Well! It has been a week since I posted last. How is everyone doing? :) We are good. Busy! But the very best kind of busy. There are so many things I’m dying to share with you all (oh my word.. I’ve been decorating and organizing up a storm around here!) but I need to record a few random pics from last week first. It was a special week for our girls!
*Sidenote: Be prepared for bad lighting.. all of these are quick cell phone pics! And excuse the shameless bragging. This proud mom just can’t help herself. ;)
Last weekend my sweet Addison turned 10 years old. Can’t believe that! My parents came to visit (and help!) because we had so much going on. Ad is going to start playing an instrument next year and her grandpa surprised her by giving her his favorite saxophone. (My dad is an amazing sax player and I grew up listening to his jazz.) :)
Everyone tried to help her get the hang of it. :)
Love this cute shot I got of my parents.
And she’s a natural! Let’s hope the neighbors can handle the next few months of practice. ;)
Last week was also Ad’s school play! This is my mom and I right before it started. I was so nervous! My hands were sweating. My hands always get sweaty when I’m nervous. The first time Kenny held my hand when we were dating it was seriously wet. Ha! He teased me about that for years.
I had nothing to be nervous about! Ad nailed her part as the sassy director, made everyone laugh and sang her solos beautifully. Wearing one of mom’s old jackets. :)
So special having grandma and grandpa there to watch!
{Sidenote.. Seriously LOVING this top and my new sandals from my last Fashion/Favorites post! They have been perfect for so many end of the year events! All outfit details are here.}
I honestly could not be more proud of my sweet 10 year old. She is smart and talented, but even better, she is kind and giving and always wants to do the right thing. She is fearless and full of personality and makes us laugh daily. She loves yogurt, fashion, reading, “sit down family dinners” and a good episode of Arthur. She has her mom’s hair and blue eyes and her dad’s calf muscles and cheek bones. She loves to hear stories about when her parents were little and her huge smile (with or without braces!) lights up a room. She makes me happy every single day.
Pretty sure she makes this guy happy every single day too.
Ad with her besties. :)
The last two weeks have been busy dance weeks getting ready for the recital! Lots of practices and dress rehearsals and hair in tight buns and beautiful costumes and too much make-up. :)
We’ve all three been twirling around the house even more than usual lately. :)
Coming out after the big show!
Absolutely loved watching my girls perform. This was El’s day to shine because she is my serious dancer. Ad took one class for fun this year so she could be involved in theater while El took seven dance classes. I can’t believe how much El has grown as a dancer and gymnast this past year. She nailed her solos and is trying out for her dance group’s competitive team next week! She loves dancing so much and it’s all over her face when she performs. Such a beautiful thing to watch! I grew up dancing and love it so much too. My dad said he couldn’t decide what was more fun to watch during the recital .. El dancing or me watching El dance. Pretty sure I was on the edge of my seat with a huge grin on my face the whole time. And sweaty hands of course. :)
The girls and I can’t wait to start watching So You Think You Can Dance together this summer! Moves will be copied. Watch out. ;)
Ok.. quick peek of one fun project I’m working on right now. Remember my formal living room? I have it mostly decorated.
This Spring I finished off the shelves (although I will forever be tweaking them).
Since my dad was visiting I quickly recruited him to help me with my gallery wall for the other side of the room. My mom snapped these pics with her phone one evening while we were working on it.
I had an idea of what I wanted and an inspiration pic we loosely followed.. although we pretty much changed everything around. Multiple times. My dad is so good with stuff like this. He has a good eye, is great at spacing things correctly and has the patience to handle me and my mix of indecisiveness and perfectionism. My mom and husband don’t last 10 minutes with me and my projects. (#truth) A funny story is suddenly coming to mind from when I was learning how to drive. Ha! Let’s just say thank goodness for my dad. He always has my back.
More on this wall coming soon! I hope. :)
Speaking of my dad. You guys. I had so much fun with him this trip. This is us chilling together in the Nordstroms Home Department. One of my favorite places to hang out. He was such a good sport to come shopping with me and my mom one morning. He was teasing us when we walked in the mall saying things like “just look at you two.. cue the rocky music..”
We can’t deny it. My mom and I love a good trip to the mall. :)
So this made me laugh. I found the most BEAUTIFUL black and white striped marble cutting boards. This circle and this rectangle board. Are they not just beautiful!? And I said “I have to have these” and my mom said “oh you two look cute standing there.. smile for me” and she took this pic of me and my dad.
Then my dad told me I shouldn’t get the cutting boards and did a thumbs down. What!? He said I have too many striped things already and I wouldn’t actually use them to cook. Ouch. Maybe true.. Buuuttt… I told him you can never have too many striped things and they would look absolutely adorable styled on my kitchen shelf.
