. One child is SO EASY!!!!!! That “last” child tends to become a bit spoiled with all the undivided attention but so be it! Thats the child(well, the middle one too) that missed out on ALL that undivided attention!
    The one who patiently sat for hours in the car seat or slept in the car or who ate meals spoon fed from containers while you and the older ones shuttled between activity after activity….
    Clear bins-YES! they are the best! WHY do they even make the colored and opaque ones????

    1. Oh my word Sharon! I’m ready for the silver lining! Lately it has been all tears and a big fat lump in my throat! I’m so happy to hear that it gets.. dare I say.. easier!? We could definitely go for some of that right about now. I don’t know if I’m coming or going these days! #may My last child is already spoiled so we’ve covered that one.. ha ha. Baby and the only boy! But he has paid his dues in the car too. You have clearly been in my shoes! I’m so happy to hear good things are coming! You are the sweetest!! XO

    1. Oops is right! That’s probably the typo I make the most often! Ha ha.. thanks for catching it Lynette. I just fixed it. ;) The bins are AWESOME! xo

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