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My Organized Pantry!

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

I’m so excited about today’s post!  Finally.  I’m finally sharing my organized pantry with you!  We’ve now lived in our new home over four years and this pantry was for the most part organized one month after we moved in.  WHY haven’t I already shared this space!?  I honestly have no idea!  Ha.  But I guess it doesn’t matter because I’m sharing it with you now. :)  What I have shared multiple times is this butler’s pantry (the counter and open shelves in my kitchen that links my pantry and the formal dining room).  See that door to the right?  Let’s go inside!

*affiliate links used

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

There is no window in my pantry so I’m sorry about the lighting.  A tricky spot to photograph!  (Maybe that’s why I procrastinated so long on this post?  I’ll be analyzing that one for a while…)

When I was working with our architect to design my pantry he kept trying to make it bigger.  I kept explaining that food/cooking wasn’t really my thing and after living with my previous pantry, anything I could walk into would be plenty big and would feel like a dream!

A few things that were on my pantry wish list: regular drawers, pull out basket drawers, open shelving for food, open shelving for kitchen accessories, counter space and wall space to hang a few things.  Done and done!  I am so happy with how it turned out and feel grateful for this space every single day.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Even though I LOVE organization there are some spots in my home that I struggle to keep organized.  My pantry isn’t one of them!  For some reason food pantries have always been my easiest spot to keep neat and organized.  I think it’s because I really can’t function when this space is a mess.  I just can’t.  I am in and out of my pantry too many times a day.  I also have a long time habit of straightening things in my pantry every time I bring in new groceries which is pretty much every other day!  (I absolutely had to do this with my previous pantry because we were short on space).  So while other spots in my home can get out of control in no time, this pantry always stays nice and organized.  Just the way I like it. :)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Now before I break things down for you I need to add a little disclaimer.  I am not a food blogger.  Or a nutritionist.  My pantry is not full of wheat/organic/tofu/all natural whatever.  I wish it was, but it’s not.  You can usually count on some type of fruits and veggies cut up in my fridge, but my pantry is another story.  Just throwing that out there so there’s no judging the food I have in this space.  Let’s just focus on how it’s organized mkay? :)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

How about these open shelves I have for storing miscellaneous kitchen items when I’m not using them?  Pretty storage?  Now that I do. ;)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Below these shelves I have baskets I labeled SAUCES, CHIPS, GRAINS and PASTA INGREDIENTS because those are the things I seem to be reaching for most days.  The baskets are these Savannah Utility baskets – long time favorites!  I have them all over my house and love them for organizing!  You can see them in my master bathroom cupboards, on my tub shelves and I also have them in a few closets.  I took these pantry pics quite a while ago and since then have actually switched these smaller square baskets out for the Savannah Lidded baskets because they are longer front to back so I can store more food and utilize my counter space better (I’m not using the lids.)  My labels were just typed on the computer on white paper and cut to size to fit in these bin clip labels.  Easy to switch out if I ever ditch the chips and add the tofu.  (I don’t think those labels are getting switched out any time soon.)  ;) 

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

This is a picture of my pantry soon after we moved in.  Initially I was going to keep the drawers open like this but then a few months later I decided I wanted to put drawer fronts on them.  Hardware and labels please!

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

My carpenter made the drawer fronts and I found these label pulls at Pottery Barn. (They don’t sell them anymore which is so sad because I love them!  I used them in our playroom and Kole’s room for drawers too.)  I printed labels for SNACKS, FOILS, PAPER GOODS, APRONS, and COOKBOOKS.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

I keep snacks for the kids in the top two drawers.  This makes lunch packing and snack time a little easier.

Organized Pantry Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

I shouldn’t say these drawers are just for the kids.  I’m the one who has always been popcorn obsessed.

Organized Pantry Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

I use these Dream Drawer Dividers to organize our snacks.  LOVE these.  Another favorite organizer I have all over my house!  You can see how I use them in closets here.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

This drawer holds foils and ziplock bags.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Paper goods are in the bottom left drawer and I didn’t take a picture of our aprons and cookbooks on the other side.  (Those two drawers could probably use some dusting.) ;)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Moving to the left side of the pantry!

