Hope everyone had a good weekend! Ours was great – feels like we’re finally getting into more of our normal routine since Kole joined the family. After waffles Saturday morning the girls threw on their suits and Kenny took them to the beach. I was going to go with them, but Kole was DYING to hit the Nordstrom Anniversary sale, so the two of us headed to the mall.
I had been eyeing these boots in the catalog and couldn’t resist. LOVE THEM! So does Kole. He was so excited about my boots that he feel asleep for the rest of our outing. He is my all time favorite shopping companion. I modeled my new boots for Kenny and he loved them too. Right up until I made him take a picture of them. We have an unspoken understanding in our marriage. He puts up with all of my picture taking/blogging/scrapbooking and I tolerate his over the top football addiction… and his inability to hang up the bathroom towel after he showers.
After we returned from the beach and mall, Kenny and I left the kids with their favorite babysitter and went to see Eclipse. LOVED IT. Almost as much as my new boots. Then we came home and had a BBQ and ate on a blanket in the backyard. The girls were loving their Saturday. Ellie was flying high and kept saying how Saturday was her perfect day because it included all of her favorite things – waffles, beach, babysitter, and hot dogs.
Ellie is such a little joy to have around because she is always so happy and easy to please. She loves being together as a family and looks forward to the weekend all week long. She’s always drawing little pictures of the five of us and hanging them around the house.

Phwew! Thanks for a new post Erin. I tried to come up with an appropriate comment on your hair post and I was left wordless. Imagine! Loved the weekend post and so happy that you have the perfect marriage with compromises to please all. No bubble popping here…but…Kole being the perfect shopping buddy?…hold that thought…it ain’t sticking around long. BUT the boots ARE darling:)
Love your blog post!
Sarah (from Germany)
I love Saturdays like that. Glad you loved Eclipse…I thought it was wonderful and I’m not even that huge of a fan. Cute boots!
Agree – sounds like the perfect weekend! Love the boots.
Sounds like the perfect weekend, just chillin’ with the fam. I can totally see Kenny rolling his eyes at your request to take a picture of the new boots- it’s the exact same thing Dan would do!
Kole has your beautiful, bright eyes. He looks a lot like you (only boy version). He is so so cute.
Sounds like a great weekend. We had a fun one too. I am just not a good blogger like you are because all my photos are still on the camera. :)
Erin-love your boots! And are those the new leggings too? You sound so happy. I really think you are in a good place! And I have loved seeing you more often lately! It reminds me of the old days when we just had one kid each! Next we need to schedule another hair party day. Only this time we won’t have Truman trying to crawl out of your bathroom and Ellie crying every time we turn on the hairdryer!!! LOL! (BTW, you know I LOVE change, but I think your hair is GORGEOUS just the way it is.)
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. It made my day! :-) I am really loving those boots! We just moved into a beach house and have really had to downsize our closets…which has put my shopping on hold…kinda. When one thing comes in, another has to hit the road (or more like…Goodwill). But those boots would DEFINITELY make the cut in this house. Great choice! :-)
So glad everyone in the Rollins house had such a great weekend! SO glad you got to see Eclipse and can’t wait to discuss it further with you! And love your new boots, so wish I could pull off the cute things that you do! And so glad Kole is such a great shopping partner, let’s hope that continues for at least a couple years, at least until he is big enough that Kenny can handle him. And he is looking SO darling, btw! And love Ellie’s note, what a sweetheart that girl is! Love the post! Love you guys!
My dear, those boots are fabulous! This post was classic Erin. Glad to see you back to form:)!!
Very cute pics and fun post! And I do like your hair too. I can’t believe how cute it goes by itself–it is really too bad 90’s hair is gone!
p.s. – sorry Kenny, you know I love ya, but I gotta say you are getting the sweet end of the deal in the marriage compromise!
And Erin, so glad to know that “everyday seems like the perfect day” with Kole around, *Remember to go back and read this post the next time you have a multi-bodily function disaster happen around there! :)
Love the house pics, VERY cute. But my fav (next to the sweet pics of Kole) are THE BOOTS!!!!
F-A-B- ulous!! Luckily, we don’t have a Nordy’s here in STG. (we’d be broke) but that sure doesn’t stop me from driving to Vegas for sales!!