*This post is sponsored by Wayfair. All products selections and opinions are my own!
Hello hello! SO pumped about today’s post! I get pretty excited about a good before and after and I have just that for you today! I’ve been ordering organizing products and home decor from Wayfair for years so when they reached out to partner on a post I knew exactly what I wanted to do! (They are doing 5 days of deals at the moment!) I don’t know if I’ve ever shared a picture of this full linen cupboard before or not!? I had it built custom in the hallway going into our master bedroom when we built our home. It’s right across from our master bathroom which is why I added a mirror on the front cupboard for a quick outfit check as I’m walking out the door!
If you didn’t recognize this spot before, close the bathroom door behind me and zoom in and now you do! Ha. It’s the mirror I use for my fashion selfies. What I know I haven’t shown you is the inside of this cupboard.
For good reason! It has held so many things through the years and it has always been a mess! I never took time to organize it and it’s usually stuffed with all sorts of extras. I took this pic after pulling some linens out.. it’s usually even more stuffed full than this! I have wanted to make it a true linen cupboard that holds sheets and towels for years. I started going through bedding to find things for the girls to take to college and realized that our sheets were spread out all through the house and it was time to do something about this space and consolidate!
Ready to see the after and hear the angels? :)
Next I started rounding up all of our sheets! These are just some of them. I laid down a blanket in the family room and tossed them all in a big pile and then turned on a movie and started sorting and folding. (*Pro organizing tip – make your project more fun by doing what you can in front of the TV. Add popcorn for best results.) Are the reindeer sheets making anyone else excited for Christmas!? Just me? Ok.. moving on. :)
Then bring the side panels together and zip.
Then fold the top and bottom over and they velcro!
This is the stuff dreams are made of. :) Seriously though.. how smart! I labeled all of my sheets and they are all together in sets now.
LOVE these organizers and I love the black! They are such nice quality and were so easy to use. You can store all sorts of linens inside of them. The bottom row is all of my seasonal bedding. Thinking I’ll order one more set while they are on sale because I can fit a couple more on these shelves and use extras in Kole’s bedroom. LOVE them! After my sheets were organized I went through things and made a pile to donate and put the items I wanted to keep in this space in baskets and bins.
I mentioned these
over the weekend. Long time favorites that I have in most closets in my home! I love how deep they are for closets and cupboards. They hold a lot and always look beautiful.These
I placed extra bedding we use in our bedroom at the top..
Then I used these
for my white hand towels. Love these dividers! They are perfect to seperate and organize clothes, towels, handbags, whatever you need on a closet shelf!
Other side.. same set up. :)
I can’t tell you how amazing this feels! The best part is the 4 rattan baskets in the middle are empty! I’m going to use those to store smaller Christmas gifts for my crew. I’ll label each basket with their names and have a place to hide things (don’t tell!). :) I’m so happy to have this closet organized and functioning better for our family! I had so many items in this closet that we don’t even use anymore. It felt good to donate and make space for what we are using! Organizing my sheets this way saved so much space so that I can use the shelves for other things. Feeling good about this one! Angels approve and so did my husband.
I can’t ask for much better than that.
Below are a few more favorites for organizing and fall decorating from Wayfair!
(I ordered the cute little this pumpkin board too!)
Looks great, Erin! I need to go through our linen closet. It’s way smaller than yours! The last time I did it, I was gobsmacked at how much stuff came out of the small closet! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Jeanne! We had a really small linen closet in our last house and I wish I would have had these sheet organizers! They make such a difference. Ours was always overstuffed too! I’m so happy you like this.. thanks again! :)
Those sheet organizers are genius!!! So tired of digging through piles to find sets…problem solved!
RIGHT!? Lynette you will love them! I can’t believe the difference that made.. they take less space and are all organized together and so easy to grab when I need them plus they look beautiful! I’m a fan. :)
It looks great! What a beautiful piece you had made! Just love it!
Thank you so much Sherri! Feels so good to have done! xo
Hi Erin,
You gave me so much inspiration for my linen closet that I have put off organizing. Can you share what you did for storage of the pillow inserts?
Hi Laurie! Yea! Thank you! I actually ended up putting all of our pillows on beds, sending a some with the girls to college and then I donated a couple that we didn’t need anymore so right now I don’t need to store any! I have all of my extra couch/decor pillows in a closet upstairs. :)
Our linen closet also needs some organizing. I have 3 sheet sets for our bed and an extra sheet set for 2 other beds. I often wonder if I even need those extra sheet sets? I like those foldable linen boxes for sure. Where dd you end up transferring your extra pillows?
Hi Debbie! The linen boxes are so good! I ended up putting the extra pillows on beds and donating the rest so I don’t need to store them anymore!
That’s smart. How many sheets can fit in the linen boxes? Do you include the pillow covers in with the sheets?
Yes I added pillow covers too and for most sheets it fits a whole set! You could probably fit two sets inside one box with most sheets but the box would be bulging a little.
Love your post as per usual. I have suggested your blog to so many people! Can you share where you got your shirt that you are wearing with your fav Anthro capris? Thanks!!!
Hi Melissa! So sorry I’m just seeing this! Here is the link to my white shirt..
And it means so much to me that you enjoy my blog and suggest it to others! THANK YOU!! You made my day! xo