Sharing my bathroom drawers today! The master bathroom is one place that can get unorganized in a hurry, isn’t it!? I’ve had my bathroom drawers organized the same way for the past ten years and I LOVE my system. Love it. Every once in a while I clean the drawers out and maybe move things around a bit, but the system stays the same! So I present to you my beloved system… just in case you want to make it your system too.

I use these Rubbermaid interlocking drawer organizers from The Container Store in all of my bathroom drawers. I always buy mine at The Container Store, but every once in a while I see them at Target. I love them for several reasons. I love that when they are put together they fill my drawers almost completely maximizing every ounce of space. I love the way they link together creating one complete unit full of lots of mini compartments. I love that they are cheap to buy so I can replace them if/when they start looking dirty. And I especially LOVE that I can create so many different configurations with them making them work for me and my specific needs. Want to see what I mean?

Here are just a few ways you can organize these fabulous compartments! If I didn’t have three little people who constantly need my attention I could have created and photographed different configurations all. day. long. Aren’t they fun!? Mix and match – match and mix. Everything links together. So many different sizes. So many ways to organize your things. I can’t exactly explain the happiness I feel when I look at the picture above. Like everything is right with the world. :)
I keep our most used bathroom items in a cupboard on the wall (deodorant, hairspray, etc.), but everything else I use daily goes in my bathroom drawers. Here’s how I have my organized configurations configurized. (I’m so happy about this post that I’m making up my own words. Although Kenny would tell you that I tend to make up my own words regardless of my mood.)
Top drawer is where I keep my make-up and hair brushes (nice and clean now!). Razors are in the back so that little fingers can’t reach them.
I have two of the mini organizers inside of a larger organizer to separate the girls elastics (because half of the time I end up doing their hair in my bathroom) and my beloved cherry ice chap stick – which I can’t live without and keep in stock at all times. I can’t find it anywhere I regularly shop so my mom buys it for me in Utah. Every time she comes to visit she brings me some to replenish my stash. Love my mom. Love cherry ice chap stick.

