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Decorated Office/Craft Room!

Alright friends.  Let’s do this!  I’m finally sharing pics of my decorated office/craftroom  today!  YEA!  This post is going to be major picture overload so grab a snack, get comfy and I apologize in advance if I crash your computer.  :)

Before we see the “after” let’s remember what this room looked like soon after we moved in.  In a word.. messy.  :)
I cleaned things up, organized a few drawers and cupboards, and shared lots of pictures of my new office in this post.  It was a wonderful blank slate!
Here is what that blank slate is looking like today!
Soon after we moved in I knew I wanted to change the light fixture in this room.  The previous light felt too small for the space and had a horrible glare.  Not practical for a room the kids and I pretty much live in.  I had my eye on this pendant light from Ballard Designs and knew it would be perfect!  Exactly the look I was going for and it matches our staircase light (stairs are right next to this room).  Because of the bright wall color in this space I wanted to bring in more neutrals/blacks to tone things down a bit and make sure the room didn’t end up looking like Rainbow Brite’s summer cottage.  (Did I date myself there?  Anyone else remember Rainbow Brite?)  :)  I considered several rugs for this space (almost ordered this one or this one) but then ended up falling in love with this simple grey geometric rug from Rugs USA.
It took me a long time to figure out what to put on this big blank wall!  I debated everything under the sun.  Then I was shopping with a friend one day at a local boutique and they had this huge chalkboard hanging up advertising a store sale.  I was in love!  That was it!  I knew I had to have it for my office wall.  I asked if it was for sale and bought it right off the floor with their “20% off” writing still on it.  :)
I picked up some twine from the craft store and then was on a hunt for the perfect hook.  I went straight to Anthropologie because their hooks and hardware are my absolute favorite!  When I saw this black and white striped beauty angels sang.  Love it when that happens.  :)
The baskets on the sides of the chalkboard are from Ballard Designs and are perfect for holding miscellaneous items.
I haven’t labeled anything in my office yet because I’m still getting things organized and deciding exactly what to put where.  That’s a post for another day!  Nothing like a good wire basket.  :)
I’ve had this wooden tray for years and love using it to corral our school supplies.  I buy new crayons often because something about sharp, new crayons just makes me happy.
This chalkboard will be so fun to play with and use for different things.  It makes the school teacher in me giddy.  :)  At the start of the new year I wrote my kids’ daily checklist on it (same things that are on their chore charts) because I was craving a little more order.  After school and before they play or have computer/TV time I have them check this list to make sure everything on it is done.  Crackin’ the whip around here. ;)
I’m so in love with these wood and metal 2 level trays from World Market!  They really help me stay organized.  I still need to label them and I’ll share how I’m using them at some point!
I’m sure my shelf decor will be switched up often, but for now I have some simple items from Home Goods on the top shelf along with a favorite organizing book, cute notepads and a favorite bowl from Anthro.  On the bottom shelf I put one of my favorite signs from Jaxn Blvd.  I first shared it on my console table decked for fall.  I love it on that table and may move it back when I find something else for this room.    (Things never stay in one place around here!)  :)  The roman numerals are September 6, 1997 – my wedding date.
This adorable ampersand print is from my friend Abbie’s fun shop Paint and Prose.  The colors were perfect and I love the touch of whimsy it adds with the industrial/wood decor I have going on in this room.  Small striped pitcher is holding a few colored pencils and is from Target.
This desk is where I work!  My kids have taken over the big computer so I’m always here with my laptop.  I cleaned my workspace up just for you, but it will most likely never be this clean again!
I knew I wanted industrial looking chairs in this room and debated several options.  I liked our dining nook chairs in this space and also looked at this option from Crate and Barrel, but ended up going with these Marian metal chairs from Ballard Design.  I especially love their striped cushions!
Two of my favorite pictures on are my desktop.  My husband and kids from a past Halloween and a group picture with some of my close friends taken on my birthday last year.  Isn’t the striped frame fun?  It’s from Krumpets!  They sell a lot of fun patterned frames.  I worried about going overboard with black and white stripes in this room – I really did.  But I used them in the small accessories that I can change if I suddenly decide I’m over stripes.  Although I don’t see that happening anytime soon.  I bought the cute little trinket “E” dish from Anthro to set my rings and watch in when I work.  I always take them off when I’m working in my office.  This space = jewelry off, hair in a top knot and sleeves rolled up. (Enter fist pound emoji.)
I knew I wanted black clip boards for this wall and after searching and not finding what I wanted I was almost ready to paint my own.  Then I came across this set of three at Home Goods and I seriously think I squealed out loud in the store!  They even came with a stack of gold lettered quotes!  I had to explain why I was so elated to the lady in the aisle next to me because she was looking at me and laughing.  I couldn’t contain my excitement!  That was a good shopping day.  The quotes I have in the clipboards at the moment say “every day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending” and “throw kindness around like confetti.”  I liked those two. :)  I also have an arrow addiction and loved the arrow print so it’s in the middle.  These will be fun to switch out with other quotes or my kids’ art work.
My striped Target pitcher has made the rounds in my house, but for now I’m loving it in my office!  The arrow stand (I think it’s a necklace holder?) and note cards are also from Home Goods.  You can find the bowl here.
Moving to the other side of the room!  (Are you still with me?  Bathroom break anyone?  This post is a novel!)
I love the baskets I previously had in this space, but not so much for this room so I moved them to my master bathroom and went on a mad hunt for the perfect baskets for these open shelves.  Not easy to find something I loved with the exact dimensions I needed that was also a closed basket (I want to hide things in these!).  After searching on-line in every store I could come up with I finally landed on these beauties from Magnolia Market.  (These are the large size.)  I’ve had them in my pantry for over a year now (I know!  still need to do a pantry post!).  It finally hit me that I should try them in this space too.  Perfect fit.  Perfect look.  Thank you Chip and Jo!  My love for you two grows daily.
My vintage office sign I shared in a Friday Favorites post is from Painted Fox and you can still get 25% off!  Just use the code SUNNYSIDEUP25.  I love the look of it in this space.  Arrow and all.
My desktop screen saver is a pic of our backyard (is it summer yet!?).  I put some fun IG pics that make me happy around my computer (just used painter’s tape to hold them) and I keep going back and forth on whether or not it’s too cluttered looking?
For now they are staying because my kids and I love looking at them every day.  A fun and easy thing to update and I love getting pictures off of my computer and out where we can enjoy them!
Dutch door love.  :)
Our file holder from Ballards has always kept us organized!  I’ve had it for years.  The black clock was a fun new Pottery Barn addition.  It comes in a blue that I love too, but that obviously wouldn’t work on this wall.  :)
This cute little hook is from Anthro and the cute little clipboard is from Magnolia Market.  It’s clearly all about the cute little things.  I still want to add a few more cute little things to the wall on the left of our file holder, but I’m a slow decorator and didn’t want to keep you waiting two more years for that to be finished. ;)

