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Fashion/Favorites/Life Lately

{mint sweater/similar jacket here and here/jeans/similar boots/monogram necklace}

Happy weekend friends!  Sharing some recent favorites with you today!  My first Fashion/Favorites post of the New Year!  It’s about time. :)  And it’s a long one!  I’ve got lots of pics to share so grab a snack and settle in.  Let’s hit the fashion first!  Then on to other things I’m loving and things we’ve been up to lately.

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You all know I have a thing for mint so as soon as I saw this sweater from BR I knew it was coming home with me.  It comes in lots of colors, but this green!  Couldn’t love it more.  It’s fitted but not too tight and runs true to size.  The perfect sweater to wear to transition into Spring while it’s still cold outside, but we’re all ready for bright, happy colors.  (Right!?)  Plus it’s 40% off so you can’t beat that.  High fives all around.

Do you all remember this Stripe Cotton Tee I bought in December?  And my favorite comfy sneakers?  It sort of became my January wardrobe.  I haven’t been in the mood to dress up much this past month so I declared this my “post holiday and it’s cold outside and I just want to stay inside and organize all day” outfit.

But since I don’t want to wear my top every day (even though I kind of do want to), I decided to buy the same top in black so I’d have a “post January and it’s cold outside and I just want to stay inside and organize all day” outfit.  Ha. :)  Seriously.. I just love this cute/comfy top and reach for it a lot and love it in black too.  (It runs big so order one size down.)

Still wearing this sweater I got for Christmas often too.  It’s seriously SO soft!

And my suede jacket I bought in December and LOVE is half off right now!  I get compliments every time I wear this.  So cute and sliming – a really flattering fit.  (True to size.)

Speaking of all things mint.. (the obsession never ends!) I picked up this mint mixing bowl from C&B for a great price.  I was browsing in their store a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t resist!  Perfect to make a big old batch of something.. or to look really cute on a kitchen shelf full of fruit.  To each his own. ;)  C&B has darling stuff in right now for Spring!  (I’ll link to several fun things on my wish list below!)  They also have an amazing selection of vases right now so if you are looking for some fun new vases and faux flowers to spruce up your Spring decor check there.  I picked up this beautiful Esta vase and this Delia vase which is also a minty green but on-line it looks different.

They also have my Chevron Adra vase in stock and my favorite faux apple blossom stems are back!  I know so many of you loved them last year and they sold fast.  My house is still so empty but I’m starting to feel ready to pull out all things SPRING.  Have I said Spring enough in this post yet?  It’s time.

A fun new frame for my bedroom and my favorite candle from Anthro.  Oh this candle.  I can’t get enough.  It’s a bit strong for my husband so the second he goes out of town for work I light it.. round the clock.  Ha. :)

Ever since my little ER visit I’ve been trying to drink a lot of water.  SO learned my lesson there. ;)  You all know how much we love our Hydro Flasks around here (they’ve been a favorite of mine since our favorites party last year!).  Kenny and I got new Hydro Flasks for Christmas with handles on them (how did Santa know?) and I could not love mine more.  I take it with me everywhere.. to the gym, running errands.. the next day I still have ice and COLD water.  They are pricey, but worth it!  And the new handle makes them so easy to carry around.

We take them on our family hikes/walks too.  Last weekend was sunny and 75 degrees out of nowhere.  Everything was so beautiful because of all the rain we’ve had lately!  There is a fun trail near our home that we love hiking with the kids.

Perfect day to hit our trail!  Ad always brings her walking stick. :)

The trail ends at this pretty waterfall.

Chillin’ on the rocks and a quick family pic before we headed back.  :)

I took this pic forever ago and keep forgetting to share my new favorite make-up brush with you all!  I’ve mentioned before that Bobbi Brown make-up is my favorite.  I wear some MAC too, but love Bobbi Brown the best.  I splurged on a new brush for my foundation and I feel like it has been life changing!  That might be a bit of a stretch.. ha!  But I really do love it so much.  It just makes my foundation look good and spreads it all on so evenly.  My last foundation brush I had for over 10 years!  So I knew I wanted to invest in a good one this time around and I’m so happy with it.  Also this Bobbi Brown High Shimmer Lip Gloss (color Bellini) has been my favorite for years.  I think I’ve mentioned it before.  It looks so pretty plain but I especially love putting it on over any color of lipstick.  It just adds such a nice sparkle and color.  When I bought it again this time the girl who was working told me it’s one of their most popular items!  No surprise there. :)  Also since it’s in this picture, my favorite foundation is Bobbi Brown’s Long Wear foundation.  Love it.

