Happy Halloween everyone! We had a great one this year. Ellie was a Pumpkin Princess and Addison was a Ballerina Princess. These are some pictures I took at Kenny’s Law Firm. They have a Halloween party every year so the attorneys can show off their kiddos. Kenny had fun showing off his princesses. :)
Addison wanted to be a ballerina so badly and was in love with herself in this costume! She hasn’t taken if off all week and is constantly dancing and pointing her toes.
Climbing the rocks…wouldn’t want to be too lady like now would we???
The whole fam
As for Kenny and I…we came up with some last minute costumes for our Ward Trunk-or-Treat Party. We decided to go as “ourselves from High School.” I know – pretty scary, right?
I had a great time ratting my curly hair. My hair SO wants to look like this every day. It took me 10 minutes to do. As far as the dress goes…I bought it when I was fifteen and the waist was SO freakin‘ tight! I could hardly breath in it! I felt like Elizabeth Swan on Pirates of the Caribbean and told Kenny to not be at all surprised if I passed out. At least I got the thing zipped up (with amazing strength on Kenny’s part!). Babe – loved the pegged pants and Letterman’s Jacket (go Flyers!). I have a lot of great memories of you in that jacket. Most of which I won’t be mentioning on the blog. ;) The girls LOVED my hideous prom dress (the puffier the better) and thought it made me the most beautiful princess around. Only Addison was wise enough to mention “you have funny hair mommy!” Car – I know you’re loving this look since you teased us about the way we looked back in the day when we thought we were cool!

All four of us. Quite a random group!
Crazy Crew! My friend Angie is dressed in all black with “OIL” written on her cheeks. Very creative guys. :)
Ellie with her cute Pre-K friends
The girls LOVE LOVE LOVE our huge Frankenstein. They get seriously attached to this guy each year and want to hug him good night before bed and check on him first thing in the morning!

Ellie found Raggedy Ann (a neighborhood buddy) and the two of them were off! Addison stuck with mommy and at several houses that had a spooky feel would say “that’s too scary for me mommy!” We chose our houses wisely. :) Then after each house she’d hold out her candy and say “can you open this mommy?” Funny that she is SO into the candy. Ellie never was at age 2. She just wanted to organize it into piles (a girl after my own heart).
Looks like loads of fun! You’re probably all tuckered out, too! Love the flashback to high school!!!
So dang fun! And by the way, I always LOVED your hair in high school! I’m totally impressed you can fit into a dress from when you were 15!! What a fun idea.
So fun! And once again I love big hair–although it looks fabulous the way you normally wear it. Your princess’s are darling. :)
My little sweethearts could not look any cuter! We love the look of your old Dixie High School Days. I remember the day we bought that dress…what a find! Your girls will love playing dress up in it.
Next year dad and I will not be here handing out candy to my friends cute grandkids…we will be with are darling little girls!
P.S. Post some pics of our little bunny in Salt Lake when Car sends them…I can’t wait to see her too.
I LOVE your frankenstein!!! That is the best! Can I come over and hug him? :)
Just so everyone knows, Erin looked hot in her prom dress! Her hair looked so cute! And you should be so happy that you fit into a dress that you wore at 15-even if it was a little tight! Happy Halloween until next year!
I am never sure how we are suppose to respond to questions but I figured you wouldn’t go looking on mine for the answers! My kids have been pestered with the camera since day 1, my mom, Grandma, etc…..They are so used to posing they often ask me to take a pic or they take them of each other. Thanks though–it seems rare that I can get all 4 to look at me at the same time.
Your hair was WAY cool. I can say this because I had the same hair. Why is it that our hair wants to look like that still? I really loved the outfits and wish I could fit into a dress I wore when I was 15. You guys look like your halloween week was so much fun! Now on toward Christmas!
So cute Erin. That frankenstien is awesome! I loved your high school outfits and you know I think you should wear your hair like that all the time!
SO cute! The girls look darling in their cosutmes! And you and Kenny are cracking me up! I think your hair could have been a bit bigger though, right? Lookin good guys!
Ryan wants to know if Kenny was wearing a braided belt, and if he still has Ryan’s wrestling t-shirt he borrowed and never gave back?! And was Kenny wearing any spackle?
Love that she sorts! Crazy girl. I noticed that Kenny had his pants pegged and wearing the D proud. Did it rain?
Erin, you guys looked awesome!! Love the costumes! All of them!
Oh my goodness…your costume is the best!! You sure were brave to do that.
Oh my gosh, when I saw you in that gold dress, a flood of memories came pouring in! Those funny days in highschool and Jetette reviews… I am so dang impressed that you still have that dress (especially being such a fan of declutter) and that you can still fit in that dress!! Good for you Erin!
The girls look darling, I love the one of Addison pointing her toes, she looks so ballarina-like.
I also LOVED the pics. of Virginia. I heard so many stories of when you were there, but to see the actual walking trail and all the sites, made me feel as if I were there with you. I can see now why you loved it so much! What I wouldn’t do to see those fall leaves, so beautiful!
Love ya Erin..
Erin your girls are so cute! And I totally love the dress…reminds me of princess pageant days or something.
I remember you wearing that dress back in the day. You guys look hot!!! I don’t know why you ever changed your hair style. he he
the girls look so cute in their costumes! looks like all of you had a really fun time!