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

I use the top two shelves for more miscellaneous kitchen items (bowls and things I only use once in a while).

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

And the next two shelves for baking products and food we reach for often.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

I use these Store and Pour containers for cereal and then the OXO Good Grips for everything else.  I like to keep my baking supplies labeled but I don’t label the rest of the containers because you can easily tell what’s inside of them and they are easier to wash without the labels on them.  And yes.. we eat a lot of pretzels and pasta at our house. :)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

The counter in my pantry is one of my favorite things and has come in so handy!  I often have my black tray and our beloved popcorn bowls slid to the side.  Then I have a clear counter to set my grocery sacks and food on after a trip to the grocery store while I’m putting everything away.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

I risked my life getting on a ladder to take some of these pics.  Am I forgiven yet for taking so long to share this space?  ;)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Let’s talk about the magic happening below the counter.  SO nice having these open shelves for larger items.  I use this Expand a Shelf in the middle to store canned goods.  I love that you can adjust it to fit any space.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

The bottom shelves are for any extras.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

This wooden crate was a random Home Goods find and works perfectly to hold all of our oils.  They can get sticky so I always like having them in some sort of tray, basket, or crate.

Organized Pantry Baskets (Sunny Side Up)

Then there’s my pull out baskets.  I told my carpenter about these (I had seen something similar in a magazine) and it took him a while to find them but he finally did and built them into my pantry design.

Organized Pantry Baskets (Sunny Side Up)

They have a plastic lining on the inside so they are great to store food and wipe out.  I use the top drawer for bread and the bottom two for things like onions and potatoes.  And no.. we don’t usually keep this many onions and potatoes on hand!  I filled them for the BHG photoshoot and then was trying to come up with creative ways to use them for quite a while.  Which basically just meant lots of potatoes with onions.  My culinary skills are impressive I tell ya.  Ha.

Organized Pantry Baskets (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

I knew I wanted some wall space in my pantry so that I could hang/display my kids’ art/school work and random letters, announcements, etc. (You can find my kitchen art prints here.)

Organized Pantry Pin Board (Sunny Side Up)

I bought these two pin boards from PB (they have similar options now I’ll link below) and have loved them.  Perfect for swapping out every day life kinds of things. :)

Organized Pantry Meal Planning (Sunny Side Up)

When I bought a large chalkboard for my office I loved it so much I decided to put the same thing in my pantry.

Organized Pantry Meal Planning (Sunny Side Up)

You guys.. I had such great plans for this chalkboard!  I was going to start meal planning and writing the week’s menu on this chalkboard.  Every Sunday night!  I was going to be planning those meals.

Guess how often that happened?

Organized Pantry Meal Planning (Sunny Side Up)

When the BHG crew was here taking pics of this space they suggested some meals I could write on the chalkboard.  Some of the meals they suggested sounded so fancy and I seriously hadn’t even heard of them before!  I laughed and told them there was NO way my blog readers would buy that I was cooking all that.  So they said ok.. just write what your family typically eats during a week.  So I wrote the menu above.

And then they laughed.

I didn’t dare tell them that this was a good cooking week for us.  Baked Ziti AND Teriyaki Chicken the same week?  That’s my A game.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

And I haven’t touched this chalkboard since.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

We may not always enjoy the finest of dinning around here, but this pantry has served us well and works great for our family.

Organized Pantry (Sunny Side Up)

Plus it is an organizer’s dream!  And when you can have that.. who really cares what you’re eating?  #priorities


On a sidenote, if you are struggling with pantry organization I’m going to write a post that covers some tips I’ve learned over the years!  Let me know in the comments if you have anything you want me to address in that post.  All pantry sources are below!  Also below that I’ve added some links to all the fun things I’m scoping out that are on sale this weekend for President’s Day.  So many great deals.  It’s a good weekend to shop!  Or to organize your pantry!  Or both!  Or neither.

Whatever you do this weekend, I hope it’s a good one. :)



xoxo, Erin
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88 thoughts on “My Organized Pantry!