A few more random pics of this space (even though I know you’ve seen enough!)…
That’s it!  Quite possibly one of my longest posts ever!  But this has turned out to be one of my most favorite rooms ever.  I think the reason I love it so much is because it’s just so me.  It’s a mix of everything that I love.  I smile every time I walk in.  That’s the goal with decorating your house, right?  Not everyone needs to love your home.. YOU need to love your home.  Surround yourself with things you love and your house will inspire you and make you happy.  This room makes me very happy and I’m so grateful I get to share it with all of you!

Now.. time to roll up my sleeves, take off my jewelry, put my hair in a topknot and get back to work!


*affiliate links used

More details on this space:  The paint in this room is “Tinted Ice” by Dunn Edwards.  The room size is 15 1/2 x 12 feet.  I designed the layout and had the cabinets built custom.  I also designed the table and it was custom built.  The table legs are painted in “Seattle” by Frazee and the top is a slab of quartz (Organic White – Caeserstone – same quartz I have in my kitchen).  Organic White quartz is also the counter tops in the perimeter of this room.

All office sources: chalkboard (similar), wall hookbarstools (similar), rug, wall baskets, (similar wall baskets I considered)wood and metal organizing trays, small chalkboard on shelf (similar), letter jewelry dish, striped frame, teal decorative bowl, grey decorative bowl, crate baskets, black clock, hanging wall file, vintage office sign

If I’ve left something out that you have a question about let me know!  xo

xoxo, Erin
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130 thoughts on “Decorated Office/Craft Room!

