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When the Santa pictures are up on our shiplap display wall it’s officially Christmas at our house! I’m sharing our Christmas mudroom, Santa wall and stairs today. A fun little section of our house that gets the most day to day traffic!
{similar garland with lights!/ho ho ho pillow option/similar fa la la pillow/woven ottomans}
For years I used our shiplap display wall to display Christmas cards from family and friends but a few years ago I started using this wall to display our Santa pics.
I snapped this up close with my phone. We’ve taken a picture with Santa every year since Ellie was one! A little tradition I can’t quit because I love these pics so much. I watch my kids grow up right in front of my eyes on this wall every year! I try to create some sort of Christmas tree shape but it’s a little tricky because each year the configuration changes when we add a new picture. This year I started with the oldest pic on the bottom and made it the trunk. :)
This was my Santa picture wall last year. No trunk and I added a star ornament on top. See how it keeps changing?
This wall is tricky like that.
{graham plaid pillow/merry lumbar pillow – both on sale!}

Some of my favorites.. Addison wouldn’t stop crying so I gave her a bagel trying to distract her but she just cried harder with bread in her mouth. Ha. In 2010 we added our little buddy. That might be my favorite pic of all because I love the way Ellie is watching him. She was so excited to introduce Kole to Santa! I remember that day like it was yesterday.

Growing up and looking older..

The Covid pic! A year to remember. I’m so glad we documented it with kids sitting on a bench 10 feet in front of Santa. Ha. Then last year.. my babies are looking so grown up. They humor me getting this picture taken every year because they know how much it means to me. I have a list of items to quickly grab if we ever have to evacuate for a fire and the Santa pics are my #1 item!
After the actual kids of course. :)
Across from the Santa pics are the stairs and I didn’t do much with them this year. I decorated them very last and was out of garland and out of energy. Ha. I just combined what was left of my favorite two garlands, added a little ribbon and done. (Didn’t even get to the top staircase!) I have some fun ideas for these stairs for next year. I’ll decorate them first and show them a little more love. :)
{faux cedar garland/similar garland in stock here & here/faux eucalyptus garland/khaki ribbon}
{pine hoop wreaths/woven jute runner/similar baskets}
Keep heading down the hall past our Santa pictures and you hit the mudroom! I added these cute pine hoop wreaths to each locker with a simple command hook. Looks so fun and festive! This woven jute runner is beautiful! Soft to walk on and I love how much it warms up this space.
So many fun things to do with wreaths! I linked some other fun options below.
{similar red throw here & here/velvet pillow/plaid pillow here & here/mini wreath}
A simple throw and favorite holiday pillows on my bench. Got my red fix in this room. :)
So many cute holiday pillows are on sale right now! Here are a few favorites marked down..
{winter tree linen scroll/feathery pine tree}
I added more of my favorite feathery pine trees in this corner (they are also on sale!) and my winter tree linen scroll on the wall. Various shades of green? Absolutely.
I snapped this pic with my phone at night. Sometimes it’s easier to see at night in photos because this room gets a lot of light from different angles making it look shadowy in day time pictures. More garland over the doors! No wonder I ran out when I got to my stairs. :)
This picture is from last year. I used painters tape to put up our Christmas cards on these door frames and I’ll probably do the same thing this year.
There are three door frame options in this space so I have room to move to other doors if one fills up! I love having our holiday cards in this room because the garage door is right off of our mudroom so the second you walk into our house from the garage you see them all. Such a happy sight to walk into each day! I can’t wait until cards start coming in the mail. December is the one month of the year I volunteer to get our mail.. Kenny is on mail duty January through November when it’s mostly bills and junk. ;)
{similar swag here & here/similar runner}
Last year I put these swags on our lockers.
They were cute but I like these little hoop wreaths better for this space. I love holiday decorating. So fun to mix things up every year!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! It went by too quickly didn’t it!? I’m so happy I have one more full day of pie and Christmas pjs.
Monday I’ll hit the treadmill. Or maybe Tuesday.
Or maybe in January with the rest of the world.
Your Santa picture wall is amazing. Wish I had thought to do that every year. Love the crying Addie one, too. Perfectly imperfect! It’s neat to see how they have grown over the years as well as commemorate a big deal like Covid times. Thank you for sharing. Your mudroom looks fantastic, too. You have some pretty amazing spaces in your home and you highlight them all beautifully. Thank you for taking the time to share them. So many fun ideas. I hope your holiday weekend has been wonderful! Enjoy the Christmas season! :)
You are the sweetest Jeanne! I’m so happy you like the Santa wall and mudroom! Thank you! xo
Once again, your Christmas decor is perfect! My favorite in all of blogland. One question though, where did you find that mat in the mud room? So cute. Thank you.
Tricia you made my day! So sweet of you.. thank you! That little mat in front of my mudroom door was from Anthro a couple of years back! I wish they still had it in stock! That store has too many fun things. :) Happy December! xo
Just realized that I missed this! I saw it when I was reading your gift ideas. It somehow escaped my email! OHMYGOSH! The kids pictures! BEAUTIFUL and Just so fun and so sad and so happy all at the same time! Only moms could possibly understand that! You know, Erin, I never actually “copy” any of your ideas. I use them as inspiration; however, I think I may just copy that shiplap board. It is just perfect and every time you put the focus on it, I want it more! How about doing an “Erin collection”?? I will be your first buyer for your “photo board kit”! REALLY!
I was away during Black Friday, and I have mostly missed cyber-Monday due to getting a covid booster. Really sore arm and just feeling miserable and so out of it. It is all I can do now just to press submit and head to bed. Maybe they will do “cyber week” again like last year. ;)
Here goes. SUBMIT!
Thank you sweet Sherrie! I’m so happy you like the Santa wall! A “photo board kit” would be pretty cool! Ha ha.. love that idea. I’m so sorry about your sore arm.. I was feeling the same way last week! I’m just grateful we’ve stayed healthy so far this fall/winter. So many people have been sick! There is a lot going around this time of year. I hope you’re feeling better! Wishing you a wonderful December! It snuck up quickly! xo
Your kitchen are the exact colors I would use, love a white kitchen
Thank you Jeanne!