{Pink Pom Pom Throw/Rebecca Minkoff Paige Leather Satchel/Ugg Fleece Slipper Socks}
(*affiliate links used)
Happy Monday friends! On Saturday I shared some recent fashion favorites with all of you (I’m going to be posting fast and furious to fit everything in during the next two months!) but I forgot to include a picture of this gorgeous pink pom pom throw! So here it is. To pretty to not share and I’m loving it in my bedroom. It comes in 2 other colors and would be a beautiful gift for any home decor lover – like all of us. :)
Ok.. moving on to all things Christmas! Have you started decorating yet? Or do you like to wait until after Thanksgiving? I wish I could have Christmas decor up for half of the year. I really do. In fact last year I left one of my trees up through January.. ha! I wasn’t ready to take it down after Christmas. So I didn’t. :) My philosophy has always been to decorate for the holidays whenever and however you want! Do what makes you happy. Christmas decor makes me incredibly happy so I start early. :) Today I’m sharing some of my favorite Christmas decor I started pulling out this weekend! You’ll see how I’m using a lot of these items in my home soon, but I’m sharing them early because unfortunately the good stuff always sells out FAST.
Like my red It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year sign. It came back in stock in October and had sold out before Halloween! Crazy. (It comes in a similar gray and gold that are still in stock.)
These are a few things I’m decorating with this year that I’m so excited about! The pillows I’ve had for a year or two (merry/stag/plaid) but I needed a new tree skirt this year and just ordered this Alpaca faux fur tree skirt – it’s so soft and beautiful! It’s the first tree skirt I’ve owned that isn’t red! And I’ve loved adding a new cute little deer to my collection each year. They are adorable and look so cute on a table or tree or mantel.. anywhere you put them! (big deer/small deer)
I ordered these lit glitter birch trees on-line and loved them even more when I saw them in person! They are really nice quality trees and aren’t the little lights beautiful!? (They are battery operated and these two are the medium and small sizes.)
And this Santa Magnetic Advent Calendar! I actually bought this at PB right after Christmas last year. It was the only thing that wasn’t marked down and I bought it anyway.. after getting all sorts of grief from my husband for shopping an after Christmas sale and coming home with the one item that wasn’t on sale. Ha. And now it’s actually on sale! I should have just waited and got it this year. Oh well! I’m so in love and couldn’t wait to pull it out of my attic! The snowflake is magnetic – so fun to count down to the big day. My kids will love it.
Almost as much as I do. :)
The merry towels are a new addition for the bathroom. :)
After years of messing with real garland (and the crazy mess it left after the holidays!) I finally splurged on this lit magnolia garland last year.
It lights up at night and looked so beautiful on my stairs! And the best part.. no mess. :) I got so many questions about this garland last year and it sold out fast. Happy that they brought it back for any of you who wanted it! My girls can’t wait to get going on their snowflake wall again this year. :)
I always get lots of questions about this Santa hat tree topper and it also sells out quickly every year too so don’t wait if you want it! You could obviously use any Santa hat to top a tree, but this one has wire in it and sits just right without much effort. My type of decor. ;)
I was so excited to pull out my Christmas rug! And this striped table runner I love and have had for years.
My red and white stripe bowls are long time favorites back in stock!
And my sleigh bell lumbar pillow is on sale! Some of you know how long I’ve had this one..
Kole 7 years ago. :) This pillow was his favorite when he was a baby because of the little red bells. I had to sew one back on because he pulled it off when he was two. Best part of Christmas isn’t it? The memories that come with all of the decorating and celebrating.
Our stockings come with all sorts of memories too. I’d love to mix it up this year and do something different on this mantel..
but these stockings are a long time tradition and I don’t think this little Christmas elf will let me. :)
7 years ago and it feels like this was yesterday. Can’t wait to celebrate another Christmas with these three!
