Admittedly my children have been deprived. Growing up in sunny San Diego with grandparents residing in sunny southern Utah, they haven’t had many opportunities to see snow. Ellie played in the snow once when she was two but she can’t remember it and Addison – never. I knew it was time to do something about this when they started talking about snow after seeing it on an episode of Max & Ruby. They spoke of it like it was such a strange, foreign thing. Ellie said, “and guess what mom…my teacher has SEEN snow and even TASTED it.” Like her teacher was the most unique and privileged person on the planet. So while we were in Utah over Christmas my parents bought the girls “I love Utah” hats and took them to see snow.

They were beyond excited.

Of course, my girls have no snow clothes or boots so my dad had to improvise by tying Target sacks around their shoes and holding them together with duct tape. Classic.

They had a great time tasting the snow…

touching the snow…

and running and playing in the snow.

And then after a whole 15 minutes of playing in the snow they took off their gloves. They realized that snow is cold. And wet. And not as fun as they thought it might be.

And they both started to cry and wanted to come home and not play in the snow anymore.

They felt much better after they had warmed up and roasted a few marshmellows by the fire.
And now we’re back home in San Diego and our forecast for the week is looking like
And I don’t think the girls mind it one bit.
xoxo, Erin
Dad and I are still laughing! It took him longer to tape up their “Boots” than the actual time they spend “playing in the snow”!
I blame the gloves….it would have been a big difference if the gloves would have been better. Dad said the right gloves could have given us at least 3 or 4 minutes longer in the snow! Maybe 5 at most before they had a meltdown. :) Let’s face it, they are my San Diego~California girls!
Oh I’m laughing so hard. Love the Target sacks wrapped with duct tape! Awesome! And the crying faces are classic.
Think if we lived in it and they wanted to come in and go out 500 times a day!
So glad you’re home. Can’t wait to catch up. And so glad your knee/elbow injuries have not stopped you from blogging.
Welcome home Erin! I hope you got my text. Call me when you are settled and have time to talk.
That’s how I feel every time I go to “the snow”…why am I here? Why did I leave my sunny home?? I will say, however, that the right gear and activity options have kept outdoors snowing it for even hours at a time. Think: skiing, tubing and romantic nighttime strolling. Always good to return to the Sun, though. Welcome Home!!:)
What a crack up! That is so great! You can just see the excitement in their faces, the fun they are having…and then the discovered misery! I love it! Those pictures are so precious! And Grandpa did a great job on the boots! You really can use Target sacks for everything!
Matching caps, matching jackets, matching Target sacks- they are going to love this one when they grow up and read their blogged about childhood.
Even my kids cry when they’re cold. We have to get the disposible “hot ones” when we go out. Then, after a nano-second outside, they start screaming in pain because their feet are “burning to death” from freezing.
Your dad and I would get along. I did a garbage bag with duct tape when I realized Michael’s coat was not long enough for him one time.
Oh, could they be any cuter??? That is so funny! We have a TON of snow right now and my boys DO go in and out 500 times a day!!! Is the grass really greener on the other side???
So cute & so true! Snow is fun to visit but not to live in!
So how did we miss a get together while you were here? Sarah must not of come down to set it up! ;)
I love the I heart Utah hats. That’s awesome!
Yesterday I jumped in my car and it was 70 degrees and I said “this is why I live in San Diego!”
Utah is just so so cold, and you can’t get in your car in January without shoveling out a path and clearing out the snow. I loved spending a week there for Christmas – but I was happy to come home to the land of sunshine in January! I tell husband if he’s ever going to convince me to move it wil have to be the cloudy time in June.
Funny! I love the Target bags, tell your Dad thanks for that great idea. I will for sure be using it. Who wants to buy boots for like you said a matter of minutes?!
I agree with your girls – a minute in the snow is about the right time frame. Hoping for another visit to San Diego hopefully soon to find some warmth.
All I have to say Erin is AMEN AND AMEN!!! There is a reason why I have only lived in Sunny San Diego and Sunny St. George, nothing good comes from cold weather- and I mean NOTHING!!! Which is why my number one goal in life has always been to NEVER own a snow blower.
I sooo HATE cold weather!!! This post makes me love your girls even more!!! You are raising them just as you should :)
Hilarious! I love their sad faces. I am glad they got to see it, I don’t miss it either.
I’m with the girls… it’s fun for about 30 seconds!!!! Cute!!!
I’ll have to show my kids this so they appreciate the snow a little mroe. I love the boots!
I just looked at your forecast, I am way jealous! Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas, and looks like the snow was fun.
Too funny- love the target bags. We have to improvise when we get around to visiting the white stuff too. It’s fun to visit and play in, but even better to leave it behind. Your girls always look so cute too.
How funny!! I love how you wrote it like a children’s book…or so it seemed. You really need to be a colomnist, or write children’s books! You are the best writer ever!! That is how I feel in the snow, too!! However…my kids LOVE it!! So, I have to pretend to love it and jump out there with them. I usually just stand on the side and snap pictures though!! I loved the boots!! That definitely was a ‘classic’!! Loved that they started out SO excited with big huge grins, and ended up with the saddest, crying faces. Funny!
P.S. I am soooo jelous of your forcast!!! Can I take a little trip down and stay with you????
Love it! Bailey got to play in the snow for the first time last weekend. It is wierd to think that after growing up in phoenix that Rachel has spent 5 of her 6 years living in a place that snows. She also loves to eat snow. I think she sees our yard as one giant snow cone :-)