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{distressed arabesque wool rug/dining room table}
Hello friends! I hope you’re all having a good week so far! And that you enjoyed Easter weekend. I can’t believe it’s already Thursday.. where did this week go? I feel a little silly saying it has felt busy but it kind of has.. just a different kind of busy! I feel like we are really getting into a rhythm and routine with this whole stay at home gig. This is a sad and hard time in general, but there are definitely aspects of it that I will miss when it’s all behind us. I’m trying to focus on the positive which is getting to spend more time with my family. This was our Easter dinner table this year. Cozy and simple with just the five of us. :)
{similar pink scalloped plates/scalloped side plates/similar gingham plates/glitter egg basket filler/similar mercury eggs/white ceramic vase/similar faux white tulips/similar faux branches with white flowers/similar wooden bark chargers (LOVE these too!)/similar scalloped cake stand/similar gingham placemat/glasses (our favorite!)}
I’ve had a lot of questions about sources after sharing my table on IG and most of the exact items I used have sold out, but I found almost identical options and linked them all above! Aren’t these similar pink scalloped plates cute!? I love them paired with gingham plates for Spring and Summer dining. We had such a nice day together as a family. I’ve always dreamed about church in pj’s and finally got my wish. ;)
{similar faux flowers/ceramic vase/similar wooden dough bowl here and here}
Now my table is back to normal and ready for Spring! I thought I’d share a quick design tip with you because it’s something I find myself repeating all the time! Especially in my kitchen. It’s a simple combo of pairing a vase with flowers next to a wooden bowl (often with fruit!). Nothing revolutionary but I repeat this ALL the time and it always looks good! I love a pretty vase next to a wooden bowl and fruit is easy, inexpensive (and practical!) decor.
{white vase/faux pink peonies/similar wooden bowl here and here}
You can see I did this again in this corner of my counter. A white vase with faux peonies next to a wooden bowl full of lemons. So happy for Spring!
{ceramic ribbed vase/similar wooden bowl here/here/here/faux hydrangeas}
This is my cute new Target vase! Loving it in my kitchen right now next to.. wait for it.. a wooden bowl full of fruit! :) These hydrangeas are real (white hydrangeas are my favorite flower so I snatch them up at the grocery store when they have pretty options!) but I also have these faux hydrangeas in my bedroom and they are a great option if you don’t want to have to keep replacing them.
{Hyannis lantern/Capri candle/white lacquer wood tray – on sale!/sea glass beads/wooden beads}
No fruit this time but I’ve done basically the same thing here in my family room. Vase, flowers, wooden tray. Beads are a great option in bowls/trays in the living and family room! These are some of my favorite decor beads..
I love pairing this small dough bowl with tall clear vases. And fruit! Green apples are so fun for this time of year and my kids love them. :)
{shouldered clear glass vase (on sale!)/similar glass jars}
More clear vases paired with a wooden tray. Ok.. you get the picture! I do this combo all the time. Easy decorating that always works. A happy little design tip to cheer up our kitchens while we are all hanging out in them so much!
Speaking of happy things in the kitchen.. I just got this beautiful marble tray and love it with a little plant and salt & pepper shakers!
{oblong marble tray/faux plant}
I ordered it in January and totally forgot I had ordered it.. ha! Not sure why it was delayed so long but as soon as I saw it in person I got on-line and ordered the large size too (on sale!). SO beautiful. I love it in my kitchen but think it would also be beautiful in a bathroom. Now I’m going to try to forget I ordered it because that was so fun getting happy unexpected mail. ;)
I’ll be back soon with some fun organizing progress going on around here! In the meantime.. stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask and buy some fruit.
We’ve got this.
Looking great, Erin. Fun design tip that you use so effectively. I’ve never seen hydrangeas sold like you are able to buy them. I guess they are cut and wrapped like a bouquet? I imagine you get them at the grocery store, but maybe I am wrong. We have a snowball bush(hydrangea) in front of our house, but it only blooms once a year and the balls of color are not nearly as big as what you share. If the plant would rebloom, I’d be more inclined to cut and bring them in the house, but I can’t get past the thought of bald spots! LOL Thanks for sharing and I’m glad you all are getting into a groove. I did clean those drawers and under the sink in the bathroom, whooo hoooo, and then I spent a good chunk of time cleaning my oven. I really wanted to scrub it well. Next time for sure I will use the self cleaning option. That was a work out! Have a great day as we groove toward the weekend. :)
Hi Jeanne! I’m jealous you cleaned your oven! I so need to do mine.. thanks for the reminder! I think.. ha. ;) The hydrangeas I buy at the grocery store don’t come in a bouquet. They are usually just grouped with 2 or 3 stems together for around $7 each. They always look a lot better after I get them home and put a bunch of them together. They expand and look so pretty in a vase! So fun you have a bush in front of your house! I’m trying to grown some in my yard but they only look ok for a couple of months a year. Guess I’ll stick to the grocery store flowers. :) I hope you had a good day! xo
is this the small or large marble tray0
Hi Betsy! It is the small marble tray in my picture. I ordered the large tray too so I’ll share it when it comes in! :)
Hi Erin, I just stumbled on your blog. Your home is stunning and I am so enjoying your design tips. What I am obsessed with is your table, from your Easter dinner photos. I believe it is in your kitchen. I would love to know who makes it and where it is from.
Hi Janet! Thank you! It’ so nice to “meet” you. :) Isn’t that a great table!? It’s actually an outdoor table but I love it inside! I just added the link to it in my post with my Easter table here:
(link is right below the first picture in the post!)
Hi Erin, thanks so much for the information. It is nice to “meet you” too. I just love looking at your furnishings and accents. You are very talented!
The table is amazing. What color is the top?
Thank you so much Janet! It’s a grey color! Actual concrete. :)