Their new baby brother

The girls love their Aunt Carly because she makes them laugh, watches movies with them, tells them funny stories about their mom, and always brings them a surprise. New jewelry this time. Of course just like in this post their jewelry has a way of ending up adorning our furniture.
My girls aren’t the only ones who love it when Carly comes.
When she arrived she gave me this little silver bell to ring for her service. And ring the bell I did. All day long. Carly took right over where my mom left off – cooking, cleaning, and taking care of my kids so I could rest. But even better than all of that, she made me laugh. She forced me to take off my blue sweat pants (I switched into my black sweat pants) and get out of the house. We just went on a few little outings – a drive along the ocean, a visit to Jamba Juice, and a trip to Target. (because what’s more therapeutic than Target?) :) Getting out of the house and being with my sister did me a world of good. Thank you Carly. I love you so much.
It is great how well you are getting taken care of and better yet that you are ALLOWING yourself to be taken care of. I’m having a small procedure next week and it will be hard to force myself the 2 week recovery period.
Here’s to slowing down…
YEa!!! I am so glad she is there for you! That’s one person who can make everyone laugh!!! Love her!
Erin it is so great you have such a great support network and you are taking the time to get better. Takre care
What a great sister!
How nice your sister could come in to town. What a beautiful family and agree Target is great therapy!
Yeah for getting out and getting fresh air. I’m so happy your sister is there to take care of you and your family…what a blessing. And yes, Target is great therapy…just like laughter. Enjoy
Erin, I haven’t commented since I learned about the overwhelming ordeal you have been through over the past few weeks….I knew you were recovering and getting lots and lots of supportive calls, emails, comments, etc… But I wanted to send you a little note today and let you know that you have been on my heart and mind many, many times since I learned what had happened. It’s strange how connected you can feel to someone you have only “met” through the blogging world!! I have fretted and worried about you as if you lived right next door to me :) I am so glad to hear you are on the mend and that you have a loving and supportive family helping you to heal. Just know that I am sending prayers your way and looking forward to lots of new blog updates in the future!!
Aren’t sisters just the best? I don’t know what I’d do without mine. You and Carly are so lucky to have eachother. And, she is such a cutie! Hope you two had a good time together and that you’re doing well. Miss you tons!
i LOVE sister’s!!!! they are the best in the whole world!
glad that you had a great time and that she was able to help you out with your kiddos!
nothing in the world like a sister! I’m so happy you have such a great one! xoxo
Needed to read this post today as I am preparing to go help my sister. I am so happy to help her but it is so hard to leave obligations at home. It was good for me to remember what role I get to play…my boys will survive, won’t they?!
Target is good for what ails you!!!
Have a good time and enjoy the company.
Erin-this is such a normal Erin post!! :) I really do think you are coming back. You looked more like yourself today and no crying? That is HUGE!!! :)
What a darling/sweet sister. I love the bell!
I am excited for a park date with you!!
What would the world be without sisters?!? So glad you are being well taken care of. I LOVE the bell! I think I need to get myself one of those!!! However, I don’t know that anyone would come when I rang it. (It’s ok to dream right?!)
I have to agree that Target IS good therapy, as well as the ocean AND organization.
were we twins in another life??
Carly is a great one to make you laugh and put a smile on your face!! Hooray for Carly!! I am so glad she is there!! Did she leave little Claire at home?? I bet your girls are well entertained with her!! I LOVE the bell!! Leave it to Car to think of that!! She is a hoot!! Hope you are feeling a little more like yourself!
What a wonderful sister! The bell with the adorable ribbon made me smile. So sweet. Hoping every day gets a little easier for you Erin.
Sisters are the best. Looks like she had just as much fun as the girls!
Ok, Carly wins the “Sister of the Year Award”! Seriously, LOVE that she gave you a silver bell, and so cute with the pink ribbon! Carly, I love you for being so good to Erin and taking care of her! Thank you!
Erin, so glad you have such an amazing family to take care of you. Love the post, love the pics, love the girls, love you.
Awww! I love Carly too! :0)
WOW!!! I got a breath of fresh air just reading this… GOOD JOB CARLY!!!! Good sisters are the BEST, aren’t they?