My sweet Ellie turned six yesterday. We have spent the last four days celebrating with good friends and have partied non stop! She had a great birthday and is so excited to be six years old. Mom, on the other hand is not so excited. We got home from Disneyland last night and once the girls were in bed I started to cry and didn’t stop for a long time. Partly because our fun party was over, partly because I’m ridiculously hormonal right now, but mostly because Ellie is growing up way too fast and I want her to stop. Ellie is all the best parts of me and Kenny and there is nothing that beats being her mom. If I could freeze her in time right now I would. I would spend the rest of my life listening to her play pretend with her barbies and stuffed animals, watching her take care of her little sister Addison, hanging her creative artwork all over the walls, and listening to her laughter that fills our house every day.
I love you so much Ellie. Please stay six for a long, long time.
xoxo, Erin
Happy Birthday Ellie!
Yes, stay six forever.
(We wish!)
Okay, I have to de-lurk because *my* oldest little girl (Savannah) turned 6 on January 19th too! MLK day right? (and I also have another little girl and a baby boy – too funny!) Anyhow, I feel the exact same way. I told her that I refused to acknowledge that she is six and to please stop.growing.up – it just isn’t right. I would gladly skip over the teenage years and freeze her right here and now.:)
Okay – I do not at all want to sound like a stalker (and Katy and Tiffany are my real life friends from our NYC days, so they can vouch for my relative sanity!)But
I just have to tell you how much I love your blog – so funny and relatable as to where I am right now too (although I would much rather be in San Diego than Dallas!) I get it! And oh yes – please check out the GMC Acadia – we also had to upgrade our SUV to a 7 passenger car when baby boy was born and I just couldn’t do a mini-van (vanity, I know!)- we bought an Acadia and *love* it – little kids in the captains chairs, Savannah and carpool friend in the back row – not too huge, still looks cute, fits a double stroller, etc.
Okay – Happy Birthday Ellie, there’s a little girl in Texas who shares your special day!
Happy (late) birthday to the adorable, lovable Miss Ellie!
I agree Ellie has all the best of you and Kenny wrapped up in her. She is such a sweetheart and I love that adorable grin! (Addie just needs a little more Erin in her and a little less Kenny right?! Love that girl!:) Pierce and Madi LOVED celebrating Ellie’s birthday with her! We all did. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pull off a b-day party near as exciting, how can I compete with Disneyland? Hope it was the best birthday ever Ellie! Thanks for letting us party with you! And yes, please stay 6 for a long time, and keep Pierce there with you! (As anxious as I am for their wedding, I can wait for a LOOOOONG time. ;)
I totally know what you mean- I really have a hard time with them getting older too. I really like them when they are little. This getting older is just for the birds.
I hate my kids growing up too. My oldest turns 12 in a few months. Darling, darling Ellie.
I agree, I agree, I agree!!!!!! But it just gets more fun!!!! My oldest just turned 10 and it’s fun to see what kind of person she is turning into!!!! It IS a fun age, I can see why you would like her to push the pause button!!!
Ah, I felt that way just watching and hearing the sights and sounds from my three “littles” this morning. But then Matthew comes home from school and we buddy up on a project he’s doing ,or he tells me a new joke he heard, or trick he made up. He’s currently the overachiever in the family and I love it.
Happy Birthday Ellie! She is such a doll.
Happy late birthday Ellie. But, Erin, you will love each stage of life she’s in. You’ll love when she’s 8 and want her to stay eight, and you’ll love it when she’s 12. and wish so bad she’d stay that age, etc. They are darling and fun at whatever age, and be glad you have the little ones coming up to keep you remembering what it’s like to have one this age. I hope you’re hormones are feeling a little better by now!! Love you!
I love you Miss Ellie! You look darling eating your cute birthday cake. Looks like you had a fun party. Grandma and grandpa sure wish they could have been there with you….we both thought about you all day! We will see you soon. I am glad you liked your Tinker Bell toy.
Happy Birthday Ellie! Time has flown by.
I like this age too. Six through ten is good. It spirals out of control after that. :)
Sounds like you’ve had so much fun celebrating.