Then my mom showed us the two pics she took. And my dad started laughing and said “WHAT is that growth on my stomach! I look awful!” And we all started laughing so hard. My mom said “it’s your belt! Take it off for pictures! What if Erin puts this on her blog!? You look awful.” And my dad said “I can’t take off my belt or my pants will fall down!”
So I said “here! look! We’ll just put these cutting boards in front of your belt. See how useful they are now!?” Honestly this sounds so dumb as I’m typing it out but for some reason the three of us were cracking up! You know when you start laughing at something and just get on a roll and keep laughing harder and harder?
That was the three of us. For like 15 minutes in the Home Decor section of Nordstroms. I’m pretty sure people were walking by looking at us wondering what in the world was going on. And what was that funny.
We finally calmed down and my mom dried her eyes (she was crying she was laughing so hard!) and she took this picture of us. So of course I had to share these pics on my blog. Because my dad looks so handsome and thin. No belt growth at all.
Thanks to my striped cutting boards!
Which I didn’t buy btw and I’ve been kicking myself ever since! I’m going to order one and just can’t decide if I want the circle, oval or rectangle. Might have to just get them all.
DAD! Don’t say a word.
Needless to say, I’ve had the best week with my parents in town. Love spending time with them. Love that they were here for so many special moments with my kids. Love that we only have two more school days left! It has been nonstop lately and I’m going to sleep for a week after my kids finish on Thursday.
That or head back to the mall for my striped cutting boards.
Life lately. It’s always a good thing.
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Great pictures of lots of beautiful moments!! The pictures of you and your dad show such a loving and happy relationship. My dad passed away a few weeks ago and, for a multitude of reasons, he was unable to have a happy relationship with any of his five children. You are incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive, happy, and loving dad. It is evident in your photos you both appreciate that relationship. It makes me smile to see your pictures and to know my daughter and husband will have those types of pictures to cherish. Thank you for such a personal and loving peek into your life!
Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment Mary-Jo! I’m so sorry to hear that about your dad. And that he wasn’t close with his kids. I’m sure it has been a difficult time for you all. I’m happy too that that won’t be the case for your daughter! She and I are both incredibly fortunate. :) Thank you again for your kind words! Thinking of you today. xo
Erin, This post cracked me up! I loved the pics with you and your dad best of all. How sweet that you are so close to your parents. Congrats to your girls on all of their end-of-year accomplishments! And I love that Addison is starting an instrument. My youngest starts beginner band next year and is beyond excited. He’s been waiting for years to have his dad as his band teacher and now it’s finally going to happen. :). Thanks for sharing this peek into your life. Enjoy your first days of summer!
Oh how fun to have his dad teach him in band! Love that Clare! It will be such a special year for them both! My mom taught my little brother in Kindergarten and they both still tell funny and sweet stories from that year. :) Thanks for your sweet comment! So happy you liked this post. I went to bed after posting it last night thinking.. what did I just post? Ha! I have lots of moments like that. :) Take care cutie! Thanks again! xo
Family fun is the best kind! Enjoy all the good times with your Mom and Dad because those memories for your children are so special! The girls looked beautiful! I’ve got two boys and expecting (not me) my first grandson this August! I’m so excited! But no little girls, so it’s sweet to enjoy your sweet pictures! Was your little man making himself scarce in all the girly excitement? lol
Looking forward to seeing your gallery wall finished:)
Take care,
Wendy! Congrats on your first grandson! What an exciting time. Oh my word.. my little boy has been up to his own fun. :) But yes.. he much preferred to stay home with a sitter and play instead of attending all this girly stuff. Probably the best choice for all of us.. ha! :) Excited for you this August! My mom absolutely LOVES being a grandma and says it’s just the best thing ever. xo
Fabulous post, Erin! I enjoyed reading every single word. Your girls are mega talented and look so beautiful in their pictures! Ten years old! How time flies! She exudes a fun personality. The picture of them in their ballerina photos…whoa! Then the photos with your folks. How sweet is the one with her and your dad and the sax! And the funny incident at Nordstrom had me giggling like a loon right along with you. Such great stories and photos. Good luck getting through the next couple of days and enjoy them as much as you can! So appreciate your sharing. :)
Thank you Jeanne! So happy you liked the post! I know… I loved those sax pics even though the lighting was so bad. It was such a fun week. Are your kids already out for summer? I’m heading up to help with class parties right now. Counting down to when I can sleep in! :) xo
I love the story about your Mum, Dad, chopping boards & the belt. It was so funny:)
Did you face & stomachs hurt so much from laughing?
Well done to El & Ad on their play& performances. I bet they did a brill job.
Does El go up to Jnr High in Aug/Sept?
Thanks so much Julie! Yes! El does go to Jr. High next year. I can’t believe it! Her 6th grade graduation is tomorrow and I will most likely bawl the whole way through! xo
Love seeing pics of your girls!! They are growing up so fast. El definitely has that long, graceful, lean body of a dancer. Beautiful. And, Ad smile does light up a room.