And speaking of all things beauty.. Ad has become quite skilled lately at giving mani/pedis.  She is lucky she has so many sweet friends who let her practice on them.  Time to line up ladies! ;)

K.. I mentioned in my Reader Survey post that I’m going to try to share more of my quick and easy favorites for dinner with you all.  I have quite a few.  Quick and easy being the focus key words here.  :)  This Chow Mein Chicken Stir Fry by Eating Right is one of them.  I make two packs at a time and all I have to do is put a little olive oil in the pan, stir everything around for about 10 minutes and then add the noodles and sauce.  It’s so good!  My whole family loves this.  Look for it in your grocery store.  We eat it for dinner probably once every 3-4 weeks.  I’ll also make one pack quick for just me and Kenny sometimes if the kids are eating pizza or something on the weekend.  They have a shrimp Chow Mein too but I like the chicken. :)

Ad had a project in school that she needed to make hummus for so I found this recipe on-line and we made it last weekend.  It turned out really good!

Actually.. I should’t say “we” made it.. Kenny and Ad made it.  I made waffles that morning for breakfast and they turned out so flat and bad!  I have no clue what I did wrong.  I mean waffles are 3 ingredients!!  How did I screw that up!?  Kenny just shook his head and said “I think I’ll be helping Ad with her hummus tonight.. “  So basically I got kicked off team hummus.  :(  Ha ha.. Oh well.  I’d rather clean up vs. cook any day. ;)

I have to share Kole’s all time FAVORITE books with you guys.  Have you all read the children’s books by Mo Willems?

Seriously.. they are darling and HILARIOUS.  I love them too.  We crack up at them every night!  That pig and elephant.. and the pigeon!  He is my favorite.  No.. the elephant is.  No the pig.. ;)  If you have an early reader you have to check them out.  You will be hooked!  Kole can’t put them down.

I wasn’t driving when I snapped these pics btw.  I’m dangerous, but not that dangerous. ;)

Best buds. :)

These are the two books I’m reading right now and loving.  The Best Yes because my December almost killed me this year and I ended 2016 feeling like I needed to scale back and learn how to prioritize better.  Something I’m always trying to master!  And Look Up, Move Forward written by my sweet friend Becky who I’ve never met in real life but she has been reading my blog since forever and I feel like we are family!  She lost her vision years ago and her story is so inspiring and uplifting.  I look up to her so much and I’m beyond grateful that my blog brought us together.  Love her.  She is amazing!

I told myself that 2017 would be the year I would stop my obsession with stripes.  And then I saw this striped bag from Sole Society and decided that 2018 is the year I will stop my obsession with stripes.  :)  Seriously though.. this bag!  I know.  It’s similar to another bag I bought from SS that is striped but I needed something taller that would hold my laptop.  There are so many times that I want to take my laptop with me.. like if Ad’s in a volleyball tournament and is going to be playing but also has breaks in-between games I like to have my computer with me so I can be editing pics, etc. when she isn’t playing.  This bag is perfect!  Fits my laptop, wallet, snacks for the road, etc.  And I don’t have to tell you all how much I love the look/style.  :)  And price!  I always check out Sole Society for their purses/bags because they are inexpensive and just cute.  They have some darling new bags in for Spring!

Speaking of volleyball.. a new tradition started with these two one day a week while Ad is at practice.  Addison is allergic to eggs (severely allergic) so that pretty much rules out most breakfast foods for her.  These two LOVE pancakes so once a week during her volleyball practice we head over to a favorite bakery and they get pancakes and cookies.  Ad is fine to miss this and El and Kole look forward to it all week.  I always order a salad in an attempt to be healthy, but really just end up eating all of their leftovers too completely defeating my efforts.

That seems to be the way it rolls most of the time around here.


Happy weekend everyone!


xoxo, Erin
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51 thoughts on “Fashion/Favorites/Life Lately

  1. My not-so-little-anymore guy and yours would be good buds. So many similarities including loving those books! It was a bad week when his teacher told him he had to start picking something else for his nightly reading homework. duh dum. A library near here did a Gerald and Piggy night and all 4 of my kids LOVED it.

    Love your family hike and the peek into this and that. Have a restful Sunday! :)

    1. Oh my word.. I can only imagine Kole’s excitement if there was a Gerald and Piggy night around here.. and mine! Ha! How fun is that!? I love that our boys are so similar! And truth be told Kole should probably be reading other books too because of his reading level, but those books just make him so happy (and I get such a kick out of them too) that I’m not working too hard to move on from them. ;) Thanks for your fun comment and enjoy your weekend JC! xo

  2. Hi Erin, I’m so glad your are feeling better. What a scary thing you had going on with your dehydration. You deserved that pretty new green sweater after that! It was fun to read about Becky. What a small world. I run by she and a couple of her friends quite often when I’m out running. She is the sweetest lady and so positive and inspirating. I will definitely have to read her book. I didn’t know she had written one. Have a great weekend!