Second drawer holds other odds and ends. Toothbrushes, some hair accessories, Q tips, and shampoo samples (because I’m always trying to find my favorite). Yes I wear contacts and yes I realize that is an insane amount of extra contact containers. Ha! I get a new one every time I go to the eye doctor and I suppose I could get rid of a few of them. But I don’t. Because I have room for them and I love the color green. I also keep a sticky pad and a pen in this drawer because when I’m taking off my make-up at night I ALWAYS think of something I need to remember to do the next morning. It’s so handy having a notepad and pen near by to jot yourself a little note before bed.
For my third drawer I use two of the largest organizers. This drawer holds my headbands and is also a random catch all of for extra stuff.
My fourth drawer contents tend to change. This is where I like to keep my curling irons and blow dryer. But when I have a child under age 3 in the house my fourth drawer looks like this…
The idea is that while I’m getting ready in the morning Kole has his own stuff to play with in the bathroom (and curling irons are out of reach). Of course he’d much rather reach into my drawers to play. And who could blame him? Why play with a train when dental floss is so incredibly interesting?
In the mood to organize your bathroom drawers? Just a few tips…
1- Dump out all of your drawers (I like to grab a towel or sheet to dump everything on).
2 – Get rid of anything you aren’t using. (If it’s a maybe I might use this someday item… toss it!)
3- Assess what you have and put things in categories.
4- Buy/find/create organizers that maximize your space and work for your needs.
5- If your organizers don’t fit your exact drawer dimensions and you want to keep them from sliding around in the drawer, use Velcro to hold them down OR stuff a few paper towels in the back of the drawer. Both methods have worked for me!
6- And if your organized drawers make you so happy that you want to take pictures of them to share with other people who love to organize as much as you do?
Then slap your hair back in a pony tail, stand on a chair (to get the best view possible), and have at it!
Have a great week everyone!
p.s. You can see how I organize my girls’ bathroom and hair accessories
xoxo, Erin
Erin, You have just inspired me to go organize! Girl, you are amazing…you and your cherry ice chapstick!! :)
I use empty paper towel rolls to keep my organizers from sliding. has your chapstick –
Thank you so much for doing this post.. Especially the make up organisation.. Just what I was looking for! I knew I’d love what you do! Haha.. Now I wonder if those containers exist in Australia!!
Love the last picture! I might have to try these. I have my make-up in a basket and it does work great but I am thinking I might like your way better.
Great organization! My Mom uses her extra contact holders to put creams and stuff in (like when you don’t have much left in the bottle).
Great post, very helpful tips!
An organized bathroom makes it so much nicer to start the day off right, instead of hunting for everything you need. Thanks for sharing all your tips!
oh my gosh, natural ice chapstick!!! i forgot all about that. it was my very very favorite, then one day you couldn’t find it in stores anywhere here! so my husband bought me a couple cases online and i used that up and never re stocked. had no idea there was cherry nat ice too. now i have to have some. ;)
Thanks everyone!
Paper towel rolls, creams in the contact holders, and – all such good ideas! Thanks for the tips!
Genn – YES! Try the cherry natural ice. It’s the best! Drives me nuts they don’t sell it at Target.
Thank you for these tips! They come in handy now that I have drawers to organize in my new bathrooms.
I so need to do this!
I might just be organizing a bathroom drawer today! Thanks for the inspiration!
My bathroom drawers are a mess! Thank you for the inspiration to organize today!
I think you’ve mentioned this before, but can you show me/us again how you organize your girls bow clips? My girls have a huge drawer of bow clips but the drawer is a mess! I need to better organize them.
Great organization post, I really need to organize my bathroom drawers after seeing your post. Do you mind me asking what is the brand of make up that you use?
You make me smile! :)
Hi Jessica!
I just added the link to how I organize my girls’ hair accessories at the bottom of this post. Hope that helps!
Motivated mommy – my favorite brands of make-up are Mac and Bobby Brown. Someday I’ll get around to doing a post on all of my favorite make-up!
LOVING this! Great job! Nothing like an organized bathroom. I LOVE how you placed toys in the bottom drawer…and a pen and paper in another…SO smart!
I use those same organizers for my bathroom drawers too! I feel so much more organized now that I know I already organize something like you! :)
I wish we had a container store here in Australia!!! It seems like they have some amazin stuff!!!
Okay you have inspired me to do some oranising!
Good work :)
I am so happy to see that my drawers resemble yours very much so! To think that MY system (which I never really thought much about before) is the SAME one used by the likes of an organizational guru such as yourself makes me feel so special! My only problem is that this house doesn’t have medicine cabinets like my last house and I am one drawer shy of what I used to have, so I have had to stack organizers in my biggest drawer and implement a new strategy of using old (and cute) make up bags, tiny purses to put things in and layer on top of or behind the trays. It has been working well. I just have to add a step here or there when I go to grab certain items, but it all stays very organized without any maintainence (well except for when the hubs puts the floss in with the deodorants and the razors next to the toothpaste)! I swear, he is my biggest organizational obstacle!
So what do you suggest I do with a bathroom with NO DRAWERS????? My house is over 60 years old, and there is only a “medicine cabinet” above the sink, and no wall space to add shelves…drives me crazy!!! When I build my dream house, I will have LOTS OF DRAWERS!!! You are amazing by the way….oh to have your energy! Thanks for all the time you put into your blog! It makes my days brighter. :o)
You know I have so much love for this! Those dividers are great. And I love the paper towel tip! :)
You’re so organized! I had to laugh at the sticky notes & pen. I SO get that ! And very smart to have toys for Kole handy too !
You inspired me! I went online to find the containers and decided I would look at Walmart before placing an online order. I found your same rubbermaids at Walmart! I was so excited I came straight home and got to work. Thanks!!
Well, I definitely need to do this. Thanks for the inspiration! :)
The notepad and pen in the drawer are GENIUS!
But, I’m freaking out because I’m so worried that you might not have quite enough cherry ice chapstick or contact holders!!!!! Hurry, quick! Go buy some more!!! :)
Love posts like this, I need all the inspiration I can get! Thanks Erin!
It’s look like you cover every thing in this Article. This is great and finally got something to learn after roaming around the other blogs.
This should keep me busy for a while! Thank you so much.Hope I will get some great stuff soon from you.Great work.
pretied bandanas
You know, I spend a lot of time on kitchen and office desk drawers but my bathroom drawers have been sorely neglected. This post has given me incentive. Organizers, here I come! Thanks.
saw a tip for empty contact lense cases… thought you might like. use them to hold salt and pepper for picnics,lunch boxes, etc.
Anonymous – such a clever idea! Thanks for sharing it with me. :)
I was just looking around for ways organize my daughter’s stuff and saw your Natural Ice! I’m addicted too (haven’t been able to live without it since I tried it in high school 15 years ago :), and I’m impressed your mom can find it anywhere. I have to order mine on Thank goodness they have it!!
I just wrote my co-worker not one minute ago that my top bathroom drawer is a mess and that it was on my project list of things to do on my upcoming 4-days off. I have everything in there from hair clips, makeup, creams, nail files, scissors, cuticle cutters. Thank you so much for this extremely timely post!!
How cute is that?! I love your blog! I just followed you on Google Friend Connect. I did the Linens and the Loo challenge too. I’d love it if you could pop over to my blog, check it out and follow me too :)
Happy Friday!
I came over from IHeart Organizing and I love your blog! New reader right here!
I’m not much of a commenter, but seeing your empty contact lens cases I had to. Maybe this is already the case but it’s recommended to switch out the cases eveytime you throw out your lenses (most likely monthly). There’s so much less risk to breed any bacteria when you switch them regularly. And eyes + bacteria = no good!
Sorry if my English is not that good, I’m not a Native speaker but I hope it was somewhat understandable.
Greetings from Germany!
Waking up in the morning and seeing everything organized around you can surely make your day start great.Great ideas,I bought a couple of caddies and toilet valets from better living and I was looking for some ways to use them.Thanks for posting these ideas online.
So glad this post was helpful Connie! xo