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Family Room Christmas Decor

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Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I’m so excited to share my family room Christmas decor with you all today!  This room was my favorite to decorate this year just because I mixed things up from what I’ve done in previous years.  All sources will be linked at the end of this post!

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(cozy neutral snowflake Christmas tree sources are linked in this post – my cute knit tree skirt is on sale!  And you can find my jeweled snowflake tree topper here.) :)

The neutral tree was a stretch for me and I wasn’t sure if I liked it at first, but now that I have some other pops of red in this room.. phew!  It’s Christmas again and I can breathe.  Really enjoying the tree now. :)

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(long wooden bowls/light up house/fa-la-la bowl/gold and white bowl/reindeer/similar tree/similar small wreath)

I had fun styling these shelves on my entertainment center.  The cutting boards and little wreath made a fun backdrop!

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

The shelves are almost identical aside from different but similar bowls and cutting boards.  It was a little “let’s use what we have around here and be done” challenge I gave myself.  Good times. :)

And then there’s the garland.  The garland!

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Getting the garland up on this entertainment center was no easy task!  I had my friend over for back up support and she took this pic.  I thought that the top of my entertainment center was a big flat piece of wood, but no.. it’s just the thin top of the crown and then the wide shelf is lower so there was nothing to attach the garland to!  I kinda sorta got two pieces to stay (one on each side) and I really wanted to add one more piece on top to give the garland more of a full look.

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

That wasn’t in the cards.  Every time I tried to add one more piece of garland the whole thing came crashing down!  I tried attaching it with small command hooks and even my go to painter’s tape, but nothing was working so this garland is attached with.. drumroll please.. nothing!  Ha.  The middle part looks a little off but when I tried to fix it everything started slipping again so I finally just had to tell the perfectionist side of myself that it’s better to have it up and “off” than not up at all!  I do love how much it warms up all of the white and adds such a cozy Christmas feeling to the room.

Last night I was laying in bed awake (going through my to-do list in my head like I always do) and I heard a loud sound.  Everyone was asleep but me and I immediately sat up in bed and gasped out loud “MY GARLAND!”  Kenny mumbled a “huh?” and then started snoring again while I ran out into my dark family room and flipped on the lights just certain that the whole thing had tumbled to the ground.  But it was still there!  Hanging ever so imperfectly just like I’d left it.  The fireplace garland was in tact too.. and the garland around my front door.  The loud noise must have been our ice maker or something but the whole thing just made me laugh.  I’ve got so much garland attached to things throughout my home!  It’s all hanging by a thread and it’s making me feel like I’m hanging by a thread because at any minute something is going to come crashing down.

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(gold lamp/stripe chair/similar red throw/fur throw/favorite basket/knit pillow/brass candle holders/ivory candles)

But I’ll enjoy it all before it does!

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(my recent favorite pjs – top & bottoms/similar wreath/faux garland option)

Don’t mind me.. just swinging from the rafters around here. ;)  I always talk about how this large fireplace is and what a challenge it is to decorate. I’m 5’3 and 1/2 (don’t forget the half) so this gives you a better look at the scale of this thing.  Like I said.. it’s big. :)  I first tried attaching my wreath with thick red ribbon but that was a fail!  This whole room was quite a bit of trial and error.

(Details on how I attached my fireplace garland in this post.)

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(red ribbon/similar stockings/similar wreath/brass candle holders/ivory candles)

I ended up attaching it with some jute string and then I just added a red ribbon to the wreath because again.. it’s Christmas and I needed my red fix. :)

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

All of the climbing and risking my life paid off because.. Christmas decor!  I love it.  I really don’t think I could love anything more.  Well.. maybe my family.  And AG jeans and cherry ice chapstick.  But that’s about it.  Christmas decor is a solid #4. ;)

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(table lamp/light up holiday house/Christmas tree sign/bark fur tree/mirror tray/candle/similar console/similar baskets)

Console table is looking nice and cozy with my cute LED holiday house and a favorite Christmas tree sign.

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(cable knit throw/home pillow)

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(plaid throw pillow/knit pillow/similar snowflake pillow/similar pom pom throw)

Plus I found the cutest plaid and knit pillows at Target and love them!  They are LARGE and were such a great price.  The knit pillows will be fun for January too.

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

(white lacquer tray/similar wood tray/similar beads here and here/candle/glass serving bowl)

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

That wraps up my family room Christmas tour.  I hope you enjoyed it!  It’s a cozy spot to hang.

