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We made it! Two of my kids have been out all week and tomorrow is my oldest daughter’s last day of school. I’m picking her up around noon after her French final and we are officially DONE. I swear we are always the last people on the planet to finish the school year! But I guess it makes the victory that much sweeter. :) To officially kick off our summer I’m sharing some organized kitchen cabinets with you all today! I know.. I’m a party ANIMAL. Ha. Really though, sometimes posts like this with a few simple before and afters are just the motivation I need to inspire more organizing and I have a list of spaces I’m determined to tackle this summer! The above cupboard was how my cabinet looked about a year ago. Nice and organized with my older dishes.
But before long it was looking a little disheveled and getting new dishes this year (this set and this set) made me excited to whip it back in shape!
I love pulling things out of my kitchen cupboards and giving them a good wipe down. Nothing like a clean slate!
And now?
Ta-da! Such a happy cupboard. I smile every time I open it! And I open and close this particular cupboard A LOT. It has really made me think about how it’s especially important to organize the spaces in our homes we are in and out of constantly throughout each day. That little pick me up every time you encounter an organized space can make a big difference in your overall mood and sanity. Especially if you’re opening that organized cupboard to fix your kids snack #356.
Summer.. I’m ready for you. You will NOT get the best of me this year!
Next to my main dish cupboard is a skinny cupboard that holds all of our glasses/mugs. I gave it a quick clean out too. Don’t ask me why I have some cups facing up and some facing down. I’m a mystery even to myself at times.
Then I pulled out all of our silverware and washed out the containers and drawer and put it back together nice and organized. (I’m loving these cute salad servers btw if you need a good set! And this is hands down the best pizza cutter. Trust me on this one. We eat A LOT of pizza.)
Do you see how there are only 6 pink bowls in this cupboard? I’m so sad. I dropped one and broke it last week!
It’s from this cute set of dishes I used for my Spring/Summer tablescape and I need 8 for this table! Bummed I couldn’t just buy a new bowl.. I had to order another set of 4. I guess at least now I’ll have back-ups when if I break more.
These pink bowls have become favorites for morning cereal and were also fun to use for a little ice cream sundae bar for Addison and some friends last week so really I’m happy to have extras!
Sweetest girls. Love them.
I was on a roll with my organized dishes so I decided to tackle the cupboards above our micro drawer. They hold extra dishes and whatever my kids toss in them and are usually a mess! Above is a lovely “before.”
And after.. so much better! I got rid of a lot of dishes and canisters I wasn’t using anymore. I love having only the things I really use in my cupboards. Best feeling!
The cupboards below roll back and hold our most used small appliances.
Here’s a pic of this section of my kitchen. I’m hoping to give the lower cabinets a little re-fresh soon!
I got my pots and pans under control in January.
And I cleaned up the these drawers below my open shelving a couple of months ago. I use them to hold my nice dish towels, flower food packs and extra random kitchen gadgets. (Trays and bowls are a great solution to corral like items inside of drawers!)
The cupboards below I also organized in January and they still look the same. You know you’ve set up a good system when it’s easy to KEEP it organized after the initial clean out.
So that’s it! Kicking off the summer with some organized cupboards and drawers in the kitchen! It’s a good feeling.
Do you all like posts like this one sharing simple organizing?
I tend to do a lot of organizing in the summer for a few reasons. 1 – We’re home more.. which I love! Less running around to all the activities and more of my kids just hanging out with each other and friends which gives me small pockets of time for organizing. 2 – Summer can be hard in terms of productivity when you’re entertaining kids all day and organizing something quick gives me that accomplished feeling. I’ve learned that is really important for my overall mood/happiness. (I spoke more about this in my 10 habits of happy moms post!) And 3 – It’s a control thing for me. I may not be able to control the chaos and constant mess circling around me during the summer, but you better believe I can control what my pots and pans and dishes look like inside the cupboard!
Kind of silly.. but it helps. :) So let me know if you want me to share more posts like this one!