  1. This post might be my favorite of all time. Our pantry is the bain of my existence – both because of the food in it and the lack of organization! So, thank you for keeping it real on what food is actually in your pantry at all times. No specific requests because I don’t even know where to start, but man, I look forward to your tips post.
    Also, your meal planning is like mine, so hi fives on that A-game.

    1. Ha ha.. thank you Audra! Sounds like we have a lot in common. :) I’m so happy you liked this post and I will definitely share some tips that will hopefully help with your pantry. I know it can be so overwhelming to start a project like that. I wish I could come over and help! Then we could order take out after to celebrate. ;) xo

    2. I love love love your pantry. Everything about it. My husband is working on mine and is worried he needs to support the shelves.

      What did you do to make your shelves completely open without any brackets. This is exactly what I want.

  2. What a glorious pantry! You are so blessed and I know you know that. I love the drawers you have and those baskets for the onions and potatoes. And all the pretties on display. The bulletin board is a great idea. I’m with you on the chalk board. A great idea to write up the menu plan each week, but I’d probably do it one time like you and leave it. So happy for you to have such a lovely, organized food storage space. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Happy to hear I’m not the only one who would flake on the menu plan! Ha! Love you Jeanne! And so happy you like my pantry. Thank you sweet friend! I hope you’re relaxing this weekend! :) xo

  3. Love love love your pantry! Our space is definitely not as big and i’m always struggling for room. I generally keep it pretty organised but I am SO SO bad at keeping things past their expiry date. Do you have any tips/tricks for managing this?


    1. Hi Alicia! I’ll talk about that in my tips post for sure! Small pantries can be so hard! You definitely have to keep them organized to make the most of the space you have. Thank you for your sweet comment and enjoy your weekend! xo

  4. That is such a nice space! The menu board is a great idea. I have always made up a menu for the week before I go shopping then I know exactly what I need to buy for ingredients. I love the onion and potatoe drawers! I have a problem with labeling things. I label containers even when you can see what goes in them! It’s a big joke around here. My biggest problem I have is under my kitchen sink cabinet all my cleaning products! I have to say it’s a mess. It’s the only cabinet I can’t seem to get a grip on it. Any ideas? I need motivation for that space. Ha Ha!

    1. Thank you Noreen! I get it with the labeling! Ha ha.. it’s just too much fun right!? Cleaning products.. I have a few ideas! I’ll have to add that to my post to-do list! :)

  5. I adore your pantry!! One question—where do you put the large items like flour and sugar that didn’t fit into your containers? Food storage stuff…..
    Thanks!!! Love your blog!

    1. Thank you so much Janet! I fit a lot of extras like that in those open cupboards at the bottom of my pantry. What we keep in the low cabinets is always changing! But any extra things we stock up on at Costco and can’t fit there we put inside some cabinets in our garage. I’m hoping to share my garage on the blog at some point but because of my knee surgery I haven’t been able to finish it! On the Spring to-do list. :) I hope you’re enjoying your weekend! xo

  6. I just knew your pantry would be swoon worthy and it is!! Love all the shelves and cork boards for treasures! It’s awesome even if the menu is not real. Think of it as inspiration 😉

  7. Oh my GOD Erin, I think I’m going to faint! Thant pantry is bigger than my living room! So neat, looks like a dream come true, thanks for sharing!!

    1. I’m so happy you like it Lilly! I know.. it’s so big. I couldn’t believe my architect wanted it bigger! I was like um.. I won’t have enough food to fill anything bigger! :) I hope you’re enjoying your weekend! xo

  8. You are seriously so cute Erin! LOVE your pantry, that is a dream! Puts my tiny pantry to shame! Hope you enjoy your extra day of no school carpooling and enjoy this fabulous weather!!

  9. Hi Erin,
    It all looks lovely & so organised.

    Good Grip storage jars etc are great.

    Just curious, where do
    You store emergency food storage items etc? I know in some houses in Utah that they often have a special room for it., not sure about California etc tho.

    I really enjoyed this post.