  1. Your office looks so good. Love ALL of the decor. Taking your time really pays off. I’m the same way. Although, sometimes even after I take my time I still return stuff. I think return more then I by.

    I have a question. Do you have the name of the white that was used on your baseboards. Our wood floors are being laid soon but I am still trying to figure out the white that I want used.

    Thanks Erin, and again, your office looks so good. xo

    1. Thanks so much Cathy! I return a lot too. A LOT! It’s hard to find that perfect thing that fits each space and is something you love! That’s why I take an average of two years per room to decorate.. ha! ;) All of the white trim and molding in our house was painted with “Arothane White” by Frazee. I think Frazee has now joined with Sherwin Williams. :) xo

  2. It looks amazing (and organized)! You have serious talent girl! Can you come decorate/organizemy office now???

    1. You are too kind Jenny! Thank you so much! The organizing is still a work in progress, but I’m getting there. Wish I could come over and help! We would have fun together. :) xo

  3. Very nice Erin! The colors looks so good together! I really like the print from Paint and Prose. i would like to get one for my kitchen as there are some really cute ones. Do you have a link for the board you have underneath it?
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Kimberly! So sorry.. I don’t have a link for that little chalkboard! I bought it on a trip (can’t remember the store!) and have had it forever. :) xo

      1. I think I found a chalkboard very similar. What size of print do you have from Paint and Prose? Just delete the email that I sent you.
        Thank you so much!
        Have a great day!

  4. This is such a beautiful and functional space! As a home decor and DIY blogger this is what I literally dream of having! You have a computer space, another work space by a window (crafting pictures) and then the large center table. We plan to move and purchase a larger home this year and on my must have list is a work and craft room for me. My kids and I also spend a ton fo time creating, painting and crafting together so to have a big room like this for us all would be great. I will be using this as inspiration for sure!

    1. Thank you so much Emily! I felt the same way when we first started looking at homes! I wanted an office/craft/homework space so badly! When we ended up deciding to build I got to work planning this room. I thought about it and planned it for hours! It really works well for our family. The kids and I LIVE in this space. Every afternoon the four of us are in this room working on different things. Such a luxury to have a space to make messes in that we don’t have to clean up right away! I hope you are able to find exactly what you are looking for too! Thanks for your sweet comment! xo

  5. I love love love the little file drawers above your computer. Are you currently using them, or are they empty? What are their dimensions?

    I’m going to keep this post open so I can reread it later (and look at all the pics again!)

    1. Thank you so much Jamie! At this point I am using three and two are empty. :) I’ll share what’s in them when I share how I’m organizing everything in this space. And I’ll add the dimensions of them to my post tomorrow! They are little. :) xo

  6. For the snapshots on the wall behind your computer you could put up a row of (something…can’t think what it is called) on the wall behind the computer that has clamps where you could cup up a few photos in an organized way and rotate them once in a while. Hope this makes sense! Super, super cute room. You are so talented. (Can’t edit so I am adding, trying to explain better – you could put up a wire cable straight across with metal clips. That way the photos are a bit more organized looking if you think it looks too busy.)

    1. Oh my word Holly.. LOVE that idea! Thank you so much! Definitely something to consider for that space! So sweet of you! xo

  7. I very much remember Rainbow Bright. ;) I love this space, not that that is a surprise. I’m glad you have found so many things you love to decorate it.

  8. Looks cute, Erin! Love the black and white! Looks so much better decorated, lol. I really like the chalkboard in there. It just works. So many fun touches.

  9. Holy smokes, I am in L❤️VE! Pretty and functional-sign me up! I recently discovered you on IG and have become your stalker (but not in a weird creepy way, promise)! Loooove your house and the outside area is heavenly! Let me know if you’re looking for a new BFF! Gorgeous room! 😍

    1. Bethany! So nice to “meet” you! Thank you so much cutie! I’m so happy you found me and I’m thrilled you like it! You can consider us BFFs now (I’m always looking for new friends!) so you aren’t stalking. Just checking in on a friend. ;) xo

  10. We love this room so much, we are turning our bare ‘computer room’ into an ‘office/craft room’ similar to yours. I’m building the cabinets and table myself, so mine might take a year to complete, but I have drawn up plans and started the cabinets.

