Do you love how my last post was like “let’s take on the world and organize all the things!” And then radio silence for a week? Turns out I had to push pause on taking on the world. ;)
I started the week with so much energy and got the last of my Christmas put away. Which is no small feat because as you all know.. I had a lot of Christmas up in this house! These reindeer were the last to head up to our attic. I didn’t want to keep them in the garage because I want to finish off that space this year and I really didn’t want to take them apart and have to put them back together again next year so up they went fully assembled!
Of course.. when you give a mouse a cookie. :) Bringing the reindeer up fully assembled meant I needed to move things around to make room for them which sparked a minor major re-organization of my attic. I was feeling so energized! All things January and Marie Kondo! I decided I could get rid of at least half of the things I was hanging on to in our attic.
After just a few hours in the attic I had filled my laundry room and a good part of my mudroom with things that could go to Goodwill. I was feeling so accomplished! Then Kenny left to San Francisco for work for the rest of the week and our schedule got busy and Kole came home sick and then Addison came home sick. By Thursday I was sick, the attic was still a hot mess, stuff I was purging was all over the house and I couldn’t remember when I last washed my hair.
I wasn’t feeling so Marie Kondo anymore. All sparked joy had left the premises. ;)
But it’s a new week! My back-up support is home and this week is a fresh start with kids on the mend and hopefully some antibiotics for me. I have lots of projects I’m excited to kick off this year starting with getting a few bedrooms finished. El’s bedroom is getting a major makeover (more on that soon!) and Kole’s bedroom got a fun Christmas update that needed a few minor tweaks to look more like a boy’s bedroom again and less like the North Pole. :)
(Boys Bedroom Update)
Getting Kole’s bedroom put back together was my one accomplishment from last week before we all hit the couch and the cough medicine! One of my favorite places to get bedding (The Company Store) is having their semi-annual white sale. Everything for the bedroom and bathroom is marked down – sheets, comforters, pillows blankets, towels. I have shopped at the Company Store since my girls were babies and love their products so I’m thrilled to partner with them on this post and share a few fun things I got from the sale for Kole’s bedroom and bathroom!
First up.. new sheets and pillows! I brought back his orange lamps so it was time for the red sheets to go until next year. These 450 thread-count solid sateen flat sheets are so soft! This color is sliver and looks great in his bedroom against the white, navy and darker grey. Plus they are wrinkle free (always preferred!). I also picked up two of their Best Down Pillows.. so soft.
I got this washable wool blanket in dark grey to add some contrast to his bedding and to throw over him on these colder January nights. I feel like we are actually having a winter this year in southern Cal! Exciting stuff! We are really enjoying our fireplaces and sweaters for a change.
His comforter under the bear duvet cover was an older one we’ve had for years so I updated it to my favorite comforter from the Company Store. The Legends Luxury Royal Baffled Comforter – medium warmth.
It’s the same one we have in our master bedroom and is so comfy! I talked more about it in my post on 5 Tips to Create a Relaxing Bedroom.
I also picked up this cozy cotton fleece blanket in light grey because my kids love sleeping in our playroom/theatre room sometimes on weekends and I knew it would be perfect for slumber parties.
But I liked it so much it’s currently on my bed under our comforter and now I have no plans to move it. Sorry kids. Maybe next time. ;)
Nothing like crisp, clean, new sheets!
His bathroom got a little re-fresh with some of my favorite white Chevron towels and these cute gray stripe bath accessories.
You can see more pics of Kole’s bathroom here.
I love white towels. When we all use white towels it’s easy to toss them all in the wash together and knock them out in one load! A little productivity tip. :)
These are the same towels I use the most in our master bathroom that I first shared in our Evening Routine post. I love the look and how quick drying they are!
I put Kole’s duvet cover back on his new comforter and love it with the new sheets and blanket.
So sophisticated I had to put a few stuffed animals out or I’d cry!
My baby is growing up. (tear)
I have a few more small things I want to add to his room and then I can check this space off as done and move on to the next project. So many fun things I’m excited to work on this year!
And just like that, I can feel my sparked joy coming back.
*All of Kole’s other room sources are listed at the end of my Year Review post HERE.
Huge thank you to The Company Store for sponsoring this post and for one of my favorite sales of the year!
I hope you get your antibiotics and feel better soon, Erin! So not fun to want to be organizing and you can’t because your body won’t let you! Relieved to hear the kiddos are on the mend. Looks like you will be making some great progress this year. I’ve heard good scuttlebutt about that new show by Marie Kondo on Netflix. I don’t have that service so good feedback is all I have to go on. It seems to have sparked a big decluttering response from people on social media though. :) Kole’s room looks fantastic. I adore the navy and gray together with the pop of orange. So stylish! What a lucky young man! That bed looks so comfy and those lamps are so cool. Great job, Mom! Hope you have a healthier and very productive week!
Thank you so much Jeanne! Frustrating for sure! Hopefully I’ll start feeling better soon. It’s that time of year where everyone is getting sick! No fun. Yes.. Marie Kondo is setting the organizing world on fire. I love it! :) Her methods are awesome. I hope you are all well and easing back into things at your house better than we have been! ;) xo
where is his Fan from?
Hi Lauren!
If you scroll to the very bottom of my year review post I listed all of his room sources! :)
Looks great! I love the navy, orange and gray. Where did you get his bed? It’s awesome! I have two boys and the older is going to need a new one soon. Thanks!
Thank you Leah! If you scroll to the very bottom of my year review post I listed all of his room sources! :)
What a lovely post!
I enjoyed reading it so much and hope you feel better soon.
Would you perhaps be able to do a updated evening and morning routine this year?
Lots of love
Thank you so much Chanelle! I’ll add a morning/evening routine post to my list! xo
Hope you start feeling better soon. I guess we both will start our new year in February. Love Koles room!! I’m going to check out the sale, I need some new white towels. I was just on Pottery Barn and put some in my cart. Late nights are dangerous Erin. I do my best shopping between 11-1 am. I think you and I could do some major retail therapy together. Feel better. XO
Hi Erin, I didn’t see a source for his ceiling fan. I’ve been thing about one like that for my boys room also.
Hi Erin! I linked his fan at the bottom of my Year Review post! Scroll to the end. :)
Hi Erin, I love your post and your home! I have the same pottery barn lanterns in my home, how do u keep yours clean?
Thank you so much! Those can get so dusty right!? I get on a ladder (or the lady who helps me deep clean my house does) about every few months and we wipe the inside and outside out!