    Hope you’re recovering from your op okay. x

  10. Your pantry is what I dream of someday! And I honestly love that you showed what’s really in there. Above my fridge currently has Costco size chip bags that make me cringe. I would love to hear any tips you have on a small cabinet style pantry that’s deep. I loose things in the back even with bins I use.

  11. thanks so much for sharing your pantry with us!! I really like the idea of the built-in baskets especially for breads and veggies that you don’t want out in the light. this space is totally magazine worthy :-) and worth the wait!

  12. I absolutely adore your pantry, Erin! My pantry could easily be the pantry in your previous home….very small but works for us. I, too, am pretty good about keeping that space organized. My hubby does a lot of the grocery shopping (yes, I know I’m very lucky), but I usually grab the things that go in the pantry and put those away so it stays more organized. I’m sure I have more food in my pantry for two people than you do for five, but I’m one of those strange people who actually enjoys cooking and cooks quite a lot. I think your open shelves are so pretty with a mix of food items and some pretties. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Warm hugs,

  13. Erin, you’d have a fit if you saw my tiny pantry! It’s probably 1 m wide :) I should take a pic and tag you on Insta. I like it though because it forces me to keep it organized.

    Love the light and bright space you have – I might be tempted to hide out in there if I were you :)

  14. These are great! Has the BHG shoot been published yet? If not I look forward to reading the article! My pantry struggle is the size- I am not sure why the builders made our pantry so small when our house is a decent size. Our pantry is tall and deep! This is a terrible picture but I have a pic of the bottom half of my pantry here- DEEP! I typically have baskets in the front and backstock behind them. The top half of the pantry contains those same Oxo containers but again they’re like 4 deep and it’s like fishing and moving to get to the one I want. And I just ordered a Marlo rug in Navy blue for my boys’ bathroom! Thanks for the heads up on the sale!

  15. LOVE your pantry Erin! I’ve been SO excited to see this!!! I love the corkboards and the pull outs for the potatoes and onions! Also those drawer dividers you recommended from the Container Store. I bought some when we moved into our house for our dresser drawers and they have been amazing game changers!! Thanks for sharing this room!

    1. I’m so happy to hear that you like it Lisa! That makes my day. :) Sorry I took so long to finally post about it! I love those pin boards too.. so handy to have a place to pin all the things and keep the clutter out of my kitchen. And yes!! Those drawer dividers are the best! So happy you are loving them too! xo

    Love the floor , can you share what it is we are putting in new flooring in a month .
    Thank You

  17. Love your organized pantry!!!! Where did you get your artwork -whip it up and kitchen organizing????


  18. Such a fun post! As much as I love organizing, our pantry has always been a struggle for me. It’s small, and the shelves are skinny across the front and are really deep. (Hope that makes sense!) Any tips or ideas?

  19. I’m so inspired Erin!! I’m working with the container store to try and help me with several drawer and pantry spaces and your home has set the new bar for me. So beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing every detail. You are sooo good! ❤️ xx

  20. I love the pantry! I am like you in that without an organized pantry, I can’t function properly! My problem is that no one else in my family puts anything back in the pantry properly. I have a large sized pantry with things labeled, and I have tried to make the organizing easy. But no one bothers. Please help because I am going to lose my mind. How do you get your family on board with organization?

  21. Not sure I posted my comment but

    Cereal?!?? And appliances that plug in like the toaster.

    Our pantry is builder grade and has awful wire shelves. I want to update it badly but needed ideas.

    Thanks Erin.

  22. I love this post- mostly because it’s SO REAL. Most of us aren’t whipping up gourmet meals every night and just need a pantry that works for normal lifestyle. This is totally my dream when we build our home next year, to have an actual walk in pantry with space like this. I love the drawers especially-those are perfect for corralling all the “stuff” we use so much but yet gets so lost on shelves easily.

  23. Wow! Your pantry is so beautiful, Erin! I also love, love your butler’s pantry area that leads into the walk-in pantry. Being in the process of having my own house built, while super exciting, has also left me feeling so drained. Each time I see a new post from you I get to have a few moments of peace, kind of like catching up with a friend :-) You also inspire me to think of my future house as a home, and not just a series of decisions and excel spreadsheets, ha!