I mentioned on the phone to Kenny the day I broke my pink bowl that I was bummed because I needed a set of 8 and now I just had 7. When he got home that night and opened the cupboard to get out a plate he noticed there were 6 and said “I though you only broke one bowl.. was it two? Why are there only 6 pink bowls in here?” My response? “I mean.. look how organized that cupboard is.. I wasn’t going to put 3 pink bowls on one side next to 4 on the other. It would have thrown everything off. That would be crazy.” Then I got that slightly worried side eye look he always gives me when my OCD tendencies come out to play and he answered “yeah.. THAT would be crazy.”
It really would!
The craziest.
Looking great, Erin! You can share whatever you feel like sharing. Congrats on making it to a full on Summer Break! What a glorious feeling! Sounds like you have a good plan for getting things done in between your mom duties. I wish you all the luck. As of yesterday I now have TWO licensed drivers! So, in theory, I can send them off and stay home and work on household stuff. Unless they want me to tag along. Hee hee. I hope you accomplish all the items on your summer to do/bucket list! Enjoy every single second., sweetie!
Jeanne! She got her license! Oh my word.. huge congratulations! Send those kids off for sure! If they are anything like mine I have a feeling you’ll have lots of time for household stuff.. ha. ;) So exciting! Happy summer sweet friend! xo
I need to get my food storage container cabinet organized (tupperware and glass containers and, and and….),, so thanks for the inspiration! Great point about summer being a good time to tackle relatively small but helpful tasks like this. Love your blog. Thanks!
Thank you so much Jill! My tupperware/container drawer is on my list too this summer! xo
I love your organizing posts. Your house is beautiful and this inspired me to touch up our kitchen area.
I’m so happy to hear that Jenny! Thank you! xo
HI Erin, I always look forward to a Friday knowing there will be a post from you. I absolutely FREAKING love your organisation post, NEVER STOP!! I’m lying I love all your posts, but your organising posts the most! You are such an inspiration. Our taste is so alike,
Sending you a big hug and lots of patients for these summer holidays.
All the way from Namibia (Africa)
Katja! You just made my day! So sweet of you. Thank you! I’m so happy you like my posts! I would love to visit Africa someday. Now I have a friend to call if I ever do. ;) Sending hugs right back! xo
Erin I love these classic before and after posts! I’m not naturally domestically inclined so it takes a lot of effort for me, but when I see these posts I’m inspired to go tackle a cabinet or drawer of my own! Plus I’ve been wondering what you kept in the cabinets near the ovens since you built this house haha.
Also don’t feel bad, my kids just got out of school earlier this week and I felt like we were the last ones to get out too. Where we live there’s so many school calendars for all of the schools so I definitely felt bad for them that they were still in school when so many other kids were out.
Ha! Well now you know what’s in those mysterious cupboards. ;) Thank you so much Aria! I’m happy these posts are inspiring. And YEA that our kids are finally out of school!
Yes, that would be crazy!! HAHA Love your blog and all things organizing. You have a fun personality that comes through on your blog. Thanks for sharing your life with others.
Ha ha.. thank you so much Kendra! It means a lot to me that you enjoy my blog! :) xo
Yes! More, please. This is exactly what I needed, and for the same reasons…. sometimes you need that little sense of control wherever you can get it. Thanks so much for the inspiration.
I agree Janet! That little sense of control feels good doesn’t it? :) Thank you!
Yes love posts like this! Keep any and all organizing posts coming! Something about nice weather makes me want to organize as well. Keeping my house light and airy just like outside. Although rainy weather and fall really make me want to organize as well :) Funny about the pink bowls….when you said you broke one, I counted only 6 in the cupboard and thought “well of course she removed the 7th, gotta have that symmetry!”
Ha ha.. yes! Symmetry! You get it! :) Kaitlin I loved your comment. I feel the same way.. organizing is appealing during ALL of the seasons for different reasons! Thank you so much! I’m so happy you liked this post. :) xo
We still have two more weeks, until the 21 of June. Enjoy your summer!