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

If I could just fix that garland in the middle..  no!  I don’t mean that.  It’s perfect.  Perfectly imperfect.  And neutral is good.

This is me growing.

But have I grown enough?  Because I still kinda want to fix the middle of my garland.

Christmas Family Room Decor (Sunny Side Up)

And add some red to my tree.

But I won’t!

Until next year.



xoxo, Erin
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20 thoughts on “Family Room Christmas Decor

  1. I saw @turtlecreeklane use a big loop of fishing line to attach her garland to small cup hooks she screwed into the back corner of her fireplace. i bet you could screw a few hooks on the back of the crown molding (it looks pretty thick) and make a loop of fishing line around your garland where you want to attach it. i’ve hesitated to hang garland on my stone fireplace mantle, because command hooks do not adhere well to my stone and the garlands just come crashing down, but this technique gave me the confidence to try it again. i can think of SO MANY ways to utilize tiny screw-in hooks and fishing line to decorate my house 😂! When I first saw your family room tree decor laid out, I was a little sad because I loved your red and white candy theme tree of previous years. What a lovely tree you created!!! The silver and white and snowflakes are so pretty. It’s like a breath of fresh air. Excellent taste, as always😊❤️🎄👏🏻

    1. Oh my word Ashlye.. that is such a good tip! Thank you!! I’m totally going to try that next year. SMART! Thank you for sharing that! And I’m thrilled you like how my tree turned out! It made me a little sad at first too.. ha! ;)

  2. OMG, you are so funny!! I’m a recent follower and fellow So Cal’er, (Chino Hillls) which I love b/c I could really relate to your posts b/c same region. I follow other bloggers but theyre usually from the midwest or back east and, well, as much as I love their content, sometimes it doesn’t translate b/c, duh., no such thing as winter here, right? Thanks for sharing your himor, your home & great style!

    1. Denise you made my day! I’m so happy to meet another So Cal’er! Today’s rain is making it feel a little bit winterish.. or at least look that way out the window right!? ;) I’m thrilled you are enjoying my posts.. thank you so much for your sweet message! Means a lot. :)

    1. Hi Stacey! So sorry! I forgot to add that! I just added a link at the beginning of my post below the pic of my tree and there’s a picture of it at the very bottom of my post too. I think it’s on sale! :)

  3. Hi Erin
    Your family room looks amazing, as it always does. I love the tree being a little different also. The room looks so inviting. I could see myself sitting there. Keep up the good work. I love reading your posts and seeing all the beautiful styling you do.
    Our house was flooded this year and we’ve been out of it now for 10 months. Still waiting for repairs to be complete. We managed to save some of our Christmas goodies but not all so am slowly decorating what I can at the place we are currently living at.
    I look forward to seeing your upcoming posts. xo

    1. Thank you so much Shelley! I’m so sorry to hear about your house! That’s devastating. I hope that you are able to get things repaired and move back in soon. I can only imagine how difficult that has been for you and your family. It’s inspiring to me that you are still decorating this year! That’s amazing. Wishing you the happiest holiday (and your home back soon!). Thank you again for such a kind comment. I’m thrilled you enjoy my blog. Take care! xo

  4. I still can’t get over the pic of you standing on the mantel! Your living room looks so cozy and beautiful. I do think you need your red tree though, the new one is so pretty, but it’s just not red! You’ll have to put it in a different spot next year and bring your red back. Maybe the playroom or theatre room need a neutral tree??

    1. I think my neutral days are done! Ha! I’ll use some of these same ornaments but bring in a little red next year for sure. :) Thank you so much Josie! I hope you are all having a fun December so far! xo

  5. It looks beautiful! Could you use three little thin brad nails inserted in the middle and side of the crown and then just look the garland behind the nails? Love your blog! Merry Christmas!

  6. Beautiful!! Just as your whole house is!
    And since I copied your paint colors to a tee…you have to know I love it!!
    Can u tell me where you found the textured pouf in your theatre room?? DIL wants one and I can’t find one that cute… thanks!

  7. I know I am way late commenting on this post but I kept coming across it. Your home is absolutely gorgeous.! Where did you get your cedar garland from? The link is bringing me to a different one. I’m obsessed and want some this year.

    1. Hi Kim! Thank you! Subscribe to my blog! I’ll be sharing a round up of all of my favorite Christmas items coming in soon and I’ll definitely find and link that garland.. it’s my ALL TIME favorite! :) If you add your name/email in the link below you won’t miss the post. It sells out fast every year!

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