Happy Sunday! I hope you had a great 4th and your week is off to a good start! We spent last week in Deer Valley celebrating my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary and had such a fun week. Headed home on July 3rd and we had friends over on the 4th to celebrate. We have been on the go non-stop since my kids got out of school and it feels so good to be home! I’m really looking forward to this week! I have so much to share and catch up on! As soon as I tackle ALL the laundry. Ha.
A few pics from our 4th! These USA letters were so cute to hold our holiday pretzel hugs!
I didn’t have time to take pics of much of the food but got a shot of these cute appetizers! They were a hit with the kids.
I picked up this cute bundt cake too and love the flower on top!
{Round Chargers / Similar Striped Napkins / Similar Gingham Plates / Americana Salad Plates / Similar Flatware}
Pulled out my favorite 4th plates and we were ready to party. :)
It was a great day with friends enjoying food and the pool! We spent Saturday unpacking and getting groceries and just catching up on so many things. Good-bye June and hello July! Summer always goes by too quickly. I’m so happy we have one more month to enjoy some sun at home before things get busy with a new school year!
Enjoy this week’s round-ups (founds some CUTE things and lots on sale!). I’ll be back tomorrow with my favorites for the N sale! Woot woot! Going to be a fun week on the blog. :) Enjoy your day!