In other fun Christmas home decor news.. Chip and Jo’s new line was released at Target this weekend! Looks so good! Did any of you get to check it out!? I’m so hoping I can squeeze in a quick Target run this week. I don’t really have time.. but I might have to make time anyway. :)
Links are below to the Christmas decor I shared above along with other favorites that will be popping up in my home this season! I hope that whenever you start your Christmas decorating.. you enjoy it immensely. :)
I love reading about Christmas decorations! What a good idea for the garland! And I love those striped bowls! I can see myself making a trip to Target happen too :)
Thank you Alexis! I see a trip to Target in both of our futures! :) xo
It’s a little too early for Christmas in our house. I have two girls who loudly and proudly tell me it is TOO early for Christmas stuff. My one daughter has bought two Christmas albums by her favorite performers and will not open them yet. LOL They want to celebrate Thanksgiving first. I get it. But they cannot stop me from watching Hallmark Christmas movies! ;P Your decor items look wonderful. The trees with the little lights are so neat looking. We have a newish dog addition to our household who has a major chew fetish unfortunately, so I don’t think there will be too much decorating done on level surfaces this year. I’m thinking those trees would attract him like a moth to a flame. Definitely not lit and would get me triggered. LOL Seriously though, your house is going to look even more gorgeous by the time you have it full decorated. I look forward to your sharing and I will live vicariously through your holiday decorating. That will be fleek (???)! Or epic!? Have a happy day!
Jeanne! My mom has been texting me non stop about the Hallmark Christmas movies! Ha ha.. she is screening them for me and recording her favorites for us to watch over Thanksgiving break. Can’t wait! They are all so cheesy but I don’t care. They make me in the mood for Christmas. :) My kids made me wait until after Halloween but there was no way I could wait until after Thanksgiving! You are a good woman. ;) Thanks cutie! Hope your week is off to an epic start. xo
I bought a same exact red blanket with those little poms from Pottery Barn. So comfy, it became my morning blanket along with my Pottery Barn furry slippers and a cup of hot coffee ❤️when I’m working on a new blog posts while my babies sleeping😊😍
Oh that sounds so absolutely perfect Olga! Love that.. I love that blanket too! :)
Hi Erin you had posted a picture of your friends house black and white living room. She has lovely taste like you.. How do I follow her … Any other blogs like yours I could follow.. YOURS IS THE BEST… HOW DO YOU STAY SO SLIM AND BEAUTIFUL ALL THE TIME.. THANKS SO MUCH
What a sweet thing to say Shelley! Oh my word.. you made my night. Thank you! Below is a link to a post with some blogs of friends of mine that are all great decorators! My friend you are talking about is included in that round-up. Click all the links at the end of this post:
So exciting Erin! I love that you start the Christmas decorating early. We have it in the calendar to put up our Christmas tree Friday :) Waiting until after Thanksgiving is not long enough. And yes I was so excited to check out Chip and Jo’s new line at Target, but the display at our Target was on the small side. I will need to look online for the full effect :) Also, I know way back when you mentioned this but can I ask what lens you use for your interior photography? I know your Canon and I’m Nikon ;) but I am looking for my next lens. Anywho, enjoy all the decorating. I’m looking forward to all the posts!
Thank you Lacey! Oh bummer about not much at your Target! That might be the case at mine too. I shop on-line more and more these days! There is just a bigger selection and nothing beats shopping from your couch with popcorn and the TV on.. ha. :) My lens is a Canon 24-70 mm Ultrasonic! xo
When it comes to Christmas decorations I love the traditional red! I love love other looks but I just can’t grt away from the reds!!! Since Canadian thanksgiving is in October we can decorate and not feel an ounce of guilt but I am waiting until next week. I always buy a couple of new things after Christmas and I can never remember what I bought so it’s always a suprise
I am the exact same way Heidi! I love seeing all white/neutral rooms but there is just something about red at Christmas time. It’s always my favorite! :) Happy decorating! xo
This is one of my favorite posts because I love all things Christmas!! And especially Pottery Barn Christmas items!! I have ordered so many things from there after seeing them on your blog. And yes, as a matter of fact, I DID get to Target on Sunday afternoon to check out the Magnolia items, and they are just lovely!! I loved so many things, it was hard to decide what to get! And guess what – in just 8 days, our city is having the Grand Opening of its first Home Goods store! I love T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s, but have never been in Home Goods. I’ve heard you talk about it, so I’m really looking forward to shopping there.