Oh wow Debbie! I thought we were in the longest! Hang in there and happy almost summer! xo
Oh my goodness! As I was reading through the part where you broke 1 pink bowl and saw a picture of 6 bowls in the cupboard I wondered the same thing like Kenny. Now it makes sense that you hid the other bowl just to make things look presentable in the cupboard. Hahaha! I’m so envious of all the room you have in your cupboards! Also, are you liking the microwave being low compared to being high? I’m liking how it looks but wonder if it’s hard on the back stooping down to pick up the plate out of the microwave. Just wondering. Oh, I love the navy gingham bowls!
Ha.. yea.. not about to have my bowls stacked different heights! ;) We absolutely LOVE our micro drawer! I wanted one so that my kids could reach it and use it better and it’s so easy for them. Plus most of the time I put something in for a minute and then have to stir it and put it back in.. I love having it low to stir things so I’m not reaching up! Not hard on your back at all. I’ll never go back to a high one! Thanks for the sweet comment! xo
Okay, I never thought of times when you have to stir something but that does make it more convenient for it to be low. Having kids able to use the microwave makes sense too. Thanks Erin!
Yes! SO nice. You bet! :) xo
Love the beautifully organized kitchen! Makes me want to go home and pull everything out of my cabinets…which now I might just do. It cracked me up that your “disheveled” cabinet still looked like an “after” to me, though! Happy summer!
Do you mind sharing the details on your micro drawer? We’re starting our big kitchen reno in August and I need to finish my appliance selections! Anything you love or hate about yours? Brand, etc? Thank you!
Hi Brooke! We absolutely LOVE our micro drawer! I wrote more about it in my theatre room progress post that I’ll share the link of because we loved the one in the kitchen so much we put the same one in our theatre room. It’s a Thermador and I love having it lower. Easy for the kids to use, I love the look and I prefer bending to stir something vs. taking it out a high microwave and putting it back in. It’s just easier to see what you’re heating! Ours is thermador and we have been so happy with it! :) You can read more about it here:
I love your blog for…. a long time ago! But here is my first comment… I Love all the posts: organizing, parenting, organizing, fashion, and…organizing!
As an architect myself I appreciate all the great ideas you put into practice for a very very sweet, nice and elegant home.
And I wanna say that you are a very sweet, nice and elegant person too. Always keeping the focus on the bright side.
Here in France holidays start on July, 5th … 3 more weeks and it will be done.
Enjoy your summer with your kids!
Good night from France (it’s almost midnight here, I’m a night owl too) , and please forgive my english language level ;)
Emilie! I absolutely loved hearing form you! That was such a kind comment and I’m honored that you enjoy my blog and home. I’m also happy you especially enjoy all of the organizing! Sounds like we have much in common. :) Your english sounds amazing.. I’m so impressed! We visited France a few years ago and absolutely loved it. So happy to know I have a friend there! :) Thank you again for reaching out and for reading! xo
I love your organizing posts and I especially enjoy reading about how you manage to accomplish so much while mothering three busy children! I also appreciate your posts detailing the sources for your beautiful home furnishings. Enjoy your summer and keep posting! Thank you!
I’m so happy to hear that Pam! Thank you!! xo
Yes! More organizing posts!
Yea!! I’m on it! ;) Thank you!
OK, I was also wondering why there were only 6 bowls in your cabinet when you said they came in a set of 8 and you broke one…8 minus 1 should equal 7. LOL!!!! Yes, I love your organizing posts like this! They are what attracted me to your blog when I first started following you almost 3 years ago :) They motivate me! Happy organizing!
Ha ha… we can’t have uneven bowl stacks now can we!? ;) I’m so happy to hear that Chelsea! YEA! I’m on it! :) Thank you! xo
HA! Definitely need to keep things even for sure! And I can totally hear that conversation between you two. Those pink dishes are so dang cute, I think I might need to get some, only problem is my dish cupboards are full, hmmm, maybe time to give some away. Also those cupboards with your small appliances are so genius, I wish I’d thought of that in this house. Going on my list for next house for sure!