    1. What a small world Nancy! I agree.. Becky is such a beautiful person – inside and out! How fun you see her running! I wish I lived close to you both. :) Thank you for your sweet well wishes! I’ll think of you next time I wear that green sweater. ;) xo

  3. My little guy is also allergic to eggs and anything made with eggs!! Is she expected to outgrow this allergy? I was told by my sons allergist that he would likely outgrow it around 7 y/o. I can’t wait for the day to be able to enjoy eating breakfast out! xoxo

    1. Vivian when my girls were little they were BOTH allergic to eggs and we were told they would grow out of it. El did but Addison’s egg allergy has only gotten worse. :( She used to be able to eat it cooked just not raw but now most things that are cooked with egg in it she can’t eat which rules out SO many foods. It’s such a bummer! I hope your son grows out of it! I think that’s the norm. xo

      1. My older daughter (age 4) is allergic to eggs too. What age did Ellie outgrow her allergy? I’m so sorry that Addison’s has gotten worse! Our allergist told us that most kids (something like 80%??) outgrow it but some don’t. Agreed, it is such a bummer to work around an egg allergy!

        1. It really is isn’t it!? SO many things have eggs in them that you wouldn’t even think about normally. I’m so sorry your daughter is allergic to them too! Ellie grew out of her allergy when she was around 6/7 years old. I so hope that’s the case with your daughter! xo

          1. Thank you, and I so hope your daughter outgrows her egg allergy as well!! I recently found a product at Target (maybe you already know about it?) called Neat Egg. It’s just chia seeds and garbanzo beans but it can be used as a binder in cookie recipes and pancakes and such. It works great!

          2. I haven’t heard of that! I’ll definitely look for it at Target next time I’m there! Thank you so much for letting me know! xo

  4. Hi Erin! I am fairly new to your blog and I love it! Glad to see you are feeling better – scary! I first read about you building your beautiful house – I went through the same thing and can totally relate! When touring your house, I saw the curtains hanging in your family room. It looks like they are white and grey and this is exactly what I am looking for. Did you purchase these at a store or have them made? I am having a hard time finding white and grey that are 108′ long that are pinched pleat and not grommet. Any ideas would be much appreciated!

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

    1. Hi Jill! Thank you! I’m so happy you found me! My curtains were custom made (I couldn’t find anything on-line big enough either!). I’ll shoot you an e-mail with my designer/friend’s info. who I bought them through! xo

  5. So .. I grabbed my cheese 🧀 crackers and coffee and got comfy to read your blog ..,. BEST POST YET ! lol
    Okay I love all your posts but this one has everything I asked for in your survey and more !
    Only thing is I will soon be the proud owner of a new sweater , flask and lip gloss ! Oops
    Don’t tell my hubby 😉

    1. Dianne! Your fun comment made me so happy this morning! I was cracking up. You are the sweetest and it made my day that you enjoyed this post so much! My lips are sealed on the new purchases.. ha ha.. you won’t regret them! ;) Thanks again cutie! I’m kind of in the mood for cheese and crackers now.. off to eat a snack. :) xo

  6. I just bought that SS bag this week!!! Too funny!!! When I bought it, I was thinking “Erin would LOVE this one!!!!” 😂😂😂great minds think alike!!!

  7. I teach Grade 1 and my class LOVES the Elephant and Piggie books too. They are so excited when they get them for Home Reading and there’s always a line up to sign them out at Library time. My daughter loves them too even though they are too easy for her now. She still loves to read them and work on her “voices” for the different characters. It’s so great when kids LOVE reading and books like these really help!!

    1. Oh I love that Jennifer! We do voices for the characters too! Usually Kole will act out one and I’ll be the other one. They really are just the cutest books. So fun that you teach 1st grade! I taught 1st for my first year teaching and loved it. Such a cute age. :) Enjoy your weekend! xo

  8. Love love love this post!!! This is totally the kind of post I had missed and just loved reading a mix of fashion, life, food etc
    Love seeing this window into life and thank you for sharing!!

    1. Oh I’m so happy you liked it Allison! YEA. :) So sweet of you! I’ll definitely try to do more of these types of posts this year. Thanks cutie! xo

  9. I love your hair straight! Could you please do a vlog on how you do it please. My hair is naturally wavy/fizzy and I live in Sydney, Australia. Fighting the frizz is a daily battle ( it is Summer here). Also could you please show your straightener and products. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Julie! I really don’t do anything too special. I just blow dry it and then use a straight iron to straighten it in sections. My hair is naturally wavy and I deal with humidity and frizz here too and it’s honestly the products I use that make it so straight! I shared all of my favorite hair products in this post below. I have naturally wavy hair too and would totally recommend the three products I recommended in this post if you are fighting frizz! :) xo

  10. This fun post was the perfect diversion from the schoolwork I should be doing! I might have to buy some fun new products now. :)

    Love the hiking pics too. You live in such a beautiful place!

