Weekend is here! And it’s about time! Kenny was in San Francisco this week for work so I was flying solo. Not for too long, but it felt LONG. Kenny works an insane amount of hours so even when he’s here I’m flying solo most of the time BUT he is usually home in time to put the kids to bed (even if he starts working again soon after) AND he always takes the girls to school in the morning. Man. We were thrown for a loop without that little bit of assistance in the morning. Kids didn’t want to wake up, I’m running in circles trying to fix breakfast, pack lunches, sign homework, feed-change-entertain Kole, do hair…and wait…now I have to be ready? And by ready I mean out of my pajamas because that’s about as far as I went. Finally got the kids loaded in the car – we’ve got 10 minutes till the bell rings – the girls are yelling “we didn’t brush teeth!” I’m chucking breath mints at them and yelling “eat this and call it good!”

But we made it. Kids were a little late, teeth weren’t quite as clean, and mom was a little frazzled, but we made it. Addison was frustrated with me. Not only did I not take the “super secret passageway” to the school (I guess Kenny goes down a different road with them?) but after I dropped her off I didn’t say “meet you at the window” and then blow kisses at her through her classroom window like daddy does. Come to think of it, I got a lot of “that’s not how daddy does it!” while he was away. We clearly have our routines and roles. And daddy is irreplaceable. And mommy is tired. :)
So yes! I’m ready for the weekend! Even though it’s a busy one, Kenny will be around for it.
Just a couple things I wore this week:
Top is from The Limited, belt is from Forever 21. We have been having the best non-humidity filled days and my hair and I are loving it!
Sometimes when I wear this top I switch out the belt for this necklace. I was looking at this picture thinking that looks so familiar. Have I already posted me in that shirt and necklace? So I looked a few months back and found these Fashion Friday pictures:
HA! Different top and necklace but they might as well be the exact same! I’m nothing if not predictable.
This happens all the time. I have so many similar things in my closet! I seriously think I have over ten tops in this exact color of teal. The funny thing is that I’ll try to break out of my shell and buy something I normally wouldn’t wear but it always backfires. Because then I just don’t wear it. Anyone else that way?
We had one cold day this week and I wore this sweater from Express (bought it two years ago and I’ve only worn it a few times – I’m usually sweating in it by noon). Cream, big neck, belt — also matching 10 other things in my closet. :)
Here’s a new sweater I bought on my New York trip last October. I’ve had fun trying this on over different shirts. One of my favorite looks is this one (two shades of brown).
And remember this top from The Limited last spring? Also worn here with the Forever 21 belt.
I love the sweater over it too. Who says you can’t wear yellow in January? Speaking of yellow, I went shopping last week (mall gift certificate from Santa is burning a hole in my purse) and there were so many FUN yellow things I wanted to buy! I came awfully close to buying this skirt and this jacket. But then I remembered that I already have this yellow jacket:
Does a person need more than one yellow jacket?
I’m beginning to think this person does. :) Look how happy I am in that picture!? Clearly the yellow jacket is the reason for my smile. Maybe the fact that my kids were with Kenny and I was having girl time with my friends is another reason for my smile, but you better believe the jacket played a part. And who says you can’t wear yellow in January? (I already asked that question, didn’t I?)
Well, it’s an important one.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Kiss your husband and wear something yellow.
That’s what I plan to do. :)
xoxo, Erin
I hear ya. My hubby is back in the states for 2 mos for military training. I sure miss the things he did for the girls, like making their school lunches in the morning, taking my daughter to gymnastics on Wed. Doing it all by myself this week was exhausting. And it was only week one!! Blah!
Hubby returns today!! I cannot wait! Need the help and the mommy/daddy time!!
Love the jacket, you should get it :) It’s very different from your trench…
i agree with caroline! :) and i like the color of the jacket better, it’s sunny yellow, instead of lemony-yellow!
You look good in yellow! Just wanted to let you know I found your blog about a week ago and I love your fashion Fridays. You have inspired me to step outside of my cardie zone and get back into dressing again. I ordered two scarves from Nordstrom’s one that you recommended. They only had the blue left. I also bought several new ruffly sweaters last weekend. I really like a Vintage look too. I love pearls and jewelry too. Love your blog!
yellow is the worst color on me, but Im ALWAYS drawn to it, because like you said its a happy color. TGIF!
