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Organized Bathroom Drawers

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Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{rugs and bathroom sources here}

The time has come!  (The walrus said.. to talk of many things.. of shoes and ships and sealing wax..)  Sorry!  Alice in Wonderland has been on repeat at our house.  Thank goodness for Disney Plus these days.  Let’s try this again.

The time has come!  Time to finally share my organized bathroom drawers with you all!  (Much better the second time around.) ;)  Oh my word.. this project took on a life of its own as you can see from the picture above.  I decided to just “straighten one drawer” one afternoon and before I knew it I had pulled everything out of every single drawer in my bathroom.  Kenny walked in and was like.. “um.. what just happened!?”  ha.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Things always get worse before they get better at my house. :)  I do have a basic method to my madness when I organize.  I pull everything out and get rid of as much as I can (anything at all that I’m not using/loving.)  Then I categorize things in like piles.  Next I put them back in the drawer semi organized and this gives me an idea of what type of organizer (if any!) would work best.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

I definitely wanted some dividers for these drawers!  I did some research and decided to use the Linus Shallow Drawer Organizers from the Container Store for my bathroom drawers (LOVE THEM).  Based off of the items I wanted in each drawer I sketched out a few drawer configurations.  I know.  I’m such a nerd!  Stuff like this seriously makes me giddy.  I sketched out something I thought would work for each drawer, but then picked up a few extra containers in certain sizes so that I could switch things around if I wanted to when I was putting everything back.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

A little planning goes a long way!  I was so in my happy place with this project. :)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Ahhh.  Nice and clean again!  Let’s look inside those drawers!  *For those of you who are interested I’ve also linked all of my favorite make-up and beauty products below and best timing because Nordstrom is having a one day sale on all things beauty!  Woot woot!  I’ll be stocking up on favorites listed below. :)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

The top left is a small drawer that holds all of my make-up.  I don’t have a lot!  My make-up routine is pretty simple.  I love trying new products (and do often!) but I tend to always come back to my long time favorites.  This drawer also holds my contacts, glasses and some elastics.

Favorite make-up:  Elta MD tinted sunscreen (I wear this every day under my make-up.. long time favorite!), Bobbi Brown Foundation (color warm beige), Dior Glow Face Palette, Bobbi Brown creamy concealer kit for under my eyes (color Sand – after I put on my Tula Brightening Eye Balm), Bobbi Brown Blush (color Nectar), and my eyelash curler.  I love two types of mascara and use them both!  I use Maybelline Define-A-Lash mascara every day and when I want to really glam for a special occasion I add this Chanel mascara over it.  I also love this Dior lash primer that makes my eyelashes so long!  I can’t live without my clear Mac brow set and my Mac Paint Pot (color Painterly.. I put this on before my eyeshadow).  For eyeshadow I love Mac Satin Taupe and Shroom and for lipgloss I love Buxom and Mac lipglass.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{drawer divider/deep drawer divider}

The drawer below holds some often used items like hair spray, deodorant and wash cloths.  I love using drawer dividers to separate things like this!  Simple organizing but it’s so effective.  I didn’t photograph the drawer below this one because it just holds one curling wand I only use once in a while.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Then we have this nicely organized cupboard below my sink I recently shared!  It holds extras and larger items.

Cupboard Sources:   Cetaphil lotion, Enjoy hair straightener (LONG time favorite), My Amazing Blow Dry Secret dry shampoo, Lavende foaming bubble bath – sometimes essential oil smells are too much for me but this one I like.  Really relaxing and I love the bubbles!  I also love Amazing Grace bubble bath/shower gel – it was in my shower when I took this pic!  Tula Cleanser (also if you don’t have their brightening eye balm..ah!  You have to try it!  LOVE it.)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

{lazy susan}

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

The top middle drawer holds brushes and all of my night-time routine stuff.  Tooth paste/brush, face cleansers and moisturizers.  I love having everything I need for my night time routine all in one place!  (*Quick tip!  I always take off my make-up, wash my face and put on my skin products right after I put Kole to bed around 9:00.  Then I sit down for the night and watch TV/work and go to bed late.  If I wait to take off my make-up right before I go to bed I’m always too tired and lazy to do my whole skin routine.  I made myself do it right after I put Kole to bed for months even though I didn’t want to so that it would become a habit and now I don’t even have to think about it!)  

Favorite Brush: Moroccan Oil Paddle Brush/Straightening comb (I can’t straighten my hair without this comb!  Makes it so smooth and easy to straighten.)