I love all of your Christmas memories with your sweet children. They are growing up so quickly, it’s hard to believe. Thank you for your wonderful post!! Now I can hardly wait to decorate our home!!
Ahh! Jane! You will LOVE having a Home Goods close! It can be extremely dangerous so be warned.. ha! But so fun to cruise through the isles and find random fun things for your home. I like it a lot better than TJ’s and Marshall’s! Happy for you. :) And I agree.. PB at Christmas is just TOO much fun. I love their Christmas decor so much! Happy decorating! Such a fun time of year. Thanks so much for your fun comment! It made my day. :) xo
Hi Erin!
I love your style (home & fashion). I keep revisiting your blog for inspiration…so thank you! Seeing your post definitely got me started on thinking Christmas. I am sure going to copy your hot chocolate station for our three kids this winter. A question for you. The square wooden tray on your table, did you purchase yours through World Market or is it from the Magnolia website? I love yours & how you style your table top. Thank you:)
Thank you so much Renee! So sweet of you! My kids LOVE the hot chocolate station! I was actually not going to do it this year but they aren’t having it! So up it goes. :) I bought that square wooden tray from a local store here on the coast! But the Magnolia Market tray looks just like it. I think Wayfair has one too! I’m not sure if one costs more than the other? Thanks again – such a sweet comment! And happy Christmas decorating. :) xo
I am trying so hard to wait till Thanksgiving to decorate, but I did sneak a tree in my office already! You found so many cute things and now I really want to decorate. I started a new business so that has been taking a lot of time, but I will make sure there is time to decorate! I am dying to check out Target too! xxoo
Congrats on your new business Pam! So exciting! Yes.. sounds like we both need to prioritize a Target run soon! :) Thanks cutie! xo
Hi there!
I have commented previously wondering where you found the picture frames you use in your gallery wall? Also wondering what the dimensions are of the gallery wall feature.
Thank you so much!!
Hi Tiffany! Sorry I missed that! I found those picture frames at a local shop close to where I live on the coast (I had a guy there make them for me). I don’t think that he still works there though – sorry that isn’t much help to you! That wall is about 6×10 feet. I just made up the sizes of both of my shiplap walls though based on the space I had to work with on each wall. :)
Thanks for replying Erin! Can you share what the frame sizes are that you used?
Really appreciate it!!!
Hi Tiffany! Those frames vary! The largest frame is 21×25 and holds a 16×20 picture. The next size down frame is 17×21 and the smallest is 10×12 and holds a 5×7. Hope that helps! :)
I just heard yesterday the launch of Chip & Joanna’s new line at Target. I’m dying to get there and I’m afraid all the good stuff will all be picked out by the time I make it this weekend.
When I first had children I bought some brightly colored Pottery Barn stockings. Since then I have tone down my decor and the stockings don’t really match. But they are a tradition and my children love them so we compromised. I hang up the pretty stockings the whole time the house is decorated but then the week of Christmas I take them down and put up our old stockings for the kids to enjoy and for Santa to fill! It’s kind of the best of both worlds!
I love that idea Casey! That really is the best of both worlds and a great way to compromise. I might have to suggest that one to my kids.. they are so funny about change and want things to ALWAYS be the exact same.. ha. :) Enjoy your weekend! xo
Erin I just love your Christmas decorating style. Your Christmas tree makes my jaw drop every time I see it, seriously. We bought a new beautiful balsam hill 9 foot skinny tree this year, and I’m definitely using your tree as inspiration :) and I’m ordering that gold “it’s the most wonderful time of the year” sign for above my hood in the kitchen. LOVE. Also, random side note, my husband and I booked our babymoon for January in San Diego! I’ve never been and am so excited. And it will be great to have a break from our Chicago winter!