    1. Oh my word Robin! How fun! I’m so flattered you are going to do something similar! PLEASE e-mail me some pics when it’s done! I would love to see how it turns out. So impressed you are building the cabinets and table yourself! WOW. I’m sure it will turn out amazing! xo

  11. Hey, Erin! What an amazing space! I’ve long admired that you have a dedicated craft/office space with a dutch door! What’s not to love, right? But now. decorated and organized…bliss! :D I adore every detail you have added because each piece is just so you! I’ve never met you in person, but feel I’ve gotten to know you a bit via what you have shared in your blog. I adore that you recognize the teacher, the mom, the wife, the organizer and the wonderful designer in you all in one pretty and fantastic space. I could be envious, but that is the thief of joy and this space exudes joy and happiness. Thank you for sharing everything. Especially the quotes. Throw kindness like confetti=love! Thank you so much for taking the huge amount of time it must have taken to put this post together. I so appreciate the effort! Have an awesome day! :)

    1. Jeanne! You are going to make me tear up! You honestly write the most heartfelt, sincere comments. I read through it several times! I feel so fortunate to know you and call you a friend. I hope someday we get to meet so I can learn more about you! I’m thrilled you like the room! You need to know that you’ve completely made my day with your thoughtful words. Maybe my week! Sending you the biggest hug from San Diego. :) xo

      1. Her post made me cry, too! What a sincere person! It made me wish she were my best friend! Thanks for being you, Jeanne!

  12. Loving your house. I just signed up to your blog and love that you detail where you can get all your accessories, paint colours, furniture. You are inspiring me up to make my home more loveable :-)

  13. Beautiful room :) Everything is perfectly coordinated without being obvious or overload. Love it!

    Where did you get the card pulls for the cabinets? Ive been searching for some for our home office redo.

    1. Thank you Celina! So happy you like it all! I ordered those card pulls from an on-line store called Lee Valley! Totally random and I can’t remember how I came across their store, but I was so happy when I did! I hope they still have them for you!

  14. Thank you Thank you Thank you for this post! Love it all! Silly, but my favorite things are the clipboards and the Roman Numeral print!! One more thing, I WANT the bar stools and don’t like the similar ones near as much. Are yours no longer available??? Angela/Nonny

    1. Not silly at all Angela! I’m that same way when I see decorated spaces! My eye always goes right to a certain piece of decor I love. :) I bought those bar stools years ago (before we even moved into the house) at Home Goods. I actually bought them for my kitchen but then didn’t love them (too much grey against my grey island!) so I moved them into my office. I was trying to find similar barstools with the nail heads on them (that’s my favorite part!) but couldn’t see anything! If I ever come across some more similar I’ll let you know! And I haven’t forgotten about your bike path post btw! Ha! I’m just waiting for our yard to come to life again and I’ll take pics. ;) xo

  15. Beautiful room. Love the paint color and design. (Definitely does not resemble Rainbow Bright’s cottage LOL – and yes, I too am dating myself – loved watching that show when I was a kid). Great details from the bowl from Antro to the hardward, I love it. Thank you for sharing.

  16. It looks great. I love how bright it is. The pictures behind the computer–a must stay!!!
    Des Moines, IA

  17. Oh I love this Erin, looks great!! I’m like you, a slow decorator, but I think a room turns out so much better when time has been taken to put it together. I have tried to rush the process before and never end up loving it so I think taking your time to find pieces that you love results in a beautiful, personal, LOVED space! Thumbs up!

    1. Thank you so much Kaitlin! I totally agree! For me, whenever I try to rush something I just don’t get everything the way I want it and then I end up changing or re-doing it all. Much better to take my time although that’s not always a good thing in blog land.. ha! :) I’m so happy you like it all! Such a sweet comment.. it made me so happy! Thank you! xo

    1. Thanks Lauren! It’s from the on-line store Jaxn Blvd. I put a link to her shop in that paragraph where I talked about where I got it and that it is my anniversary date! xo

  18. lol I actually dressed up as Rainbow Brite when I was 4 I think for Halloween : )
    that ampersand is so pretty! I love the whole room, what else is new! also can’t wait for the pantry, maybe bc I don’t currently have one, I love them so much, they are what make me squeal lol

    1. Too funny Aria! Loved Rainbow Brite. :) Thank you so much! I’m so happy you like it! I need to find the motivation to take pics of my pantry! Hopefully coming soon. Thanks again cutie! xo