Favorite Cleansers/Moisturizers: Clinique Moisture Surge/Tula Face Cleanser/Beauty Bio Eye Balm/Neutrogena Gel Cream

I also love Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair and my Mia Clarisonic. I ran out of my SkinMedica stuff but I love that brand and the Zo Skin Health for skin care too.  (Ask your dermatologist where you can find the Zo Skin Health Products.)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

This middle drawer is where I keep all of my extras!  We shop at Costco so I always have extras on hand.  I used the Linus DEEP drawer organizers for this drawer.  (You can buy the starter kit OR select the pieces you want and make your own configuration like I did.)  Notice I have more elastics in this drawer.. they’re in every drawer!  Elastics and Cherry Ice Chapstick are in drawers throughout my whole house.  And in my purse.  And in my car.  ha.  I also keep a small notepad in this drawer because I ALWAYS think of little things I need to remember when I’m getting ready for bed and I like to jot them down on paper.  I just prefer paper over my phone for reminders and to-dos.  Sidenote: if you haven’t used Tinkle razors before they are game changers for getting rid of unwanted facial hair!

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

In the middle bottom drawer I used the Linus Clear Storage bins.  (Two large and one narrow fit perfectly!)  On the left I have small samples I want to try.  Extras like soap, deodorant, mascara and face masks are in the middle and then Q-tips on the right.  And a phone charger!  I always listen to podcasts when I get ready in the morning and like to charge my phone so I don’t run it out for the day before 10 am. :)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

These three middle drawers were such a mess before!  I’m LOVING the way they look now and they’ve been so easy to keep clean!  Every single thing now has a place to go!  The first week they were like this I kept opening them just to stare inside.

Angels sang.  More than once. :)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

I gave our side cabinets a quick clean out and donated old towels.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

I like to keep our towels folded together in sets because I always have two matching bath towels and hand towels out.  Easy to grab a clean set when I’m washing others!

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

In the baskets on the bottom I keep wash cloths I use when I clean.  (You can find some of my favorite towels on my SHOP MY FAVORITES page.)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Best feeling having everything in this space so organized!  Kenny’s drawers are the 3 on the far right.  They are clean and organized too but I didn’t take pics because they are kind of boring and this post is already a book. ;)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

I was on such a roll I decided to give my vanity drawers a quick re-fresh too.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Travel supplies on the top let.  (Again I used the Linus shallow drawer organizers.)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Make-up bags and my jewelry organizer in this drawer.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

And more make-up bags in the bottom.  (This little laundry bag comes in so handy when I travel!)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

My top two drawers hold more travel supplies.  These are very shallow drawers so I tried these expandable make-up organizers and they fit perfectly!  I love the way they expand to fit your drawer.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

On the right I have my T3 curling iron barrels and my Drybar Straightening Brush.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Next are my hair tools!

 T3 hair tools are my favorite.  And so is this drawer I designed when we built the house. :)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

It looks like it’s two drawers but it’s actually one really deep drawer.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

My jewelry is nice and organized too!

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

All jewelry sources are in this post.

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Done and done!  At this moment in time my entire bathroom is organized.  I’m determined to keep it this way!

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

Thanks for taking my organized bathroom drawer tour with me!

Organized Bathroom Drawers (Sunny Side Up)

One project down.. 3,548 to go!  And people say quarantine is boring!

April is going to be a very busy month for me.



xoxo, Erin
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28 thoughts on “Organized Bathroom Drawers

  1. Timely post, Erin, I was considering diving into my main bathroom this week. I have 2 drawers and the under the sink along with the large medicine cabinet and I’m still afraid to go in and see what’s been shoved in there after the explosion of stuff that came out of my linen closet. LOL. I suppose I need to take a deep breath and dive in because it’s not going to organize itself. Thank you for the inspiration of your beautiful bathroom. It’s so pretty and you’ve got it organized so nicely! It’s proof it can be done! Thanks, too, for sharing your favorite products. Smart lady who knows that people will ask about them. I hope you have a great start to your week! :)

    1. Thank you Jeanne! Yes! Tackle that baby this week.. feels so good! We are in and out of our bathroom drawers so much. It’s a nice lift to have them looking nice right now. :) I know.. I always figure with posts it’s easier to just list out all of the product links vs. answering questions about them all later. I didn’t even realize so many of them were on sale until after I’d written the post. Bonus! :) Enjoy your Monday! I need a pic of your linen closet! That’s one spot I’m avoiding at my house.. ha. :)

  2. In all your gadgets and gizmos (which I love seeing what other people have…it’s like spying with permission!) I can’t believe you don’t have a Sonicare toothbrush! Have you tried one before? Our family loves ours….it’s like you came from the dentist each time you brush. And the hygienist always comments on how “easy” our cleanings are!

    1. Jen I need to try one! I actually have one for Kole! We got it for him after he got his braces. I should totally get one!

      1. Agreed with jenw on the Sonicare! Once you’ve tried it for a few weeks, you will never want to go back. I don’t love leaving it out on the counter, because I like my counters clear, but the Sonicare more than earns its spot. :) It’s also good for people like me who tend to brush too vigorously and get gum recession as a result.