  11. Erin, so glad to see you are feeling better. Loved this post! Full of great finds… I also have the chevron vase from Crate and Barrel and absolutely love it! And a big huge yes to Mo Willems books, they were my kindergardener’s favorites last year. He also loved Pete the Cat books (with similar kind of humor). Now I gotta go back and reread your post:)

    1. Oh Kole loved Pete the Cat books last year too Eda! So much fun. Nothing like good children’s books to put you in a good mood. :) Thank you for your sweet comment! I’m so happy you enjoyed this post! And yea for matching Chevron vases! Great minds think alike. ;) xo

  12. Oh I loved everything. . I think I clicked on every link. I need a new candle so I’m going to go smell it. In winter I obsess over bath& body marshmallow fireside but it’s gone for the season wahhhh.
    Oh how old is Kole? .. my son LOVE these books.. like hates reading with a passion except for these ones

  13. So sad Ad’s allergy has gotten so bad! I was thinking as I read how she used to eat pancakes all the time, Kenny’s Sat morning pancake routine! I have a couple of egg free cookie recipes I’ll send you, I know you’ll be dying to bake! 😉 Ha! The girls are old enough to do it by themselves now.
    That mint sweater is totally you, way cute on you! And love that mint bowl too! I think I need one! I would even use it for mixing!

  14. What a fabulous mix of great things! Thanks so much, Erin! I’m sorry Ad has that egg allergy. I work in a school kitchen these days and there are a couple of students who have the allergy and there are a lot of things they can’t eat. I meant to mention in my last comment regarding all the pictures you have (I think another reader asked about this) and getting them organized. You mentioned you did PL back in the day. Did you know there is now an app to do that system on your phone now? You can scrap on the go. I have it, but have I utilized it yet, NO? LOL They just launched that you can have the layouts printed in a photo book and order that from your phone, too. Anyway, just loved this post. Will be looking up the books you mentioned. Thanks and have a great day. :)

  15. I can’t wait to chat with you about The Best Yes! I hope you loved it as much as I did!! Every time I read your blog, I pull out the credit card because I love all of your favorite finds! We may be twinning on a lot of things here soon ;). That trail looks amazing!! I can’t wait for warm hiking days around here! Love ya girl and cannot wait until next month!!

  16. Just started reading your blog and have to say, I love your style! As a person who is also “challenged” in the cooking department, I would love to hear what you eat in a day… an anti-recipe post perhaps?? :)

    1. Thank you so much! I’m so happy you found me! And that you’re also “challenged” in the cooking department.. ha! We should hang out. ;) I’ll definitely be sharing more of what I usually eat in a day and things I do for quick dinners. Love the anti-recipe post idea.. I just might take you up on that one. :) xo

  17. Hi Erin! So glad you are feeling better! I’m not sure if you remember but I sent you an email before about our birth stories and surviving. It seems like I get dehydrated easier and I too have passed out since then. Scary-more scary for my poor husband has found me. Anyway, glad you are ok. Now- for the good stuff! I use a Beauty Blender for foundation. Have you tried this? Do you like the brush better? How often do you clean it? I love Bobbi brushes! Great quality and totally worth it. Thanks so much!

  18. Elephant and Piggie are favorites in our house too! They are funny and clever.

    As usual, I love your style. Erin can you please make over my life in 2017?

  19. Loved this post! I like a little of this, a little of that. I love your timely home posts on how to freshen things up! Ordered some of your crate and barrel suggestions. Thanks!

  20. I love these types of posts with everything you have going on just kind of thrown in. Seriously! It’s a lovely mix of home decor, fashion, life/family, shopping… :)

    I don’t think you should end your obsession with stripes. There are much worse things to be obsessed with! ;) Stripes are a classic design element and flattering on everyone (it’s true!). Plus, they are fairly neutral and can be mixed with pretty much any pattern. Versatility! (Can you tell I’m a stripe lover too?)

    1. Thank you so much Amy! I’m going to try to do more of those types of posts this year! :) And I agree! I just can’t quit stripes and after all of the great points you mentioned I think I have lots of good excuses to keep them around a long time. ;) xo

  21. Hi Erin! Loved this! I have a question (of course!) Have you ever used a Beauty Blender? And do you feel like the brush makes it easy to apply? I just bought one so I was wondering. How often do you clean the brush? The Beauty Blender has to be washed daily and thrown away about every 3 months. I’m thinking I might like brush better. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Jamie! I’ve never used a Beauty Blender but I need to try one sometime! I love the brush though.. it’s such a nice one and really blends my foundation evenly. I probably wash my brushes every 6 months. Maybe I should be doing it more often, but I usually don’t! :) xo

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