Just a little something I’m loving in my kitchen right now. I bought this cutting board from Crate & Barrel and it has come in so handy! It has a colander built in it and non-slip handles that fit great over the sink (or on your counter if you have a smaller sink like I do). Plus it’s green. Perfect for washing and cutting my strawberries.

xoxo, Erin
I love Crate and Barrel! This sounds like a wonderful item – plus its green! I would love one in red.
I would love this cutting board too, except I can’t take my eyes off your granite countertop…and your fruit basket thingy…and your towel holder…and the view out your kitchen window! Beautiful!! Too bad it doesn’t come in green – oh wait, it does :)
JUst had fresh strawberries and fresh cream w/ waffles this morning! Yum! Glad you are feeling better, I found your blog after you were sick and have loved checking-in ever since!
Erin, I find it so funny that I love when you post pics of your kitchen. They are always so refreshing…your clean, perfectly decorated kitchen with your beautiful view out your clean window. So nice. No one would ever love seeing pics of my kitchen. And I have a great kitchen! hmm, I wonder why mine never looks so inviting?
Loving that cutting board, I’d totally go for the green too. I don’t even have one now, I thought since I have granite now I wouldn’t need a cutting board, but then found out the granite will dull your knives. Guess I’ll have to pick one up if I want to save my knives.
So glad you are feeling up to fun posts! Love you guys!
i have a red and white one…. LOVE IT! btw… love your towel holder! where did you find that beauty?
Love it! I may need to get one of those for myself! Do they come in red?
Do you like green? Very handy cutting board, love it.
I so need one of those!!!!!
Putting it on the list….
I love your house. Can I order a kitchen just like yours? :) That is revolutionary!! I’ve never seen a cutting board with a colander. Need one.
Happy St. Patricks Day Erin! xoxo!
I love your little green cutting board! But I love the view from your kitchen sink more.
Not quite sure how I happened upon your blog… I love the colander/cutting board. I may have to look into that!
Your blog is certainly a stand-out blog and one we would be happy to have on our ‘Best of The Blogs’ list on our Power of Moms site. (www.powerofmoms.com) Please let us know if you would be willing to have your blog on our list. If so, would you please email me at [email protected]
Thank you for helping enrich the lives of other mothers.
So cute. I love your randomness, and the color green too!
I seriously need one of these! I am in total need of a colander and cutting board! Great tip! The strawberries look yummy too! :)
That does look like a neat one. Thanks for sharing your latest find. Those strawberries look yummy too.
Why does the fruit at your house always look so amazing? I am flying to San Diego to visit just for the fruit at your house. The green cutting board is cool too. But if I were to fly out to see a cutting board that would be weird.
How is baby Kole? Sleeping better? Will you guys be at the reunion (please say “yes”, please say “yes”)
Mmmmmm…I want some of those strawberries!! Yum!
Can I ask where you got the towel holder that sitting on your counter? We’ve reached the phase where we can’t hang anything on our oven b/c my toddler takes off with the towels and I hate just folding it and setting it on the counter. Your standing towel rack would be perfect.
We have the same kitchen towels! (That’s what I noticed first!)
That is really nice. I see you love green like I love yellow! I love your window…and now I want some strawberries. I also love your organized pantry…inspiration.
Ok I have to ask, I have been searching everywhere for the wire fruit basket I seen in your kitchen and cannot find anything like it anywhere!! Where ever did you find it?