  3. Do you have any suggestions on products if we only have one small drawer each, my husband and I and then the 3 big areas under the sink to organize? I’m looking for things to get for under the sink so it can be small drawers like you have to put make-up and things underneath. I like the lazy susan idea but need smaller things. I have plastic pull-out drawers but they are too deep.
    Love these posts! Thanks!

  4. Thank you so much for this happy place on the internet! It is bringing me joy! I can really relate to your drawer organization. I even go so far as to use graph paper to cut out the shapes of the organizers so I can rearrange before ordering! Waiting for a shipment right now. A little fun in a rough time! I agree, the Linus containers are the best! Also, thanks for the head’s up about the beauty sale. Ordering now!

    1. Graph paper! What a smart idea! I’ll have to try that. Love meeting a fellow organizer Sarah! Thank you so much! It makes me so happy to hear that my blog brings you joy. I agree – organizing is definitely something to lift our spirits at home right now. :) Stay healthy and safe and happy organizing! xo

  5. Erin, you always do such a good job! I wondered if you could share the resource for your gingham bowls
    you have in your kitchen? Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Jolie! Those cute gingham bowls were from Walmart but they sold out! I’ll definitely link to them if they come back in stock! xo

  6. Looks beautiful, Erin, and your hair tools drawer is genius! Thanks for all the product links, too :)

  7. I’m laughing because I read a few comments commenting on how they can’t believe you don’t have a Soniclare, and I’ve thought so many times over the years how I can’t believe that you don’t have an electric toothbrush!! I use the Oral B one and I’ve used them for about 15 years. I had gum recession issues from brushing too hard, (which makes me so mad at myself, but I did it because I’m so obsessed about having my teeth clean with out realizing what I was doing!) and so a hygienist recommended that. I always buy them at Costco, they come in a two pack so it’s perfect for Ryan and me. We get the new model every few years and then give the older ones to the kids and just keep them going until they die. I just got the brand new one a few weeks ago and I love it even more!! My hygienist loves how clean my teeth are. Really, get one.

    I can never get over how pretty your bathroom is and how genius it all is too. When I build again someday you’re helping me design it!

    1. Ok.. that’s it! I HAVE to get one now! But what about all of the neatly organized toothbrushes I already bought!? Ha ha.. guess I’ll give them to my girls. ;) Thank you so much Josie! Love and miss you guys! Tell your crew happy Easter from all of us!

      p.s. Something funny from the other day.. one of El’s friends was asking on the phone who Pierson was (must have seen him on social media or something) and I heard El say “oh he’s my cousin”.. I laughed and said “he actually isn’t your cousin El.. just a long time close friend.” She said to her friend “yeah.. not my cousin.. but I call him that because they are close friends and basically family.” I loved that. Totally agree. :) xo

  8. Great ideas! Would you mind to share the length of the cabinets/sink area? Wondering if this design would fit in my bathroom. Thanks 😊

    1. Hi Kelly! Thank you! My cabinet/sink area is about 10 feet long without the side built-ins. With the tall cabinets on each side it’s closer to 15 feet long. I hope that helps! :)

  9. I’m always interested in how to settle my kitchen drawers, my bedrooms, and my bathroom. While I don’t have the space that you do, I can still take away ideas for my house. My house is about 120 years old, and is situated in a row of homes in the middle of a city. About 9 years ago we sold a business and renovated the whole house, inside and out. In the main living part there’s a living room, a dining room, and a two-part kitchen. You can sit on a chair by the front door, and see all the way through the house to the backyard. I’ve organized the rooms several times over those 9 years, and the house is very pleasing. But there’s still more to do, more to organize. Thanks for the ideas.

    1. I love that you renovated it all Kathleen! What a neat home! I bet it looks beautiful. There’s always more to do isn’t there? But I have to admit I kind of like it that way. :)

  10. I stumbled up on you blog and I just love it. Being home these past nine months — I’ve done lots of projects. Now I’ve found place to visit for amazing ideas (I love your style!)
    Remind me of the Sherwin Williams shade of grey you used in your bathroom? Greys are tough, and you found a winner! :)

    1. Karen you are the sweetest! Thank you! So happy you are enjoying my blog. All of my paint colors are on my printable! Just sign up for my e-mail list (you just get a notification when a new post is up) and you can print them all out! I would just tell you that color but I honestly can’t remember.. so many grays throughout my home. :)

  11. Stumbled across your Instagram account and WOW! Love your house! And organization is ‘my thing’ so I love all of your ideas! Can you tell me what you have laying on your vanity. I’m assuming it’s to protect the surface. Thanks!!

    1. Oh yea! Thank you so much Susan! I’m so happy you found me. :) That’s actually a table runner! I bought it at Home Goods years ago and put it there to protect the marble. :) So nice to “meet” you!

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