  19. Oh it’s just perfect Erin!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!! I loved the room before, but definitely agree with you that bringing in the black was the ticket to bringing it to life! LOVE your new light! My second favorite addition is the wood bins on the shelves with the chalkboard fronts. Great job! And ps, I can’t wait to see your pantry either! I’m so curious as to what your spin on it would be! :)

    1. Thank you Lisa! I know.. that light made a big difference in the space! Every time I tried to bring color into the room it just didn’t look right! I think the walls were so powerful and bright that I had to use neutrals to tone things down a bit. I’m so happy you like it all! And I’m happy you like those bins! I was so excited the day I realized they would work! I had spent forever trying to find something that would fit in those open spaces! Hopefully a pantry post will be coming soon. :) Thanks again cutie! xo

  20. OMG My organized loving brain is on OVERLOAD right now, Erin! LOVE this space My daughter is in college /out of the house but I still must organize our junk room into a similar space. WOW, how blessed you are to have this space. Love every detail and YES it just makes you happy & smile. I’d live in here. I do lots of crafts/gift wrapping etc also and this is the PERFECT space. I don’t even know what my favorite part is??!! It’s ALL wonderful & HAPPY!! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to your posts the most :-)

    1. Thank you so much Cindi! Oh my word.. your excitement is making me excited! Ha! I’m so happy you love it all! I’ve been working on getting it all organized. What a job! We have so much stuff I still need to go through. But yes.. I love having a place where we can make messes and start projects and we don’t have to clean them up! Every woman needs an office/craft room! I hope you can turn your space into something similar.. you will love it! Enjoy your day cutie! Thanks again for such a fun comment! I’m still smiling. :) xo

    1. Thank you so much Shauna! Means a lot coming from you cutie! I’m off to dream about April.. can’t come soon enough! :) xo

  21. I love, love, love your office/ craft room. I love how much space there is to actually work. A couple of kids at the table, someone at the computer, you at the desk. Plenty of space and none of that “he’s touching me” business going on.

    My favourite section is that little nook with the 3 clipboards and the pitcher with the flowers :) I screenshotted (?) it and sent it to my MIL the other day when I saw it on Instagram because I’d been telling her how the gold pitchers are a Thing. She has an original glass and gold-dipped one from a gazillion years ago! Vintage!

    1. That is exactly how we look every afternoon Marcia! Although I’ve had to send one child to the kitchen a few times because the two at the table still manage to mess around and distract each other.. ha! ;) Yes! Love gold pitchers! Tell your MIL to hang on to them. :) Thanks cutie! xo

  22. Gorgeous-but I didn’t expect anything less from you! LOVE you and your style! Really enjoyed this post-thanks!

    1. Well I really enjoyed that sweet comment Paula! :) Thank YOU! So happy you like the room and your sweet words made my night. :) xo

  23. Love your room…actually, I LOVE your whole house!! Have you done any posts about the planning & designing process you used when you were building (I think that would be a VERY helpful post/series!). You’ve got soooooooo many awesome, custom built-ins, how on earth were you able to figure all that out ahead of time???!! Can you please share the room dimensions of your office? We’re currently in the “blueprint” stage of building our next, & last, home & figuring out what size room we need/want is proving to be very difficult. And frustrating. I’m sure most of it’s my imagination, but, “all” the rooms in blogland &/or Pinterest tend to appear HUGE. I’m glad I discovered your blog & became a subscriber…I look forward to seeing an email that you’ve got a new post for me to drool over…Thanks!!

    1. Oh my word.. what a kind comment! Thank you so much! I wrote a post about 10 things I learned building but hadn’t thought about a post on the planning/design process. Good idea! :) A LOT of planning went into the house for sure. I had sort of dreamt about it all for years so that helped. ;) Several people have asked about the size of my office so I just added that info. at the bottom of the post! This room is 15 1/2 x 12. I hope that helps! Congrats on building your last home! I know it can be a stressful process, but also such a fun, rewarding process too. Best of luck with everything and thanks again! xo

  24. Erin, I am in love, your room is so beautiful and functional!!!! I discovered your Blog long ago and have become your ” stiller Bewunderer”! Love everything about your house, the outside area and your special touches! It is heavenly! Thank you for sharing.
    Liebe Grüsse from the Black Forest/Germany