    Thank you so much for being there :-)


  24. Love this pantry and the rest of your beautiful home! I have an almost walk in pantry with dreaded wire shelves, would love to hear some ideas on this.

  25. You are just too funny Erin! Love your comment on the menu plan, and I would have to say I’ve tried this method too. I kept my menu plan on a spreadsheet and it did work for a while but somehow it dropped off the face of the earth. The hubs isn’t complaining that there’s no menu plan so why ruin a good thing? Haha! Your pantry is amazing! There’s still so much room to spare. Our pantry is similar to your old one and it’s still the wire shelves that I can’t stand., and we will be in our house for 6 years now. I’ve organized it by using baskets, OXO containers, and also use large canning jars for flour, sugar, grains, etc. I still think our pantry is so packed though and I don’t know how else to make it more pretty. The extra stuff that doesn’t fit in my jars are also in the pantry and placed in the very top shelf where I put things we don’t use all the time. A walk-in pantry would be a dream to have!

  26. Wow! Love your pantry! I love what you use the drawers for. While I have wood shelving in my pantry, any ideas on how to incorporate drawers if they’re not already installed?

  27. Loved the peek into your pantry, Erin! I looked back at your previous pantry, too, and it was fun to see those clear containers still being put to good use. :) You mentioned in that post that you were house-hunting (back in 2011). Obviously, you guys decided to go the building route, so I’m wondering if you’ve written about that decision process? My husband and I are in a constant state of indecision about whether we’re actually going to build on the lot we bought, sell it and buy a house that’s bigger than our current house (which would be less expensive than building), or just live in our current house forever (which we could potentially pay off before our oldest graduates, but is a little too small for our family). Ha! As soon as I decide to do one thing, I wake up the next morning and feel undecided all over again… Don’t get me wrong, I’m so thankful for the home we have, and I know we are blessed to have it and to even have the other options available to us. It’s just hard to know what the best thing is for our family. So many factors… Just wondering if you guys had a hard time deciding what to do as well.

    1. I just wanted to let you know I found all your posts about building your house! Such a great chronicle of the whole process. Definitely makes me lean more toward building. :) Have you watched the show “Grand Designs” on Netflix? I’ve only watched the first 3 or 4, but I love it! The houses aren’t really my style (most so far have been modern/minimalist), but each episode makes me want to build a house even more. I’m noticing a trend, though… every house takes longer to build than expected, and goes way over budget. I’m sure I’m fooling myself when I think that certainly wouldn’t happen to us. ;)

      1. Oh so glad those posts were helpful Jenny! I haven’t seen that show but let me warn you.. building is HARD! A lot of rewards getting most of what you want, but a lot of stress too. And yes.. absolutely everyone who builds goes over budget and over their timeline. I have a friend building right now who wishes she hadn’t done it! I don’t want to discourage you at all (and I’m so happy we decided to do it!) but definitely go into it knowing that it’s a tough process and there will be days you wonder what in the world you got yourself into! ;) xo

    2. Thank you Jenny! Oh my word.. it’s such a hard decision to make! It really is. We had a hard time deciding too. We knew we couldn’t stay in our last house because it was small and as our family grew we were bursting at the seams, but my husband didn’t want to build. We looked at homes for years and just couldn’t find what we wanted in our area so when some lots came up we decided to build. I’m glad we did it now, but it was a rough and stressful two years while we built this house. My husband never wants to do it again! If you can find a home you love that’s bigger and make it your own that would be my advice just because it will save you so much money and hassle. But if you do decide to build read the post I wrote below and hopefully it will help!

      Good luck figuring it all out.. it’s a hard decision to make for sure! xo

  28. I would love to know about your small appliances also. I’m in new construction with a large pantry, second fridge (6 kids), open and closed cabinets, bake center with counter but still struggle with toaster, blender, various sized crock pots, waffle maker, mixer, food processor etc. Maybe a post on small appliances? I also keep my cordless Dyson and mop in long wired cabinets in the pantry and I’d love to know where you keep those? Laundry? Mud?

