Did you all know that I started blogging in March of 2008? That means I’ve been blogging for nine years. NINE YEARS! Do you all know how much organizing I’ve shared in nine years? A lot. I’ve also shared a lot of decorating, fashion, and complete nonsense in that amount of time.
But that’s beside the point. :)
Today I’m sharing a round up of all of my past organization posts! Well.. most of them. I’m sure I’ve missed a few. Like I said, a lot of organizing has taken place in the past nine years. But most of my past organizing posts are linked all together here. Ideas on how to organize EVERY space in your house! In the survey I sent out at the beginning of the year many of you asked for ideas on how to organize smaller spaces and believe me, I’ve been there! I’ve broken things down into two categories – posts from our new/current home and then posts from our previous/older home (that was much smaller). I hope these past posts give you an organizing idea or two! Or twenty. :)
I’ve also got a lot of current organizing projects in the works around here that I’m hoping to share soon so the fun continues! For at least another nine years. ;) Make sure to subscribe to my blog at the end of this post if you haven’t already so you don’t miss what’s coming. I can’t promise less nonsense, but I can promise more organizing along with it. :)
To see all of the spaces I’ve organized in our new home click {HERE}.
(You can also check out our home tour {here}, see past decorating posts {here}, and check out my latest favorites in fashion/home decor {here}.)
Organized Craft Cupboard
Back to School Checklist
Oh The Organizers!
Organizing Inspiration/Ideas!
Organized binder for built-ins
Home decor binder re-do
Master Closet Organization (take one)
Master Closet Organization (take two)
Organized magazines
Organized Purse
Organized Bathroom Drawers
Under the bathroom sink
Laundry Room Cupboards
Cords and Cards
Wow! What a labor of love and organzing compiling all of this must have been Erin1 Thanks so much! Nine years is amazing! I don’t think I’ve been here since the beginning, but I know I’ve followed since maybe a year or so before you left your old house. I still keep extra pouches in my purse and I directly attribute that to you! :) I know I appreciate every photo and every word. I hope you continue to post for another 9 years at least! Thanks so much! :)
So sweet of you Jeanne! Thank you! Love that you organize your purse like I do! And I appreciate every kind word you say. It always makes my day to hear from you! :) XO
Reading material for weeks! Love it! So many wonderful ideas. Thanks doll!!!! xxoo
Thank YOU sweet Pam! xo
What I can not believe is haw fast the last nine years have flown by Erin!!! I remember you starting your blog while we were building our house and in July we will have been here for nine years! It’s just crazy to me! You’d think that since I’m sure I’ve read every one of your organizing posts for 9 years, that my own house would be a bit more organized!! Ha! I’m still in purging mode on my tidying mission! It’s coming slowly but surely! Well I hope surely!
Great idea on grouping all your posts though!
Oh my word.. time is just flying by Josie. I feel like that was yesterday that you moved into your new house! I miss those days when I saw you more! Time for you to move again.. next door to me. :) XO
Erin – Thank you so much for this timely post! I’m on a mission to take back my house & having this all in one place for reference is going to be awesome! So far, I’ve taken care of my closet, the storage room and part of the kitchen. Next up is finishing up the kitchen and my crafting space. Wish me luck as I’ll need it! 😉
Yea! Good luck Shannon! I hope the posts help! You are motivating me! :) xo
Oh how amazing! .. it’s pouring with rain here right now and my kids are on spring break… soo that means they are playing and I’m gonna settle diem with a diet coke and all these links. .. best rain day ever x
Oh my word.. sounds like such a fun day Heidi! Thanks for making my blog a part of it. :) xo
Hi Erin
If I everI won money I would totally recreate your house here in Perth Australia it is stunning it’s a style I wouldn’t go for but you have completely changed me I love it love your blog can’t wait to see more decor pics are you decorating kennys office or is that a room you are not aloud too lol can’t wait to see your master room and koles room ,
Your blog is the first I check everyday I’m driving my husband crazy cause I keep showing him all your rooms and telling him we should do this and this lol
Tess you are such a sweetheart! Thank you! My master and Kole’s room are coming! I’ll definitely show my husband’s office at some point too.. it just isn’t finished yet and has been a low priority.. ha! ;) It makes me so happy you check my blog often! That means a lot to me! Thank you! And tell your husband I’m sorry. ;) xo