    1. Elisabeth! You are such a sweetheart! I’m laughing! Had to look that word up. I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad?! ;) Such a kind thing to say. It means a lot to me that you’ve been reading for so long. Thank you sweet friend! xo

      1. Erin , thank you ! I will always have “good words” for you and your blog! Maybe with little mistakes ;) sometimes I don´t find the right translation! Sorry, please excuse me!
        Happy weekend from Germany!
        LG Elisabeth

  25. I love what you’ve done in your office, Erin! The before picture was plenty clean to me and the after picture even better. It still feels open, spacious, simple, and clean even with all the added decors. The light fixture looks great and the industrial look is perfect for the space. I especially love all the storage you have there and I can’t even imagine how it will all be filled. I imagine the same about your kitchen storage too. I also love (how often can I use this word) the quartz counter tops, and wondering how you were able to put the rug under the desk since I’m guessing the desk is quite heavy.

    This is definitely a dream craft/homework/office space!

    1. You are too kind Debbie! So happy you love it! Yes! That desk is crazy heavy. My husband was able to lift one side at a time while I hurried and slid the rug under! Took us a while to get it centered and he got quite a work out. Ha! :) Thanks so much for your kind words! Hopefully I’ll be sharing how this space is organized along with my kitchen cabinets before too long! xo

  26. What a fabulous space you have created! I’m a mum of three too, currently designing my new home. I’m sitting at my kitchen bench on my computer ( like I have the space ..Not!) reading your fabulous blog whilst cutting up toilet rolls and tissues for Miss 7’s craft project. I just showed her your amazing room and she is currently drooling all over me and of course I’m back to the plan to see what I can do ! Thanks for sharing! I’m getting so many ideas from you and I love, love your humour :)

    1. Thanks so much Libby! So sweet of you to say. Sounds like you definitely need a craft space! Your little miss is lucky to have you! Happy toilet roll cutting.. been there done that! Ha! ;) xo

  27. the room looks fabulous, the color is calm and relaxing, just like going to the beach :) and the extra elements of wood, black chalkboard goes so well. I do have a question, what type of wood did you use for the build in cabinets? i stay away from white because for me, its hard to clean/wipe all the time. i do not like laminate/compressed boards. and they are so heavy :( i prefer quality materials that resembles natural wood. and that dutch door, such a clever idea. thanks!

    1. Thank you so much Lilly! Oh my word.. I can’t remember what type of wood we used! It is real wood but I’m not sure what type. So happy you like my office! Thanks again! :) xo

  28. Your office-craftroom is amazing, Erin! My hubby might miss some meals if I had a space like yours….it’s hard enough to drag my bum away from the tiny little room I have. My room is a happy color similar to yours!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Carol! I’m so happy you have a creative space too! My sweet husband misses meals for lots of reasons.. ha! xo

  29. I just stumbled upon your blog today, as I am in dire need of a new paint color for my house, but I couldn’t help and wander through your blog! you have such a beautiful home. I, also, couldn’t help but notice your roman numeral anniversary date and realized that we share the same anniversary date! except I was recently married in 2014 ha! :)

  30. Hi Erin,

    I just discovered you on Pinterest and i have to say I LOVE your craft room/office. Your room is so inspiring and what I’d love my room to look like. I did want to ask where you got your area rug from. I’ve been searching for months for a cream/gray patterned rug and just haven’t found anything I really like. I love the one in your pics and I’m hoping it’s something that might still be available.

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Stacey! If you look at this post again I talked about the rug and linked to where I got it! Look for it below about the 5th picture. :) I also added a link to a few other rugs I considered if mine isn’t available in the size you need anymore. xo

  31. This is the next room in my house I want to finish. I did ship-lap a wall and then create a gallery but the adjacent wall is still blank… a chalk board and wire baskets is exactly what it needs!! Seeing yours really inspires me to get going! I spend so much time in our office and I should love it!

  32. Erin, just looking at your office design again today. I really like your chalkboard! I can’t tell — is it old or made to look old? Any suggestions on where to find one similar? I understand how you found yours — great find!