Julia! You are such a sweetheart! Thank you! This comment made my day. :) You will LOVE that sign and your tree! So exciting! And yea that you are coming to San Diego! You will love it here and hopefully you’ll get some nice sunshine on your trip! I might need to pack up my kids and head to Chicago for a little fun in the snow.. my three hardly know what snow is! Ha. ;) Happy Christmas decorating! And huge congrats on your new baby coming soon! SO exciting. :) xo
Thanks Erin! Ha, we should trade homes for a week so your kids can have a snowy vacation while we enjoy your sunshine ;) I like the sound of that. Happy Christmas decorating to you too! Can’t wait to see what you do this year
Seriously! Right!? Like the movie Holiday! Ha ha.. ;) Thanks cutie! xo
Hi Erin…Your Christmas decor is beautiful and I love all your home choices. Do you think you’ll ever share a blueprint of your house? We are renovating our home, and I would love to get an idea of some of your dimensions, particularly your laundry rooms and your eat in kitchen area. I love your blog, thanks for sharing all that you do, I’m sure it can be difficult sometimes to open yourself up so personally.
Thank you so much Amanda! So sweet of you and I’m thrilled you enjoy my blog! We decided not to share our house plans for personal reasons, but if you e-mail me I can give you some estimates of room dimensions if that helps! Congrats on your upcoming renovation! Exciting stuff. :) Enjoy your weekend cutie! xo
I love the snowflake wall, I think my girls will love doing that at our house, what did you use to hang all of the snowflakes?
Thanks Lisa! It’s such a fun way to involve your kids in the decorating! I just use blue painters tape to hang them. :)
Hi Erin,
I love your candy cane tree in the family room and I’m obsessively trying to find similar items (especially the white beaded garland). Any suggestions? Love your blog. Thanks so so much.
So sweet of you Sheena! Thank you! I got most of the ornaments for that tree (including the white beaded garland) from Krumpets! You can find the links in this post below..
They don’t carry some of the stuff anymore but maybe a few things? Hope that helps! xo
Hi Erin! Your home is ABSOLUTELY beautiful. And that magnolia garland… swoon! Looks lovely on your staircase. Quick question for you. What do you use to hang it without damaging the railing? The ties I have tried in the past have left some marks which I am so unhappy about! Thank you in advance. Hope you are having a great weekend!
Oh you are too kind Cathy! Thank you so much! I know.. love that magnolia garland! I just use some green twine from Home Depot! It has wire inside it and a green protective covering around it. I think I found it in their plant section! Hope that helps. :) xo
I love your stair garland and finally ordered some for my stairs, too. Do you have any suggestions for how to hang it? How do you connect two pieces together? Any other tips? Thanks so much!
Hi Elizabeth! I’ll try to share how I hang mine on the blog soon! Getting lots of questions about this! :)
Hi! Love your decor- I’ve had several of the same pieces for years!
Just wondered if your mugs/jars with the striped straws are glass or plastic and if the straws are paper or plastic. I would love to know where you picked them up! :)
Thank you Ashley! So fun right?! Those jars are plastic and so are the straws! Perfect for kids! They were from Pottery Barn Kids a few years back. :)
So fun! Thank you :)
You bet! :)
I was just thinking about decorating the house this weekend! My favourite crafter bloggers are almost ready with all their handmade presents, so I’ve just started listening to Michael Bublé’s Christmas album to get the holiday mood (worked!). The shops here are full with decors and I can’t wait to have the tree, which will be gold and white themed this year. (The walls were painted mint this summer so a dream will come true with this colour combo:D). But sadly I have to wait until the beginning of December, no trees are sold earlier:( Until that I can place all my nick nacks around the house.
So much fun! I love Michael Buble’s Christmas album too and have been listening to it this week! YEA! :) Happy Christmas decorating this year cutie! xo
With all these beauties, how can anyone choose just a few. Your home is magazine gorgeous
Thank you so much Ivory! xo