I love all of the looks you posted. I really liked the one with the blue shirt and the belt. Also like the brown on brow really cute.
Have a great weekend
Loooooooong time reader, 1st time commenter! I just love your blog!
I was going to email you a few questions… but the email would be a long one, so i might to dribs and drabs here and there..
1st question is please can you pretty please post an example of your day, like from morning to bedtime. I am a new mummy to 2 and just cant find myself in a routine. I just get flustered and lost through the day and then get frustrated with myself!! I see that you posted your hubby takes the girls to school in the morning, so I thought you could give us a run down of your day or week even??? I’m sorry I’m rambling on, but please help this crazy mum!!
Kind regards,
Sammy from Sydney Australia x
You should have bought the skirt. It is so cute :)
(see me enabling ;)
Erin, you NEED that jacket. That is so cute. (I am a confirmed jacket / coat ADDICT) Can’t wait to see a picture of you in it!
Your hilarious! I love the comment about smiling because you have your yellow jacket on.
Driving the kids to and from school is a California thing I think. My family in NY and MN have a school bus that picks up and drops their kids off to school. I love driving the kids to and from school most days as it’s social time but somedays I just want to stay in my jammies and send them happily to the neighborhood bus stop!
Love that skirt. I like yellow a lot but yellow tops look terrible on me. The skirt would be just right though. We just moved and the mall here does not have a Limited which is one of my favorite stores. I never thought about shopping their site. Thanks for the link!
I will definitley kiss my hubby when he comes on and I am wearing something yellow today. :)
I meant… “when he comes home” but you know what I mean. Have a happy weekend!!
I’m totally with Stephanie. I’m going to start a petition for you to buy that skirt. And Kenny can’t get mad… it’s too cute!
… A new excuse for you, “My bloggers made me do it!”
My hubby has been gone all week too! Last night I really missed him when at 3:30 my 2 year was screaming and crying in his sleep, which in turn woke up my 3 month old. I really don’t know how single mom’s do it 24/7 by themselves. I’m so glad I have a great husband!
I too have a plethora of certain colors and styles in my closet.
So, did you actually take that pic of Ad and Kole this late morning?? Cause all I could think was, their teeth weren’t brushed, they were late and she still stopped to take a picture?? Or is it from another day? I love how Kenny is so cute with the girls with your routines! I can just hear the complaints! But at least you know how much fun they are having with him!
You look fabulous as usual! I’d like to look that cute for just one day out of the month. Heck, I’d love to look that cute one day ever!
Too funny about the girls wanting it the way daddy does it! Good for him for pitching in like that on a regular basis. The girls will remember it for a long time to come. Love that yellow jacket. Hard not to be in a good mood wearing that!
Ok. That’s it. I’m going back for the skirt AND jacket. You’ve all convinced me… didn’t take much, did it!? :)
Hi Sammy! Thanks for your sweet comment! I’ll for sure post a “day in our life” sometime. It may take me a while to get around to it, but I will at some point! :)
Hey Erin! I totally agree with A day in the life post. That would be really awesome. I feel like you are a celebrity! :)
I totally know what you mean about the differences when hubby is away and at home. My hubs will be gone for a few days next week. Whenever he goes away on business they consistently ask when’s Daddy coming back? and it takes them forever to go to sleep as if my security isn’t good enough protection for them. Ha! By the way I’m loving the jacket.
I always tend to buy the same types of things, too! I guess it’s a girl thing. Anyway, love your outfits as always! I have that yellow shirt from The Limited, too, and I wear it often. It gets lots of compliments. I really like how you paired it with the tan cardigan – totally fresh, updated look, and super-cute!
I can’t imagine how hard it must be with three kids when you are without Kenny! I struggle with just ONE sometimes!
Have a GREAT week!
Shannon in PA
Hi Erin!
Cute post as always.
Hey, I have a q for you…
I’ve been noticing a few pics from my blog floating around on pinterest, and I was wondering how did you find a page with all of the pins from your blog? I’ve typed in my blog url and searched, and my blog title and searched, but no luck. Love to hear how you discovered that! Thanks!
Stopping by from WIWW! Your outfits are ADORABLE!! :)
GREAT post!!
I say you can have as many yellow coats that you can shove into your closet!
Great look on that wide belt on that blue shirt. Love it!
I have that same yellow jacket! GAP, right? Fun to stumble onto your blog:)