That’s the problem with cute dishes coming in right!? You always have to get rid of the older ones to make room! Some of our dishes were 20 plus years old so I was happy to donate them and move on. ;) And I agree! SO nice to just have a quick 20 minute win during your day from cleaning out a quick cupboard/drawer.. something! Can’t wait to see you guys soon! xo
PS – I think the simple organizing posts are great, I totally feel the same way about having those simple spaces we use every day organized. And with bigger projects and a million things on our to do lists, I often feel overwhelmed with all I need to do. It does feel good to just get one little space tidied up!
Your organized cabinets have long been an inspiration for me. I don’t know how you do it with 3 younger children when I have 3 adult children and they just can’t seem to stay organized! :)
Andrea the struggle is real with kids regardless of the age right!? Ha. :) Thank you so much! I think really my kids have just learned to keep things in cabinets for the most part the way they are or mom with make them fix it. But I assure you.. our house can get messy quick when I’m not right on top of things! xo
Hi Erin,
Oh, I am so like you. OCD, only I fear slightly more. Whenever I try to organize anything, it has to just so and I wish it would remain like that and no one would ever disturb/touch it but then … Bam the same cycle. I just wish everyone was as obsessed with perfection as me. But then nothing would ever get done, right. Ha :-)
Ha ha.. I get it! But sometimes I feel like my OCDness holds me back for that very reason.. things always needing to be perfect and let’s face it.. they just aren’t! I always try to remember DONE is better than PERFECT. But there’s a big part of me that just wants to keep working on the perfect even if it never gets done. ;) The struggle is real for people like us! :) xo
You should always post whatever you want; it’s your life and story to tell! I will say that I personally favor your posts in the following order: organizing —> decorating/room progress —> parenting/life —> shopping —> fashion. I tend to skim the fashion posts, but I would imagine for some people that is their favorite! We’re all different in our preferences but the one thing we have in common is we come here because something about your content speaks to us. You do you!
So sweet of you Casey! Thank you! Happy to know you like organizing posts the best! :) xo
I adore all your decorating and organizing posts! Keep them coming, please. I can’t wait to see your theater room when it’s done, and would love to see another one of your garage organization. Your blog is one of my favorites and an infallible source of inspiration :) Have you ever considered a YouTube channel?
So sweet of you Ximena! Thank you! Hoping to get the theatre room finished and posted soon! I would love to venture into YouTube but it’s just a time issue for me. It’s all I can do to keep the blog and IG going at this point with the stage I’m in with my kids. Maybe someday if things ever slow down! :) xo
You are such an inspiration to organize my house!! Everything you do is just so perfect! I LOVE those pink bowls, can they be purchased separately or do you have to buy the whole set with plates, ect?
April you are the sweetest! Thank you so much! Unfortunately you have to buy the whole set! I just ordered another set to have more pink bowls.. ha! But I know I’ll use the rest too. :) Thanks again for your kind comment! xo
Yes, I love these types of posts. Very motivating and I agree about summer – it is good to control a little of the chaos, even if it’s just inside a drawer :)
Thank you so much Kim! I hope your summer is going well! :) xo
Super random, but where would you put a coffee machine? I don’t drink coffee but my husband does . we are planning a remodel and I don’t want to see it out in the counter!!
Hi Yvonne! I would keep it in our little pull down appliance cupboards or in our pantry! If you can add a counter in your pantry in your remodel that’s a great way for your husband to have easy access to it, but also for you to keep it out of sight! :)
Love it! May I ask what is in the tall, skinny drawers to the right and left of your range? Spices? I’m gathering ideas for our new build! Thank you!
Hi Nicole! Yes! Spice pull outs! :) I need to share a picture of them! xo