  29. Oh goodness Erin, if I had that pantry I think I might just never come back out. You did an incredible job on it…bravo!!

  30. Beautiful pantry!!!! I’d love tips for keeping a super super small pantry organized, especially when you don’t buy the same exact food each week so it’s always changing a bit.

  31. Hi Erin-
    I am in LOVE with your pantry! We recently moved into our new home and am getting so much inspiration from yours :)

    Do you happen to remember the sizes of the OXO Good Grips containers you use? Our local stores don’t carry them so I’ll need to order them online…and was nervous to order the wrong sizes for my flour, sugars etc.

    Thanks in advance!! :)

    1. Hi Micki! Thank you so much! My OXO good grips are a few different sizes.. around 5 1/2 x 9 1/2, 3 x 9 1/2, and 5×6. Those might not be exact but close! I hope that helps! xo

  32. Love your blog and your organization style! I was wondering how do you organize your spices? I use a lot of different spices when cooking and they end up taking so much space in my pantry and are an eye sore! I would love any advice you have. Thank you!

  33. Hello! I see that your carpenter made the cabinet faces for the drawers. Do you mind sharing where you got your bases? Were they custom made? What about the storage shelves above and the counter top. What material is that? TY so much!

  34. I just found you from Pinterest and I am absolutely in love with your pantry. It is exactly what I want! Do you by chance know the dimensions of your cabinets and shelving? They look pretty deep too. I’m just in love. You did such a fantastic job!! Thanks!!!

  35. Wowza!! You have really got me wanting to step up my organization game. I unfortunately don’t have the kind of space you have but I’m in the midst of decluttering and revamping my own small pantry. I purchased these airtight food containers and I’m in love. I think they’re similar to ones I saw in your photos. Thanks for sharing your beautiful space!

  36. Hi Erin! I love to follow you! I get so inspired every time I see your house! Beautiful! I have a question? I am looking for courtain rods. Where can I find something similar like yours? I was looking your blog to see if I could find the place you got them but I couldn’t find it? I will appreciate if you can tell me?
    Thank you

  37. Your pantry is great! I’ve seen from this, and other posts, that you use a label maker quite a bit and I wondered if you have a favorite one your could recommend. Also, if you have favorite labels that you use, please mention those as well. Thank you!

  38. Hi there! I am in the process of designing our pantry and I’m wondering how wide your lower drawers and baskets are? Thank you!

      1. I was wondering where your basket drawers are from? Also the pull out drawers (before you added the fronts to them)? We are doing a pantry and having a hard time finding drawers like these!

        1. Hi Pam! I had the white drawers made custom (my carpenter made them for me) and I’m not sure about the other baskets! I sketched a pic of how I wanted my pantry and my cabinet guy found the pull out baskets for me. Maybe from Rev-a-shelf? Try looking there but I’m not sure!

  39. Do you know where the baskets were found that you use for your bread, onions and potatoes? I would love to use them in my pantry also!

    1. Hi Lauren! I wish I had a source for those! I sketched out our pantry with baskets and my cabinet guy found/installed them for me. I’m not sure where he got them. Sorry I’m not more help!

  40. Hi Erin
    Love the pantry! Have been searching for a drawer unit like yours ( I love the look even without covers).
    Where did you purchase from?

  41. Absolutely love everything you did here. I am also a lover of all organizing things! What size is your pantry? We are remodeling an old farmhouse and I keep going back and forth on the size of the pantry we need. Thanks!!

  42. Hi there, I’m struggling to find anything similar to those veggie baskets you have in your pantry with onions and potatoes . You said your carpenter found them, would you please share where they were purchased. I’m currently doing a kitchen and pantry remodel and I’m searching for this. I’d so appreciate it. Thanks in advance, Bronwyn

    1. Hi Bronwyn! I’m so sorry.. I’m not sure! I explained what I wanted to my carpenter but don’t know exactly where he found them. Sorry I’m not more help!

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