    1. Thank you Georgeann! I think it was made to look old. :) I know.. it was a happy day when I found it! I linked to one similar at Pottery Barn and I know they have chalkboards at Restoration Hardware too. They might not have the rope but that is something I’m sure you could add! Thanks cutie! xo

  33. Hi Erin!

    I love the sutch door you choose for this space. We are remodeling our boys room and I would love to install a door similar to yours. Where did you find it?

  34. Thank you for this detailed post! We are starting the build process and originally I thought I just wanted an office… for me. Seeing this one makes so much more sense! If you’re going to have a dedicated office, why not make it functional for the whole family. Perfection!!
    Quick question (and forgive me if you have already answered this one), what do you use the small pull out drawers above the desktop for? With all the other storage, just curious if they’re functional and if you like them. Thanks so much!!

    1. Hi Keri! Thank you so much! Happy you like our office/craft room! :) I do love those drawers! The middle three actually pull down and they are the ones I use. I’ll show you how I use them in an upcoming post at some point. I’m planning on writing a post about all of the organization in that room. It has a lot going on. ;) xo

    1. Hi Kristen! Thank you! If you look at the bottom of this post below all of the pictures I mentioned the paint and other room details and sources. :) xo

  35. Love this! Must look you up on pinterest since this layout will work for our future office! Thanks for sharing! And I tell you what, if only Ikea or some other cabinet supplier could understand the need for desk height cabinetry they’d hit the big one! Off to google custom cabinet makers…. = )

  36. Wow, I adore this home office. So neat, clean, and gorgeous. Have everything an home office need, and yet it’s not cluttered. Now you have to come to our home and help us create this fabulous look. :/)

  37. Great room! You have excellent taste! What size light did you get? I’ve been looking at it for a while now and can’t decide on the size for my dining area.

    1. Hi Bridget! So sorry I missed this comment when you first sent it and am just seeing it now. I got the medium! 20×14. Thanks cutie! I hope that helps even though it’s so late! xo

  38. I found your blog today and I think I’ve been on it all day long! You are absolutely amazing!! I love how you share your thought process in picking things for your home. I love your style and your blog….Can’t wait to see more!

    1. Oh my word Cristina! You just made my day! Maybe my week! ;) SO sweet of you to say. Thank you! I’m so happy you found me. It’s nice to “meet” you! xo

  39. Hi! Love this space! I might have missed this, but I am curious the dimension of the workspace table in the middle of the room. I absolutely love it.

  40. I just found your blog today through pinterest. I haven’t had time to go through everything but would love to know where you got your stools that are around your center table. I love, love, love this room. Every picture has something that inspires me. Thanks for all your hard work to share it with us all.

    1. Hi Krista! Thank you! So happy you found me. :) They were from Home Goods but if you read that post I talked about them and linked so some that are identical! xo

  41. Love your work space! Is the craft table custom built? – i’m looking for one slightly smaller or maybe even square to put in my kitchen breakfast room for use as a work space since we don’t use the room to eat in!!

  42. I love your home! I have used the Seattle Paint in my house after seeing your blog! I am having trouble finding rugs that will match the Seattle and our furniture! Do you think that the rug you have in the craft/office would work with the Seattle paint color? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Caroline! Thank you! I’m so happy Seattle worked for you! It’s a really easy color to coordinate rugs with.. really anything with soft grays or any neutral cream, beige or jute rug will look great. This rug in my office would absolutely work! If you want something more neutral to go with your furniture the Chunky Wool Jute rug I have in my family room is a good way to go too (I’ll attach a post with info. about that rug). Either would look great!

  43. Such a gorgeous room! I want to duplicate it :-)
    Did I miss the part about where the desk was from? Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much Katie! I had the desk made custom! I sketched the legs and had them made and the top is just a slab of quartz. :) xo

  44. Is your table higher than the countertops? Would you mind sharing how high the table is? I love this room! Your built ins are great!

    1. Hi Kristen! Thank you! My craft table is 35 inches but I’m short! I wanted it at a height that I could stand at to work. I think our kitchen islands are 36 inches high. I hope that helps! :)

  45. I’ve probably commented before because this is one of my favorite rooms and have used it as inspiration for my office!!

    Can you please tell me where the hardware is from? Thank you!

  46. What a beautiful and functional room! I love all the attention to details! Wonderful. I have 2 questions :) where did you get the table and what size is the room? Our home office/school/craft room is 12×12 and wonder if I would do something like this. Thank you

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