I am cracking up over the pictures at Nordstrom. I say buy them both…you will laugh every time you look at them!! And, who doesn’t need more laughter in the life?
I totally agree Lauren! I should send a set to my dad for father’s day too! Ha! ;) Thank you for your sweet words about my girls! :) xo
I enjoyed this post. You really do have a beautiful life and beautiful family.
Loved the pictures/story from shopping. Too cute and funny!
Thank you so much Erin! xo
What precious and very talented girls you have !!
Ok..you parents are the cutest I found myself giggling at the belt story. .love it!
Where is your stone coloured purse from??
Thanks so much Heidi! That bag is from Nordstroms.. so inexpensive and I love it! I linked to it in this post about half way down. :)
Hi Erin,
Looks like a fantastic (busy) week! Year end is always such a busy time of year. Our school ends closer to the end of the month (super busy times ahead..ha).
Could you share where you purchased your blue ikat pillow on your couch? Can’t wait to see the gallery wall!
Thank you so much! Oh man.. gear up! I swear it gets busier every year! That blue ikat pillow was custom made but I can send you my friend/designer’s info if you want to order one from her! Just shoot me an e-mail. :) xo
That post reminds me of my family! Precious! But let’s get real – those SHOES!
Maybe I read to fast? Did you mention where they are from?
Forgive me if you’ve told us before! :)
Are you talking about my strappy gray sandals? LOVE LOVE them so much! I first shared them last Friday in this post:
Thanks Julie! :) xo
I loved seeing these pictures of you and your Dad. My Dad passed away a little over a year ago, and I miss him terribly. Spend as much time as possible with him and enjoy every single minute that you have with him. My Dad was a lot like yours, he loved me and his grandchildren very much and loved spending time with us. He would do anything for me. These pictures made me smile and brought back special memories for me. Love him and keep him close while you can. Loosing them is the hardest thing you will ever go through.
Cindy your comment brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sorry to hear your lost your sweet dad. He sounds like an incredible, loving father and grandpa. Thank you for the reminder to enjoy every minute with mine.. I can’t imagine losing him and I’m sure like you said it will be more difficult than I can imagine. I’m so happy my pictures made you smile and brought back good memories. Thinking of you tonight! xo
I love your curtains in the living room. Where did you get them?
Thanks Michelle! They were custom made. Shoot me an e-mail if you want my friend/designer’s contact info! xo
Love this post, Erin. It bought a smile to my face.
You have such a long summer holiday in the US!! In the UK we don’t finish school until 21st July! The kids have 6 weeks off. How many weeks do you have?
Enjoy today. X
Oh Erin! This post had me laughing out loud and crying as well! First, LOVED an update on the girls 😊, I wish I could come see El dance, I’m just amazed that did 7 classes! It will be so fun to see how she grows! Watch out SYTYCD!! and she looks WAY to grown up with that makeup on, so don’t let her wear it for real for like 10 more years!
And Happy Happy Birthday to Ad!!! I love the pics of you and Kenny with her, she looks so truly happy! She just shines with happiness!
And your Mom and Dad, I was totally laughing reading your little story, especially with the pictures! So fun! You are truly blessed to have such awesome parents! It made me laugh and smile, then cry because I so wish I had that! I miss my Mom so so much and you know how my Dad is, pretty much non existent in my life now. How awesome your parents are, they love you so much and are the cutest grandparents ever to your kids! Enjoy all the time you have with them and blog about it all you want! Oh and I had no idea yor Dad played the sax, love what he did for Ad! So fun and special! Ok sorry for the novel comment, adore your parents, love you guys, happy to see family updates!
I’ve just loved reading this. Pure joy. What a beautiful family you have! You’re so very blessed that your parents are together and are there to share these special moments with you. Enjoy every second.
Hi Erin, finally I get to read your yesterday’s post. I have to admit, I laughed and cried hard to about the pics with your dad. Cherish the moments. And I agree with your dad to not get the boards. But, if you must get the rectangle and happy shopping :-)
Awe, such a cute post! Love love it! And I can’t wait to see your gallery wall. I’m working on mine too! Ugh!
Thanks cute Sam! They are tricky! I wish we could work on them together! xo
OH Erin, I am tearing up viewing the lovely pictures of you and your beautiful family! I never have and never will have that type of relationship with my father. You are so blessed! I could just hear the laughter through the pictures! How special to capture that! Treasure your precious family! Thanks so much for sharing them with the rest of us!
Sounds like a great time was had at Nordstrom’s! I think you need to buy yourself a set and send your dad a set of the cutting boards for Father’s Day. The story you shared gave me a good laugh; thanks for sharing.
Ha ha.. seriously Rebecca! I need too. He would laugh! :) Thanks cutie! Happy you liked it. ;) xo